Fontanans Sound off on Roman Catholic Church Sex-Abuse Scandal and Settlement

Fontana Herald News
July 25, 2007

The Herald News sent reporter Bob Otto out into the street to ask people their thoughts on a topic on the minds of many people -- the Roman Catholic Church sex-abuse settlement.

We asked local residents: What do you think about the settlement that awarded $660 million to the victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy of the Los Angeles Archdiocese?

Joe Feld: I think the whole thing is so wrong. You end up losing respect for the church, which disrespected its fellow human beings. I'm ashamed that the church was allowed to get away with shuffling priests around. (The settlement) is an admission of guilt. At least the church had to pay a penalty. If people can be helped out from it, good. I'm a Catholic. I pray every night, but I don't go to church anymore. The child molestation got me to the point where I didn't want to go.

Brenda Oregon: As with any kind of religion, I don't think it should involve money. They should get to the bottom of it and priests should be judged by law just like anyone else. And if guilty, they should do their time. The church is a big organization that is shutting people up with money, and that's not right.

Jan Gregory: Money doesn't solve everything, but the settlement is fine. More responsibility should be put on the heads of the church. People aren't satisfied because the crimes are still hidden away and have gone unpunished. The church dragging its feet for years infuriates me.

Paul Jensen: Some of the abuse was true, I think, but some wasn't. That's a lot of money, and people will do anything to get the money out of the church, or any organization that has a lot of money. People who were molested should be in therapy and they should get money to help them, (especially) families that need the money and can't afford to pay for help. Priests (guilty of sexual abuse) should be kicked out of the church. I'm not a Catholic -- I'm a Christian. The scandal has affected a lot of people's trust. People think they can't trust their pastor anymore. A lot of people have turned away from the Lord because of what's happened.

Ron Peak: There is no other way they could have settled this. Financially was the only way they could compensate people, but it won't solve their problems. Money isn't the answer when people are damaged like that. The church doesn't allow priests to marry, and for some, they get sick gratification that way. Cardinal (Roger) Mahony knew all about the problem and he covered it up by transferring priests around. That was terrible.


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