John Paul II the Great Deceiver and Bishop Brom of San Diego John Paul II Millstone February 23, 2007 The greatest Pope Deceiver is Pope John Paul II because he was able to cover-up the most heinous crime against thousands of children abused by his own Papal Pedophile-Priests Army within the Vatican and the Catholic Church for more than 26 years of his papacy... that's a quarter of a Century!
Well versed in the Bible and writer of countless encyclicals, homilies and speeches against communism and sins of all sorts, John Paul II was the CEO of his Bishops and together they were cohorts in the cover-up of the greatest crime against children in the history of the Catholic Church in the modern world.
. When will Catholics ever learn? When will those "Ghetto Catholics" ever learn that true sainthood is not and cannot be declared by Pope Deceivers like Benedict XVI, John Paul II's papal clone, and therefore should NEVER call John Paul II a "saint" --- not in American soil nor by American lips. . Like any great leader, John Paul II the Great could not have done it alone. He succeeded in -- this greatest Catholic Deception of clergy sexual abuse cover-up -- together with his Cardinals and Bishops. A classic Bishop Deceiver is Robert Brom of San Diego. He himself is accused of sexual misconduct with a young seminarian in recent years. . Below are eight articles that help us understand this web of Catholic Deception unfolding right before our eyes: 1. Bishop Brom paying off the sex-suit against him, by John in DC, professional journalist 2. Bishop Brom's deceptive move of bankruptcy, by Marci Hamilton, a lawyer, staunch defender of clergy abuse victims 3. SNAP's statement on Bishop Brom's bankruptcy plan, by Mary Grant of Long Beach, SNAP Western Regional Director 4. Bishop Brom's Covering up a sexual-abuse crisis, by Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea of the San Diego Tribune 5. Video of SNAP rally against the Diocese of San Diego 6. Pro-Bankruptcy and Pro-Bishop Brom, an article by J.F. Kelly, Jr., a retired Navy Captain and bank executive 7. Who is J.F. Kelly, Jr., by Sherlock (Holmes ala 21st Century), a lawyer 8. How the bankruptcy affect victims' day in court, Mark Sauer Union-Tribune Staff Writer |
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