Chronology: Statements on Settlement

The Tidings
July 20, 2007

Editor's note: Earlier this week, a series of statements, several from Cardinal Roger Mahony, were issued in connection with developments in the settlement of claims of clergy sexual abuse. They are presented in their entirety, in chronological order.

Los Angeles (CA) — Statement on Global Settlement of Outstanding Civil Lawsuits

(Issued by Cardinal Roger Mahony July 15)

After much prayer, time, and effort by all of the parties involved, I am able to announce to you today that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an agreement in principle with attorneys representing clergy sexual abuse victims in the 508 civil cases that remain filed against us.

While there is still work to be done to finalize the formal agreement, I believe that this agreement in principle represents a significant step toward final resolution of all of the sexual abuse claims filed against the Archdiocese these past few years.

The funding for the global settlement will be shared by the Archdiocese, Insurance Companies, various Religious Orders, and other named parties. I am grateful to the several Religious Orders which have stepped forward to take financial responsibility for cases in which their priests or brothers were accused. However, some Religious Orders and other defendants have declined to participate in the global settlement, and therefore, will be excluded from it.

At this time, I again offer my personal apology to every victim who has suffered sexual abuse by a priest, religious, deacon or layperson in this Archdiocese. It is the shared hope of everyone in our Local Church that these victims, many of whom suffered in silence for decades, may find a measure of healing and some sense of closure with today's announcement. Although financial compensation in itself is inadequate to make up for the harm done to the victims and their families, still this compensation does provide a meaningful outreach to assist the victims to rebuild their lives and to move forward.

Though the achievement of a global financial settlement is important, so too is the tremendous dedication of our parish leaders and parishioners who continue efforts to prevent sexual abuse and the potential for abuse through our abuse prevention training programs, screening procedures for all priests, employees and volunteers, and our age-appropriate safe environment programs for our children in our parishes and schools.

As I mentioned at the time of our settlement of 45 sexual misconduct cases last November, these settlements will have very serious and painful consequences for the Archdiocese. This is not the fault nor responsibility of the victims. Rather, we as an Archdiocese will be required to reevaluate all of our ministries and services since we will not be able to offer them at the same levels as in the past. We will also be required to sell non-essential properties in order to fund our portion of the settlements. However, I want to reassure you that no parish properties or parish schools will be affected as a result of these settlements.

Let us continue to pray, through the special intercession of Our Lady of the Angels, for healing for all victims of sexual abuse as well as for the future of our Local Church.

Joint Statement of Lead Attorneys for the Settlement of Outstanding Civil Lawsuits

(Issued by Ray Boucher and Michael Hennigan July 15)

Ray Boucher, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs and Michael Hennigan, the lead lawyer representing the Archdiocese of Los Angeles announced that they have reached an agreement in principle that would result in the settlement of the remaining 508 claims of clergy abuse filed against the Archdiocese.

While work on the agreement is continuing through the weekend, the parties involved in the settlement negotiations said they were confident they would be able to present a proposal to presiding judge Haley Fromholtz Monday morning. They said the proposed settlement would total approximately $660 million in a combination of money from the Archdiocese, its insurance carriers and several religious orders together with guarantees of the outcome of future litigation.

The Archdiocese will pay $250 million of the total cash, and guarantee future litigation against non-settling defendants.

Ray Boucher stated, "This historic settlement should bring closure and healing to the hundreds of victims who have been waiting more than five years for this moment. We are particularly acknowledging the courage of those victims who were prepared to take their cases to trial. Without them this settlement would not have been possible.

"We are continuing to work out the details of our agreement and look forward to appearing before Judge Fromholtz in court on Monday morning. We are grateful that this could finally be resolved fairly. I know the Archdiocese has worked diligently for years to accomplish this important result. We particularly appreciate the sensitivity and personal efforts of Cardinal Mahony in bringing important parts of this settlement together."

"I am grateful to all who have been involved in the negotiations, including the insurance carriers and the various religious orders," added Hennigan.

Statement Following Superior Court Settlement Meeting

(Issued by Cardinal Roger Mahony July 16)

I wish to express my gratitude to all those who participated in today's settlement meeting in Judge Haley Fromholtz's courtroom. I again extend my personal apology to victims who suffered sexual abuse by clergy and repeat again my steadfast commitment to continuing all of the abuse prevention programs and policies currently in force in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. As Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, I will also continue to meet with any victim of abuse who wishes to meet privately with me.

I am very aware that this day in particular is a day for the victims to speak, so I will refrain from further comment beyond these remarks and those I made yesterday during my press conference at the Cathedral. I will spend the remainder of today in prayer for the victims.


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