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Thursday Hotsheet at 3 a.m. Mayor Sam's Sister City July 19, 2007 Los Angeles — MayorSam is in the shade of the quiet redwoods that sequester the NoCal coast for the next few days, and your most uncalibrated scribe will try to keep the hotsheet going in his absence. This is a little like Tim Leary filling in for Walter Cronkite I realize, but if you'll indulge me a little, I just might get you angry enough to click back later when real content is here. Hell, if you read MayorSam, you probably already know what's going on better than I. But this item caught my eye this morning: Times to Church: Drop Dead. In case you missed it, the Church has been bad in recent years. High hypocrisy marks to the LA Times and media in general continuing to ride the molestation juggernaut even on days when there's no news. I've e-talked to an erstwhile news ed there about this recently, but he only seems proud of the track record to date. This story has been going on for over five years, even when there's no news to report, which there often isn't, like today; you'd think that at this point they'd at least wait for more real news, rather than run with news fragments. A priest once told me, "If you want to leave the Church, just pick up a newspaper; they publish something that'll help you along every day." I see that. That's not to say that the Times isn't above making news where there is none at the expense of other religions too. If you can believe it, this article on Valley Village suggests that the fact that the Neighborhood Council is heavily Orthodox Jewish has something to do with the passion of the debate over McMansionization there. The article uses the word "mansionization" though, likely so as not to offend the Irish, who may be the only folks drinking enough to still subscribe to the Times. Are you down with this look-ma-no-hands law on cellphones in your car? That's what most of my friends who work so hard they don't have time to read blogs are still talking about. And they remain badly uninformed, because the ban doesn't start until next year. Glad to clear that up. The bad date owes to an email rumor. If I were an economic forecaster, and didn't want to take a chance on any real forecasting, here's what I'd say: moderate growth, with a chance of a downturn. How can you lose? And that's exactly what Jack Kyser's economic thinktank "forecasts." Three a.m. I thought it was decaf. |
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