Settlement Reached in Sex Abuse Case against Jesuit Priest

Associated Press, carried in KTVA [Alaska]
April 2, 2007

A church official says two civil suits were settled against a former Jesuit priest who fathered at least two children and had sex with several women while serving in Alaska.

Two men and two women from western Alaska will share in a nearly two million dollar agreement, plus therapists fees, in their suit against the Reverend James E. Jacobson. The retired 83-year-old Jesuit priest served in Alaska from the early 1960s to 1976.

The men sued Jacobson for child support. The women, one of whom is the mother of a male plaintiff, accused him of rape. The Reverend John D. Whitney is head of the Society of Jesus in Oregon.

Whitney says he hopes that the agreement will start a process of reconciliation.


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