Re Christ: Don't Trust Anything Written after 100 Ad; Plus New Group to Meet in September to Produce Something Creative about Pedophile Priest Crime

By Kay Ebeling
City of Angels
July 29, 2007

Been thinking a lot about the origin of this "sex problem" in the church with the priests. Going back to the actual definition and origin of the words: priest, secret, and sacred.

Someone told me recently that one of the most revolutionary ideas delivered by Christ was: "We are all priests." Instead of having to go through layers of human hierarchy and sacramental rites as in times BC, through Christ you just open your heart and talk directly to God. That democratization of religion was the main reason they crucified him.

So how did the Catholic Church end up with a structure that is almost the opposite of what it says to do in the New Testament?

The answer is: Don't trust anything written about Christ after 100 AD.


About a meeting September 9th 2007

I've been frustrated for awhile because the main organization for priest rape survivors keeps starting support groups in the suburbs but there's nothing here in Hollywood. So anyone who wants to meet with me and try to start something unique to LA, the first meeting will be Sunday September 9th at the Starbucks corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Western Avenue 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

Aside from a support group, I'm hoping we can put together something creative, like a play based on the Clergy Case documents. Believe me there is plenty of material there. Plays are cheaper than film. We could perform our play somewhere, anywhere, in a park. And tape it. Then put the play on a blog.

Now that might get results.

People tell me to quit complaining about that national support group and start something on my own. So that's what this meeting September 9th is about. Anyone can come, anyone interested in producing something, a TV show, a film, a play, a musical — something — to get the story about what really happened in the back rooms of the churches out to the public.

But no secrets. That's critical. No secrets. All this whole corruption in the Catholic Church is the result of too many secrets.

Why No Secretiveness:

It's the Root of All the Problems in the Church:

From Onlinne Etymology Dictionary

(The secrets led to the sacraments led to the sacriligeous acts in the sacristies.)


1378 (n.), 1399 (adj.), from L. secretus "set apart, withdrawn, hidden," originally pp. of secernere "to set apart," from se- "without, apart," prop. "on one's own" (from PIE *sed- see idiom) + cernere "separate"


c.1300, from pp. of obs. verb sacren "to make holy" (c.1225), from O.Fr. sacrer (12c.), from L. sacrare "to make sacred, consecrate," from sacer (gen. sacri) "sacred, dedicated, holy, accursed," from O.L. saceres, which Tucker connects to base *saq- "bind, restrict, enclose, protect," explaining that "words for both 'oath' & 'curse' are regularly words of 'binding.' "


O.E. halig "holy," from P.Gmc. *khailagas (cf. O.N. heilagr, Ger. heilig, Goth. hailags "holy"), adopted at conversion for L. sanctus.

The History of Paeophilia in the Catholic Church Rests on Secrecy

It stands to reason: How do they keep these "celibate" guys from going totally insane because of having to give up this very basic part of human life, sexuality.

Why not just give them access to children who will never know what hit them?

Problem was humans started living way past 40 and these truths started to come out. It's weird how so many people never even become cognizant that being raped by a priest was being "raped" and not alright until they get past 40 years old.

It's Not That There Weren't Pedophiles in the Priesthood the last Thousand Years:

People are Just Living Long Enough Today To Talk About Them.

Part of the reason the stories of pedophile priests are only coming out today is because people are living longer. Up to the 1950s most the priest rape crime victims didn't make it to an age old enough to be able to look at the rapes with wisdom and a mature perspective.

So — we've only just begun.

Couldn't resist transcribing this from a recent Dr. Phil show. He's talking about why a woman can't forgive her husband not just for cheating, but cheating with her sister.

As we crime victims have a hard time accepting an apology from Mahony, when it's not a truly heartfelt apology and it doesn't reflect the deep wounds and deep damage done by these crimes.

I changed a few words so Dr. Phil is talking to Mahony here and not the cheating husband. It helps explain why priest rape crime victims keep hounding the church for justice:

DR. PHIL: "It's that itch you can't scratch that wound that won't heal because you're not getting what you need.

"Until we believe that you understand what this did to our lives, that you understand the gravity of what you took away from us when you allowed this to happen, we will never be able to begin to let this go.

"Because we will not understand that you get what you did.

"You ran this church off in the ditch and it's your job to clean it up. And here's how you do that.

"You do that by truly listening, not explaining. . . not denying, not arguing facts. It's about feelings at this point. Everything you do for the next years will be about how you made them feel and how you make them feel.

"You've got to be trustworthy, you've got to tell the truth about everything, anything, everything that you did."

TO Cardinal Mahony: Practice that advice from Dr. Phil for the next couple decades and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to look at the Catholic Church as something other than total evil. . . someday, but for me, it's nowhere near that place today.

Note about the Pay Pay project.

I didn't start this blog as a way to make money. But I am broke. So I got the idea to put a PayPal button up. I'm not expecting thousands of dollars. But if people could just, when you read something here that you like, send me a high five, five dollars, or a high five times five or times 100. Whatever you can send, it makes it more possible for me to spend time on the blog instead of my wage slave job.

Apologists for the Church Couldn't Wait Even A Week:

Thanks to the LA Settlements in a Lot of Cases, we'll Never Know the truth:

And the church spin is to take advantage of that lack of knowledge:

"There is nothing in this case that has been developed in the way of evidence so far. I'm not saying it did not happen, and I'm not saying it did happen, because there has been literally no discovery in this lawsuit."

— Church Attorney Jim Geoly of Chicago who represents the Carmelites.

On a More Intelligent (Plaitiff's) Side:

"While our clients got justice, those who are responsible are not being held accountable, especially Cardinal Mahony.

"It's despicable that no county official will call for Mahony to resign. The DA said a couple of things, but—

" I wish the DA would be quiet and indict him. This is a city that likes to consider itself progressive, but in the scheme of things, they are giving him a pass. It's disheartening.

"No one in Congress, no city council members will speak out against him"

"If people worried about our children as much as they worry about illegal aliens, we'd be a lot better off."

—Plaintiff Attorney John Manly in LA Daily News July 17, 2007

Yes there will be


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