Tracker 2006
Part 4: July–August
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles
about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse
See below for links to other parts or our article
archive and an engine for searching the archive.
JULY 2006
July 1
- Documentary
Details Abuse: Film Provides Chilling Look at Former Priest's Molestations,
by Linda Hughes-Kirchubel, Stockton Record (July 1, 2006)
- Faith
+ Values Forum: God Has Given Her What Church Hasn't: A Victim of Sexual
Abuse by a Nun Has Little Reason to Trust the Church, but She Has Never
Lost Faith in God, by Mary Dunford, Minneapolis Star Tribune (June
30, 2006)
- Local
Diocese Exceeds Goal for Donations: Parishioners Pledge $3.6 Million to
Fund 23 Catholic Ministries, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star
(July 1, 2006)
- A Baptism
in Business for Pastors, Laypeople: BC Program Would Be a First, by
Michael Paulson, Boston Globe, Massachusetts (July 1, 2006)
- Man
Facing Sex Charge Is Ex-Minister, by Betty Jespersen, Morning Sentinel
(July 1, 2006)
- Pastor
Charged after Sexual Relations: A Former Pastor in Oddernes, Kristiansand
in Southern Norway Has Now Been Charged with Abusing His Position to Acquire
Sex with a Young Woman, on Aftenposten, Norway (July 1, 2006)
- Sex-Offender
Registry Takes Shape: Ohio Online Program a First for Any State, by
Jim Provance, Toledo Blade (July 1, 2006)
- Lawmakers
May up Statute of Limitations for Sex Abuse Crimes, Associated Press
(July 1, 2006)
- Cornwall
Public Inquiry Establishes Research Agenda on Institutional Practices
and Policies, on CNW Telbec (June 30, 2006)
- Arizona
Polygamy Trials to Commence Despite Lack of Witnesses, by Jennifer
Dobner, Associated Press (June 30, 2006)
- Forgiveness
Is at Heart of Reconciliation, by Jerry Filteau, Tidings, United States
(June 30, 2006)
- Minister
Is Guilty of Child Rape: A Married Church Minister Is Facing a Life Sentence
after Pleading Guilty to 35 Counts of Child Abuse, Including Two Charges
of Raping an 11-Year-Old Boy, on BBC News, United Kingdom (June 29,
- Fugitive
Priest Still out of 'Reach': Extradition Attempt or Request for Trial
by Foreign Country Possible If Ochoa Is Found, by Guy Kovner, Press
Democrat, California (July 1, 2006)
- What
Ochoa Left behind Tells a Story: Parishioner Stuck Paying for Storage
Unit after Helping Accused Priest Move out, by Martin Espinoza, Press
Democrat, California (July 1, 2006)
- Book
Says Abuse by Priests Nothing New: Author Says Catholic Church Has Had
a Problem for Centuries, Still Isn't Handling It Well, by David Yonke,
Toledo Blade (July 1, 2006)
- Catholic
High School Settles 1979 Abuse Allegations for $700,000, by Matthai
Chakko Kuruvila, San Francisco Chronicle, Richmond CA (June 30, 2006)
July 2
- Woman,
Priest Say Abuser Still in Public Ministry, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew
America, Pennsylvania (July 1, 2006)
- A
Worthy Compromise, in Boston Herald, Massachusetts (July 2, 2006)
- For
the Record, in Los Angeles Times (June 28, 2006)
- Pastor
Held in Rape of Church Member, in The Ledger, Cocoa FL (July 1, 2006)
- Two Held
on Rape Charge: Efforts Are on to Arrest the Rest of the Accused in the
Case, in Hindu, India (June 30, 2006)
July 3
- Church
Case Back in Court This Week, by Kevin O'Connor, Times Argus, Vermont
(July 3, 2006)
- Letters
Detail Charges of Abuse by Priest, by Bill Zajac, The Republican, Vermont
(July 3, 2006)
- Family
Says Treatment Was Unjust, by Colin Hickey, Morning Sentinel (July 3,
- Breaking
News: Priest on Child Porn Charges, in Leamington Spa Today, United
Kingdom (July 3, 2006)
July 4
- Pastor
Asked to Step down over Alleged Abuse, by Michael Crist, Daily Local
(July 4, 2006)
- 'Clergy
Sexually Abusing Their Flock': Anglican Priest Calls for Removal of Guilty
Ones from Front-Line Duties, by TK Whyte, Jamaica Observer (July 4,
- Op-Ed: Impact
of Incest Lingers for Male Victims As Well, by B. Lee Coyne, Salem-News
(July 3, 2006)
- Hearing
Set on Request for Judge's Removal, in Boston.com (July 3, 2006)
- Legislators
to Consider Compromise on Sex Abuse Bill: Grants More Time to Victims,
by Russell Nichols, Boston Globe, Massachusetts (July 4, 2006)
- Port Dover:
Sentence Expected Today for Former Priest, in CD98.9, Canada (July 4,
- Chesco
Pastor Removed over 1970s Abuse Case, by Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia
Inquirer, Pennsylvania (July 4, 2006)
- Shrine
Priest Busted for Molesting High School Girl, in The Mainichi, Japan
(July 4, 2006)
July 5
- Priest
Gets Five Years for Abusing Altar Boys, by Paul Legall, Hamilton Spectator,
Simcoe (July 5, 2006)
- Priest
Gets 5 Years: With Konstanty Przybylski off to Prison, His Victims -- Former
Altar Boys -- Can Try to 'Rebuild and Heal.', by Jane Sims, London Free
Press, Canada (July 5, 2006)
- Memory
of Clerical Abuse Still Haunts Author, by Danielle Portteus, Toledo
Free Press (July 5, 2006)
- Priest
Admits 1970s Abuse at Gormanston: Judge to Consider Victim Impact Reports
Prior to Sentencing, in Irish Independent (July 5, 2006)
- Diocese
Recusal Request Headed to Court, by Adam Silverman, Burlington Free
Press, Vermont (July 5, 2006)
- Vercellotti
Recovering from Fire, by Danielle Portteus, Toledo Free Press (July
5, 2006)
- Church
Removes Pastor It Determines Abused Child in 1970s, on NBC 10 (July
5, 2006)
- Priest
Cleared of Abuse Claim, by John Cooney, One in Four, Ireland (July 3,
- Catholicism
'Faces Biggest Crisis since Reformation', by Ruth Gledhill, The Times,
United Kingdom (July 4, 2006)
- Wenceslao:
Erring Priests, by Bong O. Wenceslao, Sun.Star, Philippines (July 6,
July 6
- Zero
Tolerance for Church Not Reporting Abuse, by Hope McNeil and Larry McNeil,
Times-Standard, California (July 6, 2006)
- Diocese,
Plaintiffs Square off over Judge, by Louis Porter, Times Argus (July
6, 2006)
- St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton's Senior Pastor, the Rev. Millane, Is Retiring,
by Dale Quinn, Arizona Daily Star, Tucson AZ (July 6, 2006)
- 'Heaven'
Is on the Block: Abuse Victims to Benefit from Sale of Retired Priest's
Cottage, by Dave Altimari, Hartford Courant (July 6, 2006)
- Diocese
Expresses Regret for Abuse, by Jane Sims, London Free Press, Canada
(July 6, 2006)
- Abuse
Extension Bill Clears Panel, by Dan Ring, The Republican (July 6, 2006)
- Child
Protection Policies Working: The Catholic Office for the Protection of Children
and Vulnerable Adults (COPCA) Has Reported a Drop in the Number of Cases
Involving Church Personnel from 100 (2004) to 60 (2005), by Paul Donovan,
Universe Newsroom, United Kingdom (July 6, 2006)
- Sentencing
Set for Former Clayton Priest: Man Pleaded Guilty to Having Sex with Teen,
by Michael Smith, Amarillo Globe News, New Mexico (July 6, 2006)
- Here's
Hoping Diocese Gets Fair Coverage, in Herald News, Joliet IL (July 6,
- Defrocked
Rabbi's Jerusalem Lecture Cancelled after Threats, by Daphna Berman,
Haaretz, Israel (July 6, 2006)
- Priest's
Denial over Child Porn, by Ben Griffin, icCoventry, United Kingdom (July
4, 2006)
- Catholic
Groups Angered at Diocese, by Emily Setzer, Sonoma News, Santa Rosa
CA (July 6, 2006)
- Dolan
Braces Archdiocese for Priest Sex Abuse Costs: Bankruptcy a Possibility
As California Cases Move toward Trial, by Tom Heinen, Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel (July 6, 2006)
- Sonoma
County DA Urged to Investigate Catholic Diocese, on KCBS (July 7, 2006)
- Rueger
Accuser Found Dead, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (July
7, 2006)
- Clergy
Abuse Victims Ask DA to Investigate Santa Rosa Diocese, on CBS 5, Santa
Rosa BCN (July 7, 2006)
- Family,
Diocese Clash over Handling of Case, by Colin Hickey, Kennbec Journal
(July 7, 2006)
- Diocese
Mediation Starts Today: No Major Breakthroughs Expected in Meeting with
Bankruptcy Judge, by John Stucke, Spokesman-Review, Spokane WA (July
7, 2006)
- Abuse
Crackdown Gives Some Religious Institutions a Pass, by Wayne Laugesen,
National Catholic Register (July 6, 2006)
- Changing
the Rules: Selective Justice for Catholic Institutions, by L. Martin
Nussbaum, Tidings, United States (July 7, 2006)
- U.S.
Dioceses Facing Financial Squeeze, Foundation Leader Says, in The Tidings,
United States (July 7, 2006)
- Anne
Burke Sworn in to State's Supreme Court, by Rummana Hussain, Chicago
Sun-Times, Illinois (July 7, 2006)
- Pastor
Bob Gray Arrested Again: Accused of Molesting a Boy Years Ago, by Jeannie
Blaylock, First Coast News (July 6, 2006)
- Former
Trinity Pastor Back in Jail on New Sex Charge, on News4Jax (July 6,
- New Suit
Alleges Abuse by Priest, by Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(July 7, 2006)
- Abuse
Cover-Up in Schools Seen As Church's Deep Pockets Targeted, by Wayne
Laugesen, National Catholic Register (July 6, 2006)
- D.A. Urged
to Investigate SR Diocese: Victims' Group Asks Passalacqua to 'Seriously
Consider' Charges against Bishop, 3 Other Officials, by Lori A. Carter,
Press Democrat, Sonoma CA (July 7, 2006)
- Spokane
Diocese Reaches Abuse Agreement, Associated Press (July 7, 2006)
- St. Louis
Priest Faces Another Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Bob Priddy, Missourinet,
St. Louis MO (July 7, 2006)
- Exclusive
Excerpt from Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew
America (July 7, 2006)
- Exclusive:
Dr. Gray Molested Me As a Boy, by Jeannie Blaylock, First Coast News
(July 6, 2006)
- School
Warned Teacher 'Before Sex Abuse', by Nick Henderson, The Advertiser,
Australia (July 8, 2006)
- Accused
Priest May Have Fled the Country: Faces 10 Counts of Child Sex Abuse,
by Heather Ishimaru, KGO, Sonoma CA (July 7, 2006)
- Catholic
Archdiocese Sells Central Offices to Pay for Lawsuits, on WOOD (July
8, 2006)
- Suit
against Diocese to Go to Court, by Brian Liberatore, Press & Sun-Bulletin
(July 8, 2006)
- Testimony
Shows Man Took Teen Bride after 'Marriage' with Her Mom, by Brooke Adams,
Salt Lake Tribune (July 8, 2006)
- Papers
Detail Rape Case: Pastor Accused of Assaults on Girl, 11, Who Gave Birth,
by Matt Burgard, Hartford Courant (July 8, 2006)
- The
Future of the Catholic Church in Britain: Summary, in futurecatholic
(July 8, 2006)
- Jury
Hears of Abuse 35 Years Ago: Richmond: Lawyer for Salesian Characterizes
Accusations against Priest Made by Former Student As 'Bizarre Tale',
by Bruce Gerstman, Contra Costa Times, Richmond CA (July 8, 2006)
- Priest
Welcomed Back to Work after Suffering False Allegations, by Fintan Deere,
Universe Newsroom, Ireland (July 8, 2006)
- Priest
Charged with Rape Wants to Ditch Ankle Monitor, by Amy Sherman, Centre
Daily, Pennsylvania (July 8, 2006)
- Moral
Questions in Teen Rape, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 8, 2006)
- Cops Raid
Deacon's House: Say They Have Copy of 'Sex' Video, by Vaughn Davis,
Jamaica Observer (July 8, 2006)
- Cops Quiz
Deacon - Two Teenagers Detained in Child Abuse Case, by Daraine Luton
and Keisha Hill, Jamaica Gleaner (July 7, 2006)
- Church
under Probe - Schoolgirl Allegedly Gang-Raped While Deacon Watched,
by Daraine Luton and Keisha Hill, Jamaica Gleaner (July 6, 2006)
- Church
Deacon Arrested in Gang Rape Case, in Radio Jamaica (July 6, 2006)
- Police
Close to Wrapping up Taped Rape Case, on RJR, Jamaica (July 7, 2006)
- Church
Deacon Arrested in Gang Rape Case, on RJR, Jamaica (July 6, 2006)
- Protecting
Virginia's Children, by Betty Wade Coyle, Daily Press, Virginia (July
8, 2006)
- Spokane
Diocese Tries to Clean Up "A Hell of a Mess", by Janet I. Tu, Seattle
Times (July 8, 2006)
July 9
- How
Catholicism Fell from Grace in Ireland: Country Doesn't Even Have Enough
Priests, by Tom Hundley, Chicago Tribune, Ireland (July 9, 2006)
- The Sins
of Our Fathers, by Dave Janoski, Times Leader, Scranton PA (July 9,
- The Shame
of the Diocese: Allegations? Move Father Caparelli. More Allegations? Move
Father Caparelli. Convictions? Keep Quiet, by Dave Janoski, Times Leader,
Scranton PA (July 9, 2006)
- A Church
Re-Educates Itself: Changing Attitudes: The Catholic Church Has Mandated
Special Training to Recognize Sexual Abuse and Abusers, by Mark Guydish,
Times Leader, Scranton PA (July 9, 2006)
- Priests
Feel Hurt, Angry, Guilty by Association: When Scandal Breaks, Say Innocent
Pastors, They and Flock Get Caught in Turmoil, by Mary Therese Biebel,
Times Leader, Scranton PA (July 9, 2006)
- Church
under Attack - Groups Lash Deacon for Involvement in Gang-Rape of 14-y-o,
by Daraine Luton and Keisha Hill, Jamaica Gleaner (July 9, 2006)
- By Order,
Management, by John Maxwell, Jamaica Observer (July 9, 2006)
- Church
under Probe after Heinous Crime, in Jamaica Newsweekly (July 6, 2006)
- Defrocked
Rabbi Cannot Violate Anonymous Bloggers' First Amendment Rights, Public
Citizen Tells Court: Subpoena to Reveal Writers' Identities Is Unconstitutional,
in All American Patriots (July 9, 2006)
- Dr
Hollingworth's Regal Return to the Pulpit, by Jonathan Green, The Age,
Australia (July 10, 2006)
July 10
- Nelspruit
Man on Rape, Incest Charges after Daughter Has 3 Children That Could Be
His, by Siyabonga Mkhwanazi, Cape Times (July 10, 2006)
- Church
Founder Lashes Whistle Blowers, by Daraine Luton, Jamaica Gleaner (July
10, 2006)
- Church
Defends Deacon in Child Sex Case: Says God Will Punish Member Who Leaked
Info, in Jamaica Observer (July 10, 2006)
- Letters
Indicate Troubling Ochoa Behavior: Past Correspondence between Sr Diocese,
Alleged Victim's Family Suggests Harassment, by Martin Espinoza, Press
Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (July 9, 2006)
- Bishops
Support Changes in Limitations Law, in Catholic Free Press, Massachusetts
(July 7, 2006)
- Secret
House for 'Immoral' Clergy Set up in the 1940s, in Irish Independent
(July 10, 2006)
July 11
- Pastor
Has Faith in His Legacy: He Has Departed South Salem for Portland Cathedral,
by Thelma Guerrero, Statesman Journal (July 11, 2006)
- Pope
Picks Burke for Church Court, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(July 10, 2006)
- Ex-Chaplain
Goes to Prison, by Julie Wallace, Beacon Journal (July 11, 2006)
- Chaplain
Sentenced for Having Sex with 4 Girls: Robertson Pleaded Guilty to 54 Counts
of Sexual Battery, on NewsNet5 (July 11, 2006)
- Protest
outside Dayton Avenue Church of God, in Jamaica Observer (July 11, 2006)
- Repulsive
Words from Dayton Avenue Church of God, in Jamaica Observer (July 11,
- We Are the
Mothers, by Betty Ann Blaine, Jamaica Observer (July 11, 2006)
- Religious
Commitment and Duty, in Jamaica Observer (July 11, 2006)
- Protesters
Slam Church for Defending Deacon, by Daraine Luton and Keisha Hill,
Jamaica Gleaner (July 11, 2006)
- Concerned
Citizens and Christian Lawyers Speak out against Dayton Avenue Church of
God, in RJR, Jamaica (July 10, 2006)
- Abuse
Claims Refuted, Upheld: Richmond: Former Altar Boy Says He Was Molested
As Teen at Salesian High; One Witness Calls Sex Charge 'Ludicrous',
by Ryan Huff, West County Times, Richmond CA (July 11, 2006)
- Parents
Accuse Church of Covering up Rape, in Miami Herald, Jamaica (July 11,
- Church
Founder Lashes Whistleblowers, in Caymanian Compass, Jamaica (July 11,
- Morning
Note from the Newsroom: the Church Series, in Times Leader, Scranton
PA (July 11, 2006)
- Minister
Pleads Not Guilty to Rape Charges, Associated Press (July 11, 2006)
July 12
- Skylstad:
Diocese Can Raise $35 Million for Settlements, by Nicholas K. Geranios,
KGW, Spokane WA (July 12, 2006)
- Crisis
Leads to More Media Savvy: Specialists See Improvement in Bishops' Dealings
with Press since Height of Abuse Scandal, by Tom Carney, National Catholic
Reporter, United States (July 14, 2006)
- Trial to
Begin Wednesday for Jefferson Moore, by Casey Knaupp, Tyler Morning
Telegraph (July 11, 2006)
- With New
Play, Breslin Keeps Focuson What Matters: Real People, by Kevin Cullen,
Boston Globe (July 12, 2006)
- Magistrate
Refuses Application for Release of Deacon, Two Teenage Boys, by T K
Whyte and Vaughn Davis, Jamaica Observer (July 12, 2006)
- Trial Date
to Be Set for Ralph Rowe, in CNW, Canada (July 11, 2006)
- Police
Charge Deacon and Teens Implicated in Sexual Assault Case, in RJR, Jamaica
(July 11, 2006)
- Know the
Five Steps to Protect God's Children, in The Tidings, Los Angeles CA
(July 14, 2006)
- Residential
School Package Approved by Federal Cabinet, in Saskatchewan Sage, Canada
(July 12, 2006)
- Former
Ohio Police Chaplain Sentenced for Having Sex with Girls: Man Pleaded Guilty
to 54 Counts, on NBC4i (July 11, 2006)
- Cathedral
Rallies Planned: Supporters Favor Extending Statute of Limitations,
by Bronislaus B. Kush, Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Massachusetts (July
12, 2006)
- Pastor
Pleads Not Guilty in Rape Case: Followers Show Support for Churchman Accused
of Four Assaults; DNA Suggests Girl, Now 12, Had His Child, by Matt
Burgard, Hartford Courant (July 12, 2006)
- Priest
Abuse Claims Disputed in Court: Richmond: Both Sides Using Defendant's Exaggeration
of Symptoms to Bolster Their Statements, by Kelli Phillips, Contra Costa
Times, California (July 12, 2006)
- Trauma
Has a Face, by Eulalee Thompson, Jamaica Gleaner (July 12, 2006)
- Deacon,
Teens Face Court Today, by Glenroy Sinclair and Keisha Hill, Jamaica
Gleaner (July 12, 2006)
- Be
Willing to Dare, by Beverley Anderson-Manley, Jamaica Gleaner (July
10, 2006)
- $145,000
Payout for Boy Abused by Church Official, by Fergus Shiel, The Age,
Australia (July 13, 2006)
- Slap in
the Face or on the Wrist? – Legionaries Stay on Task Despite Penance of
Its Charismatic Founder, by Michelle Martin, Catholic Online (July 12,
- Rabbi
Challenges Right to Anonymity on Internet, by Rebecca Spence, Forward,
New York (July 13, 2006)
July 13
- Lionsgate
Signs on to Deliver US from Evil, in Finanzen (July 13, 2006)
- Priest's
Court Date Is Aug. 23, in Democrat & Chronicle (July 13, 2006)
- Abuse
Witnesses Muzzled? Priest's E-Mail: Diocese Attorney Told 3 Church Workers
to Be 'Less Than Honest', by Dave Janoski, Times Leader (July 13, 2006)
- Moore
Jury Hears Taped Testimony from Victim, by Casey Knaupp, Tyler Morning
Telegraph (July 12, 2006)
- Deacon,
Three Teenage Boys Denied Bail, by Vaughn Davis, Jamaica Observer (July
13, 2006)
- Dayton
Avenue Chruch of God Apologizes for Fallen Deacon, in RJR, Jamaica (July
12, 2006)
- No Bail for
Deacon, by Daraine Luton and Keisha Hill, Jamaica Gleaner (July 13,
- Porn
Priest Spared Jail, in Salisbury Journal, United Kingdom (July 13, 2006)
- Former
Pastor Gets Probation for Child Sex Assault, on CBS 4 (July 13, 2006)
July 14
- Dallas
Bishop to Offer Resignation: Growth: He Hopes for Hispanic Successor to
Lead Booming Population, by Jeffrey Weiss and Brooks Egerton, WFAA,
Dallas TX (July 14, 2006)
- Louisville's
Archbishop Kelly Turns 75, by Bruce Schreiner, Associated Press, carried
in WHAS (July 14, 2006)
- The
Double Standard in Child Sexual Abuse, in The Oregonian (July 14, 2006)
- Sex Abuse
Scandal, Lawsuits, Calls for His Job Abounded, but He Remained Quiet, Defiant,
by Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning News (July 14, 2006)
- Sex,
Betrayal and Videotapes, by Barbara Gloudon, Jamaica Observer (July
14, 2006)
- Activist
Objects to Visit by Cardinal, by Linda Maule, Forecaster (July 14, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Seeks New Trial, in Yankton Press & Dakotan (July 14, 2006)
- Ex-Priest,
City Sanitation Worker Charged in Nassau Sex Sting, in The Northender,
Long Island NY (July 14, 2006)
- Pedophile
Priest Loved Victim, Court Told, by Lauren Ahwan, Sunday Mail, Australia
(July 14, 2006)
- Former
Priest's Sentencing Postponed: Herek's Request for New Trial under Consideration,
on KETV (July 13, 2006)
- Diocese
under Criminal Review: D.A. Looking into Delayed Report of Possible Abuse
by Ochoa, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (July 14, 2006)
- Prosecutors
Probe Diocese for Delay in Sex Abuse Reporting, Associated Press (July
14, 2006)
- Investigation
into Sonoma Priest's Activity Broadens, on CBS 5, Santa Rosa CA (July
14, 2006)
- Bishop
Says $35 Million Available to Settle Suits, by Nicholas K. Geranios,
Associated Press (July 12, 2006)
- Woman
Lost Job to Act over Abuse, by Nick Henderson, The Advertiser, Australia
(July 15, 2006)
- Churchwoman
Has Hell of a Spirit, by Leighton Levy, Jamaica Star (July 14, 2006)
July 15
- JCC Wants
Sex-Abuse Manual: President Admits Churches Not on Top of Sexuality Issue,
by T K Whyte, Jamaica Observer (July 15, 2006)
- Sex
Offence Protocol for Churches - Document in Embryonic Stage, Says Archbishop
of Kingston, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 15, 2006)
- Ex-Greenville
Priest Sues Green Bay Diocese: Rev. Zickert Says He Was Forced to Resign
over False Allegations, by Cheryl Sherry, Post-Crescent (July 15, 2006)
- Indian
Priest Visiting Fla. Panhandle Accused of Sexual Abuse, Associated Press
(July 15, 2006)
July 16
- Visiting
Priest Accused of Abuse, in The Ledger, Bonifay FL (July 16, 2006)
- It's a Judgement
Call: Pastors Says They Cooperate with Police, Sometimes, by Luke Douglas,
Jamaica Observer (July 16, 2006)
- R.I. Fares
Better Than Other States in Solving Church's Shortage of Priests, by
Arthur Kimball-Stanley, Providence Journal (July 14, 2006)
- Crossville
Residents Warned of Alleged Sexual Predator, by Melissa DiPane, WATE
(July 15, 2006)
- Churches,
Medics, Schools Reporting More Sex Abuse Cases, by Luke Douglas, Jamaica
Observer (July 16, 2006)
- Priest Who
Says He Was Forced to Resign Sues, Associated Press (July 15, 2006)
- Priest
Was Open about Relationship, by Donna Porstner and Angela Carella, Stamford
Advocate, Darien CT (July 16, 2006)
- East
Valley News Briefs: Suspended Priest to Get Hearing, in Arizona Republic
(July 16, 2006)
- Time
Limit for Child Sex Cases Is Expanded, by Domingo Ramirez Jr., Fort
Worth Star-Telegram, Texas (July 15, 2006)
- The Church
and Secrecy, by Ian Boyne, Jamaica Gleaner (July 16, 2006)
July 17
- Bishops
Targeted by Group, by Bill Zajac, The Republican, United States (July
17, 2006)
- Justice
Is Put on Hold, editorial in Philadelphia Inquirer (July 17, 2006)
- Courts
Will Weigh Offers to Abused Native Students: Compensation by Federal Government
to Residential School Students Long Overdue, by Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver
Sun, Canada (July 17, 2006)
- Prime
Minister Condemns Sexual Abuse of Teenager, by Rasbert Turner, Jamaica
Gleaner (July 17, 2006)
- Activists
Rally for Repeal of Diocese Sex Crime Statute, by Curt Brown, Standard-Times
(July 17, 2006)
- Sexing
up Things, by Orville W. Taylor, Jamaica Gleaner (July 16, 2006)
- New Leader
of Voice of the Faithful Hopes to Improve Dialogue with Diocese, by
Dan Tepfer, Connecticut Post (July 16, 2006)
- A Crescendo
of Grief, by Jean Lowrie-Chin, Jamaica Observer (July 17, 2006)
- Downsizing
and the Catholic Church, by Richard W. Garnett, USA Today, United States
(July 16, 2006)
- Paying
Lip Service to Sexual Equality, by Emily Maguire, Sydney Morning Herald,
United Kingdom (July 18, 2006)
- Supreme
Court Sends Priest Sex Case Back to Superior Court, Associated Press
(July 17, 2006)
July 18
- Court
Allows Norwich Sexual Assault Suit, in Norwich Bulletin (July 18, 2006)
- High Court
Eases Abuse Case, by Lynne Tuohy, Hartford Courant (July 18, 2006)
- Man Who Accused
Rueger of Molestation Now 'At Peace', by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram
& Gazette (July 18, 2006)
- Supreme
Court Sends Priest Sex Case Back to Superior Court, Associated Press
(July 17, 2006)
- Finding
a True Church, by Devon Dick, Jamaica Gleaner (July 18, 2006)
- Uncle
Jimmy, by Antoinette Shakespeare, Jamaica Observer (July 18, 2006)
- Priest
Booted after Sex-Abuse Reports: Bennison Removed from Bay Area Church on
Past Upland Suspicions, by Caroline An, Daily Bulletin (July 18, 2006)
- Former
Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Chats, in 1010 WINS (July 17, 2006)
Wants Former High Court Judge off Judicial Services Commission, in Radio
Jamaica (July 17, 2006)
- Lawyers
under Fire for €29m Redress Board Fees, by Paul Kelly, Irish Examiner
(July 18, 2006)
- Priest
Sentenced for Sex Abuse, on TMJ4 (July 18, 2006)
July 19
- $600,000
Awarded to Priest Abuse Victim, by Chris Metinko, Contra Costa Times
(July 18, 2006)
- Priest
Gets 7 Years for Abuse: 20 Years' Probation Begins Now While Conviction
Appealed, by Courtney Flynn, Chicago Tribune (July 19, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Nailed in Net Sting Pleads: Thomas Bender Admits to Sex Chats with Officer
Posing As Teenage Boy, in Morning Call, Pennsylvania (July 19, 2006)
- Where,
Sadly, the Buck Stops, editorial in MilwaukeeJournalSentinel (July 18,
- Groups
Critical, by Joseph Demartino, Herald News (July 19, 2006)
- Archdiocese
Asks Judge to Throw out Abuse Case: 12 Plaintiffs Filed Class-Action Suit
Last Month, by Michael Hinkelman, Philadelphia Daily News (July 19,
- Church
Rebuked for Cover-Up by Elder, by Petrina Francis, Jamaica Gleaner (July
19, 2006)
- Government
of Jamaica to Draft Child Porn Law, by Daraine Luton, Jamaica Gleaner
(July 19, 2006)
- The
Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (ksac) to Probe Dayton Church, in
Jamaica Gleaner (July 19, 2006)
- Church
at Centre of Sex Scandal Operating Illegally, Says Mayor, by Alicia
Dunkley, Jamaica Observer (July 19, 2006)
- When
Marriage Is Illegal: Polygamy Is Notoriously Hard to Prosecute, but a Recent
Legal Victory May Open the Door for More Cases, by Peta Owens-Liston,
Time, Utah (July 18, 2006)
- Appeal
Made to Local Churches to Revise Child Abuse Prevention Measures, in
RJR, Jamaica (July 18, 2006)
- School
Abuse: The Horrors, by Mary-Ellen Lang, CBC News, Canada (July 19, 2006)
- Sunday
School Teacher Feels 'Hurt' over Church Scandal, by Nadine Wilson, Jamaica
Observer, Jamaica (July 19, 2006)
- Priest's
Abuse Accuser Says Limitations Law Doesn't Apply, by David Yonke, Toledo
Blade (July 19, 2006)
- Illinois
Priest Gets 7-Year Term in '60s Incidents, in Chippewa Herald (July
18, 2006)
- Priest
Faces Public Indecency Charges, on NTV, Elm Creek NE (July 18, 2006)
- Martinez
Man Wins $600,000 Settlement in Priest Abuse Case, on ABC30, California
(July 19, 2006)
- Woman Says
Limits Don't Apply to Priest Convicted of Killing Nun, Associated Press
(July 19, 2006)
- Priest
May Face Prison, by Mike Heine, Janesville Gazette (July 19, 2006)
- Lawyer
Accuses Church of Withholding Documents, on WCAX (July 19, 2006)
July 20
- Sex-Abuse
Suits against Orlando Diocese Settled, by Mark I. Pinsky, Orlando Sentinel
(July 20, 2006)
- Archdiocese
Settles Sexual Abuse Claims, by Ihosvani Rodriguez, Sun-Sentinel, Florida
(July 20, 2006)
- Looking
for Justice in Church Abuse Case: But It May Never Be Found, in Philadelphia
Daily News (July 20, 2006)
- 14 Lawsuits
Claiming Abuse by Fl. Clergy Settled for $1.6 Million, Associated Press
(July 19, 2006)
- Sex-Abuse
Cases against Diocese Win Postponement until Next Year, by Mark Sauer,
Union-Tribune (July 20, 2006)
- Lawyer
Accuses Church of Hiding Documents, Associated Press (July 20, 2006)
- Porn
Charges against Pastor Detailed, by Rob Seal, Daily Progress, Charlottesville
VA (July 20, 2006)
- The
Church Contrite and Hurt, editorial in Jamaica Observer (July 20, 2006)
- Albany
Temple Fires Cantor: Letter Cites Episode of "Inappropriate Behavior"
As Prosecutor Takes Look, by Marc Parry, Albany Times Union (July 19,
- Church
Dayton to Receive Notice, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 20, 2006)
- Baptist
Pastor Acquitted of Rape Charge, Associated Press (July 20, 2006)
- Former
Pastor Found Not Guilty of Raping Woman in Congregation, by James F.
McCarty, Cleveland Plain Dealer (July 19, 2006)
- Sex and
the Church, by Raulston Nembhard, Jamaica Observer (July 18, 2006)
- Convicted
Priest Subject of Film: Deliver US from Evil, Coming This Fall, Tells the
True Story of Pedophiliac Catholic Priest Oliver O'Grady, Including Interviews
with O'Grady and Victims, in Christianity Today, Los Angeles CA (July
17, 2006)
- State
Intends to Make Sexual Abuse Victim Pay Its Legal Costs, by Dan Buckley,
in One in Four, Ireland (July 20, 2006)
July 21
- Ex-Deacon
Gets 1 Year for Abuse: James Gonsalves of Maui Will Also Have 20 Years'
Probation, by Mary Adamski and Gary T. Kubota, Honoluly Star-Bulletin
(June 22, 2005)
- Judge Rules
Trust Fund Off-Limits to Settle Any Abuse Claims, Associated Press,
Portland OR (July 21, 2006)
- Murder
Case Venue Changed, by Marla A. Goldberg, Republican (July 21, 2006)
- Archdiocese
Pays $750,000 in 6 Sex Cases: Six Sexual Abuse Cases Amounting to $750,000
Have Been Settled by South Florida's Catholic Archdiocese, by Amy Sherman,
Miami Herald (July 21, 2006)
- Deacon
Gets Year in Sex Case, by Christie Wilson, Honolulu Advertiser (July
21, 2006)
- Former
Deacon Gets One-Year Sentence, by Brooks Baehr, KGMB, Hawaii (July 20,
- A Former
Maui Deacon Is Sentenced to Prison, by Gina Mangieri, KHON, Hawaii (July
20, 2006)
- Former
Maui Deacon Sentenced to Prison in Sex Assault Case, on TheHawaiiChannel.com,
Hawaii (July 20, 2006)
- Local
Minister Indicted for Sex Crimes, by Denise Alex, WTAP, West Virginia
(July 21, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Herek Loses Bid for New Trial, in Sioux City Journal (July 21, 2006)
- A&E
Briefs | Seattle Rep to Stage Shanley's "Doubt", in Seattle
Times (July 21, 2006)
- Disgraced
US Rabi Drops Legal Challenge to Identify Bloggers, by Oliver Luft,
Journalism.co.uk, United States (July 21, 2006)
- Victims
of Clergy Sex Abuse to Gather for Conference, by Jeff Diamant, Star-Ledger,
Jersey City NJ (July 21, 2006)
- Deacon
Returns to Court Today, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 21, 2006)
- Judge
Blocks Depositions for Alleged Springfield Abuse Victims, by Adam Gorlick,
Associated Press (July 21, 2006)
- SR Bishop
Kept Abuse Case Secret: Diocese Confirms Priest, Who Died in 2004, Suspended
in 2002 after Allegations, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (July
21, 2006)
July 22
- Aide:
Church Knew of Priest's Woes: Court Documents Paint a Disturbing Picture
of a Priest Who Is Accused of Molesting Young Boys, by Wanda J. DeMarzo,
Miami Herald (July 22, 2006)
- The
Career of the Rev. Neil Doherty, in Miami Herald (July 22, 2006)
- Diocese
Acknowledges 1971 Abuse Allegations, on CBS 5, Santa Rosa BCN (July
21, 2006)
- Gonsalves
Gets a Year, by Melissa Tanji, Maui News (July 21, 2006)
- Bishop
Dupre Still in Treatment, by Bill Zajac, Republican, Springfield MA
(July 22, 2006)
- Key
Change in Abuse Law Held in House Exclusive: Bill Would Open a One-Year
" Window" for Victims to Bring Civil Suits, Even Though the Statutes
of Limitations Have Expired, by Dave Janoski, Times Leader, Pennsylvania
(July 22, 2006)
- Boys Plead
Guilty, No Bail for Deacon, by Daraine Luton and Keisha Hill, Jamaica
Gleaner (July 22, 2006)
- Sex-Deacon
Case Takes New Turn: Two Youths Plead Guilty to Indecent Assault on 13-Year-Old
Girl, by Vaughn Davis, Jamaica Observer (July 22, 2006)
- End of the
Innocence? by Todd Baucher, WTAP, West Virginia (July 22, 2006)
- Teen Boys
Plead Guilty to Sexually Assaulting 13 Yr Old Girl, on RJR, Jamaica
(July 21, 2006)
- Program
Speeds up Prosecution, by Melissa Tanji, Maui News, Hawaii (July 21,
- Archbishop
Reflects on Clergy Sexual Abuse Scandal, by Bruce Schreiner, Kentucky.com
(July 22, 2006)
- Former
Minister in Court Monday on Rape, Incest, by Eddie Fitzgerald, Wilson
Daily, North Carolina (July 22, 2006)
July 23
- Replacing
Wuerl: 8 Bishop Candidates Emerge, by Ann Rodgers, Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh
PA (July 23, 2006)
- Paedophile
Was Set Free to Rape Young Children in Their Homes: Police and Church Decisions
Come under Scrutiny As Leaked Documents Reveal How a Minister Was Left to
Prey on Boys for Years Despite Warnings, by Antony Barnett, The Observer,
United Kingdom (July 23, 2006)
- State
Denies Liability for Abuse Cases, by Dearbhail McDonald and John Burns,
Sunday Times, Ireland (July 23, 2006)
- KSAC Closure
of Dayton Avenue Church Put on Hold, on RJR, Jamaica (July 22, 2006)
- FBI Gets
Involved in Claims: Anonymous Letter Accuses Group Home of Misdeeds Involving
Finances, Clients, Employment, by Nick Birdsong, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(July 22, 2006)
- Redress
Board Legal Costs Awards Could Top €200m, on IOL, Ireland (July
23, 2006)
- The Child
Who Had a Child Is 'Fine'? by Helen Ubiñas, Hartford Courant
(July 23, 2006)
- Retired
Bishop Expresses Regret to Victims Abused by Clergy, by Nyier Abdou
and Jeff Diamant, Star-Ledger, New Jersey (July 23, 2006)
- Latino
Ex-Altar Boy Says 'Machismo' Fueled Pain, by Brian Spadora, Herald News
(July 23, 2006)
- Retired
Bishop: Church Could Have Done More for Sex Abuse Victims, in Newsday
(July 23, 2006)
- Clergy
Sex Abuse Victims Meet in NJ, in 1010 WINS (July 23, 2006)
July 24
- Ex-Bishop:
Church Motivated by Money, in Asbury Park Press (July 24, 2006)
- Lawmakers
Should Revise Sex-Abuse Statute, editorial in Delco Times, Pennsylvania
(July 24, 2006)
- Taking
on the Catholic Church: Sexual Abuse, Coverups Go Back Centuries, a Priest
Contends, by Frances Grandy Taylor, Hartford Courant (July 24, 2006)
- Monday
Spotlight: Judge Carpenter Sits on Sports Bench When He's Not Working,
in Altoona Mirror, Pennsylvania (July 24, 2006)
- Childcare
and Protection Act Omission Will Hinder Total Prosecution, by Margarette
Macaulay, Jamaica Observer (July 24, 2006)
- Sharing
Stories and Pain, by Nyier Abdou and Jeff Diamant, Jersey Journal (July
24, 2006)
- Legal
Costs Amounted to 15.65% of Redress Board Awards in 2005; Dublin Solicitors
Firm Headed Fee Rankings at €4.9 Million, in Finfacts, Ireland
(July 24, 2006)
- Abuse
Victims to Get More Than €200m, in Irish Independent (July 24,
July 25
- Area
Priest Arraigned in Boston for Abuse, by Kathryn Caggianelli, Troy Record
(July 25, 2006)
- New
York Priest Charged with Child Rape in Massachusetts, in Boston Globe
(July 25, 2006)
- Priest's
Bid for Jury Trial Delayed until Aug. 11, in Arizona Republic (July
25, 2006)
- Sabarimala
Priest Files New Complaint, in Times of India (July 25, 2006)
- Senior
Sabarimala Head Comes in Defence of Tainted Priest, in Telugu Portal,
India (July 25, 2006)
- Sabrimala
Tanthri Mohanaru Defends Son, in Zee News, India (July 25, 2006)
- Priest
Arraigned on Abuse Charges: The Rev. Frank Genevive, Accused of Raping 2
Boys, Had Worked at Troy Church, by Tim O'Brien, Albany Times Union,
Boston MA (July 25, 2006)
- Priest
Arraigned on Rape Charges, in Capital News 9, Boston MA (July 24, 2006)
- Priest
Accused of Raping Teens Decades Ago: Charged with Bring Albany Kids to Boston,
by Bill Lambdin, WNYT, Boston MA (July 24, 2006)
- Former
Margate Priest Charged in Sex Abuse Case Allowed to Rent Apartment,
by Tonya Alanez, Sun-Sentinel (July 25, 2006)
- Pastor
Takes Plea, by Eddie Fitzgerald, Wilson Daily, North Carolina (July
25, 2006)
- Silence
of the Lam: Accused of Sexually Abusing Young Boys, a Brooklyn Rabbi Lit
for Israel 22 Years Ago. Now One Alleged Victim Wants Him Brought Back for
Trial, by Kristen Lombardi, Village Voice (July 25, 2006)
- Priest
Accused of Sexual Abuse Allowed to Move into His Own Apartment, by Amy
Sherman, Miami Herald, Lantana FL (July 25, 2006)
- Two
More Quincy Parishes to Merge, by Steve Eighinger, Quincy Herald Whig
(July 25, 2006)
- Sabarimala
Scandal: Seer Pleads Innocence, on NDTV, India (July 25, 2006)
- Thantri
Row: Minister Seeks Details from Intelligence Chief, in Zee News, India
(July 25, 2006)
- Irish
Redress Board Gets More Than 14,500 Claims from 26 Countries, by Cian
Molloy, Catholic Online, Ireland (July 25, 2006)
- Monks
Charged with Sexual Assault of a Child, on CBS 42 (July 25, 2006)
- Former
Altar Boy Writes Comic Book about Clerical Sexual Misconduct, by Simon
Caldwell, Catholic Online (July 25, 2006)
July 26
- Priest
Gets Suspended Sentence for Sexual Abusing Boys, in Tuam Herald, Ireland
(July 26, 2006)
- Diocese
Attempt to Get Judge Removed from Abuse Cases Rejected, by Sam Hemingway,
Burlington Free Press, Vermont (July 26, 2006)
- Judge
May Hear More Church Cases, by Kevin O'Connor, Times Argus, Vermont
(July 26, 2006)
- Blanco
Monks Face Sex Assault Charges, by Zeke MacCormack, Expess-News, Blanco
TX (July 25, 2006)
- Volunteer
Indicted in Child Molestation, by Liz Fabian, Macon Telegraph, Georgia
(July 26, 2006)
- Sacked
Sabarimala Priest Cries Foul, on NDTV, India (July 26, 2006)
- Deacon
Stays Put, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 26, 2006)
- New Sex
Allegations against Blanco Monastery: Christ of the Hills Has Been the Focus
of Numerous Sexual Assault Claims, by Joshunda Sanders, American-Statesman,
Blanco TX (July 26, 2006)
- Authorities
Raid Blanco County Monastery, on KVUE, Blanco TX (July 25, 2006)
- Monastery
Raided by Police, by Walker Robinson, WOAI, Blanco TX (July 25, 2006)
- Police
Raid Central Texas Monastery, on KLTV, Blanco TX (July 26, 2006)
- First Seen
on KXAN: Sordid Accusations Hit Hill County Monastery, on KXAN, Blanco
TX (July 26, 2006)
- House
Backs Crack down on Child Predators, by Joanne Kenen, Washington Post
(July 25, 2006)
- Cornwall
Public Inquiry Announces Advisory Panel, on CNW, Canada (July 26, 2006)
July 27
- Federal
Arrest Warrant Issued for Priest in Sex Abuse Case, Associated Press
(July 27, 2006)
- Blanco
Ponders Monastery Scandal, by Zeke MacCormack, Express-News (July 27,
- Cornwall
Public Inquiry Moves Forward with Phase II, by Gord McDougall, CFRA,
Canada (July 26, 2006)
- LA
Archdiocese Might Be Ordered to Review Priests' Files: Determinations Could
Affect Damages, on NBC 4 (July 26, 2006)
- Judge:
Divulge Victims' IDs: Diocese Sex Case Stipulated Anonymity, Chesley Argues,
by Jim Hannah, Cincinnati Enquirer (July 27, 2006)
- Deacon,
Co-Accused to Return to Court Again, in Jamaica Gleaner (July 27, 2006)
- Minister
Faces Sex Abuse Charges: The Complainant Told Police the Assaults Began
in 1975, When He Was 12, and Lasted for Seven Years, by April Kemick,
London Free Press, Canada (July 27, 2006)
- Monks'
Activities Troubled Bishop: Five Indicted at Monastery on Charges of Child
Sexual Assault, Associated Press (July 27, 2006)
- Sheriff
Says Quiet Monastery Hid Dark Secrets: 1999 Assault Inquiry Never Ended,
Blanco Lawman Says, by Miguel Liscano, American-Statesman (July 27,
- Lawyers
Try Again to Get Bail for Deacon and Teen on Sexual Assault Charges,
in RJR, Jamaica (July 26, 2006)
- Congress
Passes the " Adam Walsh Bill" to Protect Children from Abuse:
It Is a Good Start, but More Needs to Be Done to Make It Effective,
by Marci Hamilton, FindLaw, United States (July 27, 2006)
- House
Votes on Easing Statute of Limitations on Sex Abuse, in Boston Globe
(July 26, 2006)
- Investigation
into Monastery Sex Assaults Ongoing: Search Warrant Reveals Details of Assaults,
on CBS 2 (July 26, 2006)
- Crimes
and Accusations, Times Leader (July 9, 2006) [accused priests in Scranton
- Bill
Aims to Loosen Limits on Suits, by Dave Janoski, Times Leader (July
9, 2006)
- Church
Abuse Victims Fighting to Remain Anonymous, on WHAS (July 27, 2006)
- Sabarimala
Priest Lashes out at Temple Management, in Zee News, India (July 27,
- Sex Charges
against Crossville Minister Going to Grand Jury, by Erica Estep, WATE
(July 26, 2006)
- Management
Aware of Abuse but Did Not Remove Priest, in One in Four, Ireland (July
27, 2006)
- A
Day of Reckoning, in Contra Costa Times, California (July 24, 2006)
- Judge
Orders Attorneys to Hand over Names of Sex Abuse Victims, by Brett Barrouquere,
Associated Press (July 27, 2006)
- Investigators
Hope to Speak with Accused Priest, on WALA, Alabama (July 27, 2006)
July 28
- Church
Probes 24 Paedo-Priests, by Pearlie Joubert, Mail & Guardian, South
Africa (July 28, 2006)
- Naming
Abuse Victims Debated: Judge Says Names Already Out; Order Seeks Addresses,
Phone Numbers, by Jim Hannah, Cincinnati Enquirer (July 28, 2006)
- Priest's
Removal Atypical: It Was the Vatican's Decision to Remove Admitted Molester
Albert M. Liberatore Jr., by Dave Janoski, Times Leader, Scranton PA
(July 28, 2006)
- Statute
of Limitations Should Run out Soon, editorial in Troy Record, New York(July
28, 2006)
- Prosecutors
Must Get Names of Sex-Abuse Victims in Church Lawsuit, by Brett Barrouquere,
Associated Press (July 28, 2006)
- Grenada
Church Pastor Accused of Molesting Teen, by Sara McAdory, Clarion-Ledger,
Grenada MS (July 28, 2006)
- Former
Youth Minister Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse, by Steven Martens, Quad-City
Times (July 28, 2006)
- Ugandan
Pastor Accused of Defiling Refugees, in African News Dimension, South
Africa (July 28, 2006)
- Suspect
Arrested for Sex with Boy, by Tim Weldon, Winchester Sun, Kentucky (July
27, 2006)
- Winchester
Man Charged with Sexual Abuse against 14-Year-Old Boy, on LEX 18, Kentucky
(July 28, 2006)
- Senate
Votes to Extend Statute of Limitations: Bill Adds 12 Years to Child Sex
Abuse Reporting Period, by David Abel, Boston Globe (July 28, 2006)
- Jury
Process Starts in Pastor's Sex-Assault Trial, by Melody McDonald, Fort
Worth Star-Telegram (July 28, 2006)
- Bill Would
Extend Statute of Limitations on Sex Abuse by 12 Years, Associated Press
(July 28, 2006)
- Walsh
Defends Delay in Ochoa Case: Santa Rosa Bishop Says Keeping Priest from
Kids Was His First Priority and That Filing a Report Didn't Cross His Mind,
by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (July 28, 2006)
- Documents
Detail Abuse Allegations, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat, Santa
Rosa CA (July 28, 2006)
- Attorneys
Reject 50 Abuse Claims, by Paul A. Long, Cincinnati Post, Kentucky (July
28, 2006)
- Vatican
Defrocks University of Scranton Priest, on KYW (July 28, 2006)
- Paedophile
Priest Gets Life, in The Sun, United Kingdom (July 28, 2006)
- Child
Rape Minister to Serve Life, on BBC News, United Kingdom (July 28, 2006)
- A
Question of Trust, by Chris Coneybeer, BBC News, United Kingdom (July
28, 2006)
July 29
- Jailed
Priest Assaulted, Attorney Says, Associated Press (July 29, 2006)
- Priest
Is Sentenced in Sex Assault of a Teenager, by LeMont Calloway, Boston
Globe (July 29, 2006)
- Sandwich
Priest Jailed in Sex Abuse of Boy, in Boston Herald, Massachusetts (July
29, 2006)
- Attorney
Says Convicted Ex-Priest Beaten in Lancaster Prison Cell, on ABC 30,
California (July 28, 2006)
- Priest
Jailed for Sex Crimes, by Scott Malone, Adelaide Advertise, Massachusetts
(July 29, 2006)
- Lawyer
Was Active in Volunteer Work, by Charles W. Daley, Toledo Blade, Lima
OH (July 29, 2006)
- Ex-Pastor
Among Top Lee Fugitives: Longtime East Fort Myers Church Man Accused of
Molesting Boys, by Grant Boxleitner, News-Press, Florida (July 29, 2006)
- Eastern
Iowa Youth Minister Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse Charge, on WOI (July
29, 2006)
- Deacon's
Stay in Jail Extended, by Daraine Luton, Jamaic Gleaner (July 29, 2006)
- Polygamist
Sect on Meeting Agenda, in Chronicle Herald, Canada (July 29, 2006)
- Deacon
in Sex Case Remanded until Sept 8, by Vaughn Davis, Jamaica Observer
(July 29, 2006)
- D.A.
Defends Recent Decision to Probe Diocese, by Martin Espinoza, Press
Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (July 29, 2006)
- Priest
May Have Misspent $1.4 Million, Probe Finds, by John Christoffersen,
Contra Costa Times (July 29, 2006)
- O'Malley
Will Meet Voice of the Faithful: Conference Friday Seen As Symbolic,
by Michael Paulson, Boston Globe (July 29, 2006)
- Priest
Accused of Child Molestation to Be Extradited from Italy, on KVOA (July
29, 2006)
- Priest
Who Fled to Italy Will Be Extradited, in Arizona Republic (July 29,
- Paedo
Priest's '300 Victims', by Richard Smith, Mirror, United Kingdom (July
29, 2006)
- Life
Sentence for Church Minister Who Preyed on Boys, by Ben Mitchell, The
Guardian, United Kingdom (July 29, 2006)
- 3 Named in
Abuse Allegations, by Frank Lee, St. Cloud Times (July 29, 2006)
July 30
- Reflections
of an Archbishop: Kelly Takes Stock of Tenure, in Courier-Journal, Louisville
KY (July 30, 2006)
- Minister's
Sexual Assault Trial Set to Begin This Week: Arlington: Wife Struggles to
Lead Church As Tithes, Attendance Dwindle, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning
News (July 30, 2006)
- The Woman,
the State and All Our Gods, by Glenda Simms, Jamaica Gleaner (July 30,
- A Changed
Church Can Ask When It Has Paid Enough, by Patrick McIlheran, Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel (July 29, 2006)
- Rev.
Michael Jude Fay Archive, in The Advocate (July 30, 2006)
- 'The
Truth Is Tough' for Parishioners at St. John's, by Mark Ginocchio, The
Advocate (July 30, 2006)
- DNA or No,
Her Faith Is Unwavering, by Helen Ubiñas, Hartford Courant (July
30, 2006)
- 10 Years
As a Cleric, 11 Claims of Abuse: 11 Men Say in Lawsuits That Harry Monroe
Molested Them As Boys While Indianapolis' Archdiocese Moved Him around the
State. Not So, Says the Church, by Robert King, Indianapolis Star (July
30, 2006)
July 31
- Over 700
Sex-Abuse Cases Awaiting Trial, by Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune, California
(July 31, 2006)
- Blanco
County Monks Due in Court Monday, on CBS 42, Blanco TX (July 31, 2006)
- Crash
Cheats Priest's Sex Victims out of Justice, by Ilse Fredericks, Sunday
Times, South Africa (July 31, 2006)
- Arraignment
Set for Accused Monks, on KVUE News, Texas (July 31, 2006)
- Four Monks
Plead Not Guilty to Sexual Assault of a Child, on KLTV (July 31, 2006)
- Monks
Plead Not Guilty to Sex Charges, by Elizabeth White, Associated Press
(July 31, 2006)
- Priest
Takes Non-Sexual Plea Deal in Fondling Case, by Michael Zeigler, Democrat
& Chronicle (July 31, 2006)
- 12th
Lawsuit Alleges Priest Abused Boy 50-Plus Times, by Ken Kusmer, Associated
Press (July 31, 2006)
- Pastor
Accused of Sexual Assault Appears in Court, on NBC 30 (July 31, 2006)
- Civil
Suit Filed against Former Port Dover Priest, in CD98.9, Canada (August
1, 2006)
- New
Lawsuit Says Priest Abused Teenager 50 Times, by Ken Kusmer, Associated
Press (August 1, 2006)
- Priest
Agrees to Reduced Charge, by Michael Zeigler, Democrat & Chronicle,
Rochester NY (August 1, 2006)
- Priest
Accused of Sex Abuse Pleads to Reduced Charge, on WCAX (August 1, 2006)
- Diocese
Takes Witness off Job: A Secretary at a Margate Church -- a Key Witness
in a Criminal Case against a Priest Charged with Molestation -- Has Been
Placed on Leave by the Archdiocese of Miami, by Amy Sherman, Miami Herald,
Florida (August 1, 2006)
- Margate
Secretary Set to Testify against Priest Is Accused of Financial Irregularities,
by Jon Burstein, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Margate FL (August 1, 2006)
- For
the Record, Union-Tribune, San Diego CA (August 1, 2006)
- Minister
Accused of Sexual Abuse: Parents Suspected a Sexual Relationship between
Their Teen and Their Minister, by Darla Cameron, Missourian, Missouri
(August 1, 2006)
- 4 Blanco
Monks Plead Not Guilty to Sex Charges, by Zeke MacCormack, San Antonio
Express-News (July 31, 2006)
- Monks Plead
Not Guilty to Child Sex Assault Charges, Associated Press (July 31,
- 4
Monks Plead Not Guilty: Charged with Assault of Child at Blanco County Monastery,
in American-Statesman, Texas (August 1, 2006)
- Trial Will
Lift Silence on Hornbuckle, by Mark Agee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (July
31, 2006)
- Charges
Dropped against Diocese Critic: Protester Was Accused of Protesting in April
Too Close to Church, by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, Albany Times Union
(August 1, 2006)
- Priest
Wanted in U.S. Missing in Italy: Cleric Cited in News Story Was Recently
Ordered to Face Charges, by Reese Dunklin, WFAA (August 1, 2006)
- Bridgeport
Diocese Settles Sexual Abuse Claim, in Newsday (August 1, 2006)
- Comment:
Why the Bishops Don't Want You to Read This Book, by Eugene Cullen Kennedy,
Kansas City Star (July 11, 2006)
August 2
- No Case
for Woman Allegedly Raped by Priest, by Tania Broughton, IOL, South
Africa (August 2, 2006)
- Backstory:
Keeping Faith in a Sea of Prejudice: How One Young Priest in an Era of Catholic
Church Scandals Stays on a Spiritual Track, by Mary Beth McCauley, Christian
Science Monitor (August 2, 2006)
- Bridgeport
Diocese Settles Sexual Abuse Claim, on NBC 30 (August 1, 2006)
- SA Man 'Abused
in Confessional Box', on ABC (August 2, 2006)
- Catholic
Care Home Abuse Claims Could Cost Millions, by Rob Waugh, Yorkshire
Post, United Kingdom (August 2, 2006)
- Another
Minister Charged with Sex Assault in 1998, on KEYE (August 1, 2006)
- Pastor
Held on Charges of Sex Abuse: Computer Messages Tip off Teen's Mother,
by Sara Agnew, Columbia Daily Tribune (August 1, 2006)
- Great
Hills Baptist Church Official Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen: Police
Say 15-Year-Old Initially Blamed Three Armed Men before Accusing Carver,
by Claire Osborn, American-Statesman (August 2, 2006)
- Former
Pastor Arrested in Molestation Case, in News-Press, Florida (August
1, 2006)
- Pastor
Accused of Molesting Boys from His Parish, on NBC 2 (August 1, 2006)
- Church
Employee Charged with Child Sexual Assault, on News 8, Austin TX (August
1, 2006)
- Priest
Skips out on Italian Officials, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic
(August 2, 2006)
- Diocese
Settles School Sex Assault Claim, by Daniel Tepfer, Connecticut Post
(August 1, 2006)
- Romney:
Lawmakers Must Return for Session, by Dan Ring, Republican, Massachusetts
(August 2, 2006)
- Legislature
Ends without Welfare Reform Action: No Move on Teen Driving, Child Labor
Laws, on TheBostonChannel.com (August 1, 2006)
- Probe of
Diocese Concludes: Panel's Results to Be Announced Today, by Dave Bakke,
State-Journal Register, Springfield IL (August 2, 2006)
- Three
Arrested for Blackmailing Sabarimala Priest, in India News (August 2,
- Sick
Priest off the Hook, in Sunday Times, South Africa (August 2, 2006)
- Priest
Awaiting Extradition to Arizona Flees Authorities, on KVOA, Arizona
(August 2, 2006)
- Group
Asks U.S. Judge to Rebuff Archdiocese, by Michael Hinkelman, Philadelphia
Daily News (August 2, 2006)
- Former
Minister Faces Laundry List of Allegations, on NBC 5i (August 2, 2006)
- 2 Faces
of Arlington Minister on Display in Sex Assault Trial, by Anthony Spangler,
Star-Telegram (August 2, 2006)
- Victims'
Group Demands Release of Names Priests Accused of Abuse, on KUSI, San
Diego CA (August 2, 2006)
August 3
- Former
Local Priest in Court, in CD98.9, Canada (August 3, 2006)
- Probe Finds
Misdeeds at Springfield Diocese, Associated Press (August 3, 2006)
- Betrayed
Twice, by Erin Smith, Cambridge Chronicle (August 3, 2006)
- Fugitive
Catholic Priest Flees US Extradition, by David Schwartz, Reuters (August
2, 2006)
- Scars
That Won't Heal from a Boy's Living Nightmare, in Yorkshire Post, United
Kingdom (August 3, 2006)
- Minister
Described As Having 2 Sides, by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram (August
3, 2006)
- Four-Year
Hunt Ends in Arrest: Man Apprehended in Thailand Charged with Sexual Assault
of Native Students, by Eva Salinas, Globe and Mail, Canada (August 3,
- In Court,
Arlington Pastor Cast As Playboy, Predator, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning
News (August 3, 2006)
- Arlington
Preacher on Trial for Sexual Assault, by Mary Stewart, CBS 11 (August
2, 2006)
- Fresh
Extradition Battle for Clerics on Sex Charges, by Tim Dick, Sydney Morning
Herald (August 3, 2006)
- Legal
Glitches Block Brothers' Extradition to New Zealand, in Catholic News,
New Zealand (August 3, 2006)
- Groundskeeper
at Monastery Tells Story of Betrayal, by Leslie Coons, KEYE (August
2, 2006)
- Abbey
Names 3 More Accused Abusers: The Names Have Been Added to the List of St.
John's Abbey Clerics Who Have Faced Allegations of Sexual Abuse Recently
or in the More Distant Past, by Pamela Miller, Star Tribune (August
2, 2006)
- Retired
Ontario Priest Faces 61 Counts of Sexual Abuse, on CBC News, Canada
(August 3, 2006)
- Paedophile
Priest on the Run: Father Henn Flees Rome to Avoid Extradition to US,
in ANSA (August 3, 2006)
- Man Says Sex
with Kids a Sacred Ritual, Associated Press (August 3, 2006)
- Investigation
of Illinois Catholic Diocese Cites "Culture of Secrecy", by
Kevin McDermott, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (August 2, 2006)
- Priestly
Misconduct Found: Former Bishop Among Four Cited by Name, by Dave Bakke,
State Journal-Register, Springfield IL (August 3, 2006)
- Priest
Is Pulled out of Ministry, by Mike Frazier, Herald & Review (August
3, 2006)
- US
Fugitive Priest Takes Flight in Italy after Court Approves Extradition,
in Catholic World News, Italy (August 3, 2006)
- Priest
Sentenced in Child-Porn Case, on KSAT (August 3, 2006)
- Former
Priest Sentenced in Child Pornography Case, by James Muñoz, MySA.com,
Texas (August 3, 2006)
- Hornbuckle's
Attorneys Attack Credibility of Alleged Sexual Assault, by Melody McDonald,
Star-Telegram (August 3, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Defense Seeks Holes in Accuser's Testimony, in Dallas Morning News (August
3, 2006)
- Priest
Pleads to Abusing 47 Girls, by Lee Palser, Canada.com (August 3, 2006)
- Pulitzer
Winner Leaving Full-Time Post at Boston Globe to Teach, in Boston.com
(August 3, 2006)
August 4
- Retired
Priest Pleads Guilty to Scores of Sexual Abuses: Assaulted 47 Girls over
a Span of 34 Years, by Lee Palser and Trevor Wilhelm, Montreal Gazette,
Canada (August 4, 2006)
- $1.4
Million Settles Suit with Ex-Priest: Anchorage: Five Men All Said They Were
Abused by Father Murphy, by Julia O'Malley, Anchorage Daily News (August
4, 2006)
- Priest
Pleads Guilty to Scores of Sex Abuse Charges, in Star Phoenix, Canada
(August 4, 2006)
- Lawsuit
Filed by Sylvestre's Victims, in CD98.9, Canada (August 4, 2006)
- Priest
Guilty of Sex Abuse, in Calgary Sun, Canada (August 4, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Pleads Guilty in Dozens of Abuse Cases, in Globe and Mail, Canada (August
4, 2006)
- Raped
Boys Drugged, Court Told: An Alleged Victim Said a Priest Used a Doctor's
Pad to Write Prescriptions for Pills the Priest Gave Him before Raping Him,
by Amy Sherman, Miami Herald, Florida (August 4, 2006)
- Group
Seeks More Details about Misconduct in Springfield Diocese, by Kevin
McDermott, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Springfield Ill (August 3, 2006)
- Retired
Priest Guilty of Sexually Abusing Girls, in Hamilton Spectator, Canada
(August 4, 2006)
- 140 Men
Sue Church for Sex Abuse, on BBC News, United Kingdom (August 3, 2006)
- Methodists
Settle Sex Suit for $6.7 Million: Three Men Alleged That a Youth Pastor
at a Long Beach Church Molested Them 30 Years Ago, by Louis Sahagun,
Los Angeles Times (August 4, 2006)
- California
United Methodists Reach Out-Of-Court Agreement, in World Faith News
(August 3, 2006)
- Diocese
Apologizes for Failure to Protect Sexual Abuse Victims, on CBC News,
Canada (August 3, 2006)
- Church
Leader under House Arrest for Sex Offences, in Cape Times, South Africa
(August 4, 2006)
- Pedophile
Says Abuse Is Religious Right, by Steve Jordahl, Family News in Focus
(August 4, 2006)
- Noted
Journalist to Leave Globe: Career Highlights Include a Pulitzer, by
Mark Shanahan, Boston Globe (August 4, 2006)
- Law Firm,
Abuse Survivor Join Forces to Help Victims: The Goal Is to Counsel Victims,
Some of Whom Have Kept Their Burden of Abuse to Themselves, by Kate
Dubinski, London Free Press, Canada (August 4, 2006)
- Residential
School Compensation Nearing Completion, by Peter Biggs, Canadian Christianity
(August 3, 2006)
- Man
Jailed over Sexual Abuse of Boys, in Newswire.co.nz, New Zealand (August
4, 2006)
- Assistance
Ministry Helps Abuse Victims Find Healing, in The Tidings, Los Angeles
CA (August 4, 2006)
- 'I Didn't
Molest Them; It Was a Game', in iafrica.com, South Africa (August 3,
- Polygamist
Gets 45 Days for Sex with Teen Bride, on KLTV (August 3, 2006)
- Catholic
Hierarchy Have a Lot to Answer for, in Times Leader, Pennsylvania (July
30, 2006)
- 'Guilty'
47 Times: Rev. Charles Sylvestre Admits to Decades of Sexual Abuse Involving
47 Girls - Many Still Suffering, by Jane Sims, London Free Press, Canada
(August 4, 2006)
- Lawyer
Says Pastor Is Being Framed for Rape: Attorney Says Accuser's Goal Is Cash;
She Denies Setting up Hornbuckle, by Jeff Mosier, WFAA (August 4, 2006)
- Jacquielynn
Floyd: Accusers Competing with Pastor's Polish, in Dallas Morning News
(August 4, 2006)
August 5
- Norfolk
County: Sylvestre Civil Suit Includes School Board, in CD98.9, Canada
(August 5, 2006)
- Lawyers
Spar over Catholic Records Access, by Michael R. Blood, Associated Press
(August 5, 2006)
- 'He's an Evil
Deviant', by Jane Sims, London Free Press, Canada (August 5, 2006)
- Voice of
Faithful, O'Malley Meet, by Megan Tench, Boston Globe (August 5, 2006)
- Priest
Abuse Case Settled for $1.4 Million, Associated Press, Alaska (August
4, 2006)
- Judge's
Request for Names Spurs Debate: Appeals Court Could Rule on Releasing Names
of Abused, by Brett Barrouquere, Associated Press (August 5, 2006)
- Dispute
over Victims Names Leaves Judge, Lawyers at Odds, on WHAS (August 4,
- Church
Sorry for Sex Abuse, in The Age, Australia (August 5, 2006)
- Church
Apologises to Woman Who Says Hollingworth Ignored Abuse, on ABC, Australia
(August 5, 2006)
- 'He Should
Die in Jail', by Jane Sims, London Free Press, Canada (August 5, 2006)
- Rally
Set to Coincide with Bishop's Apology, by Daniela Simunac, London Free
Press, Canada (August 5, 2006)
August 6
- Bishop's
Apology Too Little for Victim: Returning to the Parish Where Many Assaults
Happened to Hear the Bishop's Sermon Is Too Painful for One Victim,
by Jane Sims, London Free Press, Canada (August 6, 2006)
- Will
Confidentiality Rules for Abuse Victims Trump Court? by Brett Barrouquere,
Associated Press, carried in Portsmouth Herald (August 6, 2006)
- Controversial
Priest Dies in Spain, in The Trentonian, Trenton NJ (August 6, 2006)
- Paedophile
Priest Was Given Post at School for the Deaf: Campaigners Demand Inquiry
into 'Reign of Sexual Terror', by Antony Barnett and Ali Beach, The
Observer (August 6, 2006)
Verdict Not Seen As Gauge: Message from Judge: One Conviction, Sentence
Won't Steer Results of Other Trials, by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune,
Utah (August 6, 2006)
- Gabriel
Montalvo, 76; Colombian Was Archbishop, Envoy, in Los Angeles Times,
Rome (August 6, 2006)
- Monk Kept
His Job after Claims, by David Unze and Frank Lee, St. Cloud Times (August
6, 2006)
August 7
- Bishop
Apologizes to Sexual Abuse Victims, in CD98.9, Canada (August 7, 2006)
- Roman
Catholic Bishop Wants Retired Priest Defrocked, in Chronicle Herald,
Canada (August 7, 2006)
- Bishop
of London Apologizes to Abuse Victims, by Josh Pringle, 580 CFRA, Canada
(August 7, 2006)
- High-Ranking
Cardinal Returns to St. Jude's in Westlake, by Jean Ortiz, Ventura County
Star, California (August 7, 2006)
- Defrock
Priest, Bishop Says: Ronald Fabbro Says He Will Petition to Have Charles
Sylvestre, Who Sexually Abused Girls for Decades, Dismissed As a Priest,
by Jennifer O'Brien, London Free Press, Canada (August 7, 2006)
- Q & A,
by Jennifer O'Brien, London Free Press, Canada (August 7, 2006)
- What
the Bishop Said, in London Free Press, Canada (August 7, 2006)
- Victims
of Paedophile Priest to Sue Church, by Kate O'Hara, Yorkshire Post,
United Kingdom (August 7, 2006)
- Former
Priest Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse, on ABC, Australia (August 7, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Admits to More Child Abuse, in The Age, Australia (August 7, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Pleads Guilty to Abuse, in Daily Telegraph, Australia (August 7, 2006)
- Msgr.
Abandons His Altar Ego, by Barbara Ross and Adam Lisberg, New York Daily
News (August 7, 2006)
- Jail Term
for Sex Assault Accused Likely to Be Increased, on ABC, Australia (August
8, 2006)
- Someone
Is Lying ... But Is It the 100 Alleged Abuse Victims or Fr. Maciel?
by Brian Mershon, Renew America (August 7, 2006)
- Report::
Retired Bishop Led 'Culture of Secrecy', in Catholic Online (August
7, 2006)
- Mother
City's Street Children under the Spotlight, in The Star (August 7, 2006)
August 8
- Price
of Justice: A Paedophile Priest's Abuse of Young Boys at a School for the
Deaf 30 Years Ago Has Triggered a Massive Compensation Claim against the
Catholic Church in Leeds, by Paul Robinson, Leeds Today, United Kingdom
(August 8, 2006)
- Sexual
Abuse by Priests, editorial in Philadelphia Inquirer (August 8, 2006)
- Abuse
Scars Never Go Away, editorial in Toronto Sun, Canada (August 8, 2006)
- Priest
Given Four Years for Indecent Assault, by Colin James, Adelaide Now,
Australia (August 8, 2006)
- Teenager
in Tears over Photo Evidence, by Piet Van Niekerk, Heald, South Africa
(August 8, 2006)
- Woman
Sues Therapist: Jericho Abuse Survivor Alleges Church Counselor Forced Her
to Have Sex 'Therapy,' Made Her Pregnant, by Ann Givens and Alfonso
A. Castillo, Newsday (August 8, 2006)
- Church
Hopes Priest's Jailing Helps Victims, on ABC, Australia (August 8, 2006)
- Sex Trial
for Monk: Priest Accused of Indecently Touching Two Young Girls, by
Rae Wilson, Sunshine Coast Daily, Australia (August 8, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Trial Is the Ugliest Show in Town, by Bob Ray Sanders, Star-Telegram,
Fort Worth TX (August 4, 2006)
- Ex-Cowboys
Among Hornbuckle's Circle of Friends, by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram,
Fort Worth TX (August 8, 2006)
- Family
of Murder Victim Sues All US Catholic Bishops They Want Names of All Predatory
Priests in America, by Jeff Anderson, Yahoo News, St. Paul Minn (August
8, 2006)
- Family to
Sue Bishops, on TMJ4 (August 8, 2006)
- Group
Appeals for Pervert Priest Info, by Sarah Brett, Belfast Telegraph,
Northern Ireland (August 8, 2006)
- 'I Was Leaving
to ... Get a Gun and Kill Him', by Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram, Fort
Worth TX (August 8, 2006)
- Victim's
Mother Testifies against Hornbuckle: Accuser's Mother Testifies Ex-Cowboy
Said Pastor Suicidal, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August 8,
- Family of
Slain Man Sues Bishops, Church Officials, on WCCO (August 8, 2006)
- Lawsuit
Demands Catholic Church Name Sex Abusers, Reuters, Wisconsin (August
8, 2006)
- Key
Players in the Hornbuckle Case, in Star-Telegram, Fort Worth TX (August
8, 2006)
- High
Court in New Jersey Upholds Right to Sue School, by Laura Mansnerus,
New York Times (August 9, 2006)
- Court
Weakens NJ Immunity Shield for Charities, on WNBC (August 8, 2006)
August 9
- Church
in the Dock: Campaigners Supporting the Victims of a Paedophile Priest Say
That His Superiors Must Have Known about His Criminal Past When They Allowed
Him to Work with Children Again, in Leeds Today, United Kingdom (August
9, 2006)
- Psychiatrist
Faces Questioning in Alleged Clergy Sex-Abuse Case, by Tom Sharpe, New
Mexican (August 9, 2006)
- Family
Files Civil Suit: Funeral Home Killings: the Family of One of the Victims
Files Suit against Bishops across the Country, by John Hartzell, Associated
Press (August 9, 2006)
- Fed-Up Family
Sues Bishops, by Kevin Harter, Pioneer Press, St. Paul MN (August 9,
- Midlands
Catholic Man Tells Story of Sexual Abuse, on WIS, South Carolina (August
9, 2006)
- Letter:
Church Failing on Sex Abuse: Two Former Prosecutors Told Cardinal Rigali
That Children Remain at Risk Because Steps Have Been Inadequate, by
David O'Reilly, The Philadelphia Inquirer (August 8, 2006)
- Letter
to Cardinal Justin Rigali, by Maureen McCartney and Mariana Sorensen,
posted by the Philadelphia Inquirer (July 26, 2006)
- Priest
Charged, Allegedly Stole to Pay Blackmailers, on WKYC (August 9, 2006)
- Priest
Claiming Blackmail Now Faces Theft Charge, by James F. McCarty, Cleveland
Plain Dealer, Ohio (August 9, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Jailed for Child Assault, in Daily Mercury, Australia (August 9, 2006)
- Justices
Aid Child-Molestation Victims, by Robert Schwaneberg, Star-Ledger, New
Jersey (August 9, 2006)
- Nonprofits
Liable for Staff Who Sexually Abuse Kids, by Gregory J. Volpe, Courier
Post, Trenton NJ (August 9, 2006)
- Choir
School Can Be Sued for Abuse: In a Wider Sense, the State's Justices Said
Employers Could Be Held Liable for Actions beyond a Job's Scope, by
Beth DeFalco, Associated Press (August 9, 2006)
- NJ
Charities Immunity Shield Weakened, in The Trentonian, New Jersey (August
9, 2006)
- Court
Weakens Immunity Shield for Nonprofits, in Jersey Journal (August 9,
- High
Court in New Jersey Upholds Right to Sue School, by Laura Mansnerus,
New York Times (August 9, 2006)
- Sanders
Intervened for Pastor, Woman Says: Ex-Cowboy Discouraged Rape Report, Accuser's
Mom Testifies, by Jeff Mosier, WFAA (August 9, 2006)
- Senators
Push Travaglini on Child Sex Crime Prosecution Legislation, by Jim O'Sullivan,
MetroWest Daily News (August 9, 2006)
- Sex-Abuse
Clerics Harboured in 38 Dublin Parishes, by Maeve Sheehan, Irish Independent
(August 6, 2006)
- Wendelboe
Links Church Mergers to Priest Child Abuse, Associated Press (August
9, 2006)
Responds to Diocesan Report, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America, Springfield
IL (August 9, 2006)
August 10
- Sex Abuse
Victims Settle with Archdiocese, by Carina Corral, KSBY, California
(August 9, 2006)
- Catholic
Church Responds to Sexual Abuse Scandals with Preventative Policies,
on WIS, South Carolina (August 9, 2006)
- Former
Regina Principal Sued Again, by Mike McWilliams, Iowa City Press-Citizen
(August 10, 2006)
- Retired
Sioux City Bishop Accused of Molesting Students, on WOI (August 10,
- N. Side
Pastor Charged with Molesting Girls at His Home, by Rummana Hussain,
Chicago Sun-Times (August 10, 2006)
- Moody
Pastor Is Charged: Assault Cases Involve 2 16-Year-Old Girls, by Carlos
Sadovi, Chicago Tribune (August 10, 2006)
- The
Catholic Register: Canadian Bishop Apologizes at Parish for Priest's Sexual
Abuse, in Catholic Online, Canada (August 10, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Used Position to Start Affair, Woman Says, by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram
(August 10, 2006)
- Alleged
Victim Testifies in Hornbuckle Trial, by Mary Stewart, CBS 11 (August
9, 2006)
- Accuser
Says Pastor 'Preyed upon Me', by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram Staff
Writer (August 10, 2006)
- 2nd
Accuser Says Hornbuckle Scared Her: She Testifies Arlington Minister Counseled
Her, Then Initiated Sex, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August
9, 2006)
- Abbey
Defends Its Handling of Clergy Offenses, by Frank Lee, St. Cloud Times
(August 10, 2006)
- RC Priest
Jailed 30 Years for Sodomy, by Rose Mirondo, IPP, Tanzania (August 10,
- Man to Face
Trial for Child Rape: After Fleeing to S.C., Police Say Gentry Tried to
Fake His Own Death, by Jeff Farrell, Mountain Press (August 10, 2006)
- Clear
Cop's Name over Sex Inquiry, by Russell Robinson, Herald Sun, Australia
(August 10, 2006)
- Another
Accuser Apparently Enters the Picture, in Star-Telegram, Fort Worth
TX (August 8, 2006)
- Woman:
Pastor Smoked Meth before Alleged Rape: Woman Says Hornbuckle Lied to Build
Her Trust; Defense Disputes Report, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News
(August 10, 2006)
- Third
Alleged Rape Victim Testifies against Hornbuckle, on NBC5i (August 10,
- Woman
Tells Jury That Pastor Betrayed Her Trust, by Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram
(August 10, 2006)
- O'Connell
Family Sues Church, by Eric Quade, Barron News-Shield, Wisconsin (August
10, 2006)
- Retired
Sioux City Bishop Accused of Molesting Students, on KTIV, Iowa (August
10, 2006)
- Associate
Pastor Accused of Abusing Teens, on WREX (August 10, 2006)
- Franciscans
Settle: No Confidentiality Afforded to Abusive Priests, by Martha Sadler,
Santa Barbara Independent, California (August 10, 2006)
August 11
- Answering
the Call: Political Player Leaves Boston, Politics to Start on Jesuit Path
to Priesthood, by Yuxing Zheng, Boston Globe (August 11, 2006)
- Church
Criticised over Paedophile Priest, in Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
(August 11, 2006)
- Former
Altar Boys Claim Priest Molested Them, by Adrian Angelette, The Advocate,
Baton Rouge LA (August 11, 2006)
- Justice
for Abused Children, editorial in The Times (August 11, 2006)
- Alleged
Victim Takes Stand in Pastor's Trial on Sex Abuse Charges, by Ben Penserga,
Daily Times (August 11, 2006)
- Pastor's
Daughters Discovered Secret Tapes, by Piet Van Niekerk, The Herald,
South Africa (August 11, 2006)
- Paedophile
Priests' Victims Slam Napier, by Pearlie Joubert, Mail & Guardian (August
11, 2006)
- Tanzanian
Priest Molested Child, on BBC News, Tanzania (August 11, 2006)
- Priest
Jailed for 30 Years, in IOL, Tanzania (August 11, 2006)
- Priest
Pleads No Contest to Public Indecency, in Press & Dakotan (August 11,
- Former
Priest's Jail Time Increased, on ABC, Australia (August 11, 2006)
- Fury at
Pedophile's Sentence, by Shelley Hodgson, Herald Sun (August 11, 2006)
- A
Whistle-Blower in a Scandal at a Church Decides to Resign, by Alison
Leigh Cowan, New York Times (August 11, 2006)
August 12
- Bishop
Will Not Appeal Order for Abuse Records, by Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning
News, Fort Worth TX (August 12, 2006)
- Victims'
Victory White Rock Woman's 1993 Accusations Lead to 47 Guilty Pleas from
Catholic Priest, by Ken MacInnis, Peach Arch News, Canada (August 11,
- Orphanage
Abuse Claim Rejected, in Stuff, New Zealand (August 12, 2006)
- Church
'Failed to Act on Abuse', in Border Mail, Australia (August 12, 2006)
- Judge
Criticises Church, Gives Paedophile Priest Extra 4 Years, in The Courier,
Australia (August 12, 2006)
- Diocese
Will Release Priests' Files: Fort Worth Catholic Diocese Will Comply with
Judge's Request, by Raquel Eatmon, CBS 11, Fort Worth TX (August 11,
- Former
Altar Boys Claim Priest Molested Them, on KATC (August 11, 2006)
- Men Claim
Abuse by Care Home Staff, by Steve Wright, This is Bradford, United
Kingdom (August 11, 2006)
- Pastor
Acquitted in Teen Sex Case, by Ben Penserga, DailyTimes (August 12,
- Odenton
Minister Denies Molesting Boy: But Judge Allows Earlier Confession As Evidence,
by Eric Hartley, The Capital, Odenton MD (August 11, 2006)
- Salisbury
Pastor Acquitted in Teen Rape Case, on WJZ (August 12, 2006)
- Catholic
Abuse Victims Offer to Settle, by John Stucke, Spokesman-Review, Washington
(August 11, 2006)
- Minister
Demanded Loyalty, Aide Says, by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram (August
12, 2006)
- Letter
from Smith Read by Defense in Pastor's Rape Trial, on KGBT (August 12,
- Cowboys'
Smith Says Pastor 'Trustworthy': Former Player Praised Minister Accused
in Rapes in Letter to Panel, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August
11, 2006)
- Final
Witnesses Testify in Hornbuckle Case, on NBC5i, Fort Worth TX (August
12, 2006)
- Janet
O'Connell vs. United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (August 12,
- After Nearly
3 Years, Boston Cardinal Meets with Lay Reform Group to Discuss Sex Abuse,
Associated Press, Boston MA (August 12, 2006)
- State
Trying to Seize Monastery Property, by Zeke MacCormack, Express-News
(August 11, 2006)
- Former
Woodsfield Priest Accused of Abuse, on WTOV, Steubenville OH (August
11, 2006)
- Priest
Commits Suicide: I Am Not a Paedophile, in AGI, Rome (August 11, 2006)
- Priest
Charged with Paedophilia Committed Suicide, in AGI, Rome (August 11,
- Diocese
Won't Appeal Release of Priest Files, by Darren Barbee, Star-Telegram
(August 12, 2006)
August 13
- Bishop
Sorry for Not Turning in Priest, in Leading the Charge (August 13, 2006)
- Area Bishop
'Deeply Sorry' for Delay in Reporting Priest's Abuse Admission, by David
Ryan, Napa Valley Register, Santa Rosa CA (August 13, 2006)
- Diocese
Ordered by Judge to Identify Sexual Abuse Victims: His Ruling Violates Promise
of Anonymity to Hundreds in Ky., by Peter Slevin, Washington Post, Kentucky
(August 13, 2006)
- Santa
Rosa Bishop Says He Waited to Report Abuse, in Marin Independent Journal
(August 13, 2006)
- Santa Rosa
Bishop Stalls Abuse Report, Admits Error, on CBS 5, Santa Rosa CA (August
12, 2006)
- Bishop
Forbids Latin Mass Weddings? by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America, New Mexico
(August 12, 2006)
- Children's
Registry Still Not Ready: Could Have Been Useful in Church Dayton Sex Scandal,
by Brandon Allwood, Jamaica Observer (August 13, 2006)
- Attorney:
Parishioners Can Help Pay Abuse Settlement, in Corvallis Gazette-Times
(August 12, 2006)
- Texas
to Seize Embattled Monastery, in Monsters and Critics (August 13, 2006)
- Cardinal
Sin, in Mail & Guardian, South Africa (August 11, 2006)
- Rascal
Deserves His Day in Court, by Bob Ray Sanders, Star-Telegram, Fort Worth
TX (August 13, 2006)
- Bishop
to Break Silence on Ochoa Case: Walsh to Issue Statement on His Role in
Reporting Sex Abuse Evidence to Authorities, by Martin Espinoza, Press
Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (August 12, 2006)
- Bishop
Apologizes for Delay: Statement Says He Put 'Caution' before 'Right Thing'
in Not Reporting Ochoa Immediately, by Martin Espinoza and Raquel Maria
Dillon, Press Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (August 13, 2006)
- Bulletin
from the Diocese of Santa Rosa: "A Candid Message from Bishop Walsh",
in Press Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (August 12, 2006)
- Ochoa
Case Timeline: Previous Stories by Press Democrat Staff, in Press Democrat,
Santa Rosa CA (August 11, 2006)
August 14
- Walsh
Apologizes for Delay, in Sonoma News, Santa Rosa CA (August 12, 2006)
- New
Controversies in Sex Abuse Cases, in Catholic News, Australia (August
14, 2006)
- Bishops:
We're Not Blocking Legislation: The Catholic Church Said Its Passive Approach
on Pa. Sex-Abuse Bills Did Not Indicate Opposition, by David O'Reilly,
Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania (August 14, 2006)
- Expose
Bogus Pastors - PM Urges Church, by Timothy Simelane, Swazi Observer
(August 14, 2006)
Calling for Indianapolis Archdiocese to Admit Cover up, on WISH, Indianapolis
IN (August 15, 2006)
- Victims'
Group Criticizes Archdiocese's Tactics, by Robert King, Indianapolis
Star (August 14, 2006)
- Ballarat
Bishop Accepts Criticism in Sex Abuse Case, in Catholic News, Australia
(August 15, 2006)
August 15
- Church's
Defense Called 'Immoral': Archdiocese Fights Dirty in Abuse Cases, Critic
Says, by Robert King, Indianapolis Star (August 15, 2006)
- No
Cornwall Gag Order: Judges Uphold Decision to Hear Abuse Allegations at
Inquiry, in Toronto Sun, Canada (August 15, 2006)
- Ex-Bath
Minister Faces Porn Allegations: Pastor Tells Investigators of Abuse over
37 Years, by Colette M. Jenkins, Beacon Journal, Bath Township OH (August
15, 2006)
- Abuse-Prevention
Class Slated, by Bettye Wells Miller, August 14, 2006 (August 14, 2006)
- Not in My
Church, by Barrington Brennen, Nassau Guardian, Bahamas (August 15,
- Keep
Session Focused, in Boston Globe (August 15, 2006)
- Defense
Rests in Hornbuckle Trial, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News, Fort
Worth TX (August 15, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Defense Calls No Witnesses, by Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram, Fort Worth
TX (August 15, 2006)
- Convicted
Priest Seeks Early Release from Prison, by Cheryl Wittenauer, Associated
Press (August 15, 2006)
- Man, 86,
Claims Abuse 75 Years Ago, by Steve Wright, Telegraph & Argus, United
Kingdom (August 15, 2006)
- Dr. Gray's
Newest Alleged Sex Abuse Victim Consolidated with Others for Trial,
by Kristin Smith, First Coast News (August 15, 2006)
- Monsignor
Has Right to Jury Trial, Judge Rules, by Gary Grado, East Valley Tribune,
Mesa AZ (August 15, 2006)
August 16
- Bishop
Explains Delay in Reporting Abuse, by Kim Curtis, Associated Press (August
16, 2006)
- Priest
Doing Time for Sexual Abuse Requests Early Release, by William C. Lhotka,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri (August 15, 2006)
- Bishop
Morlino Sued, on WKOW, Madison WI (August 15, 2006)
- NorCal
Bishop Apologizes in Priest Sex Abuse Case, on CBS 5 (August 15, 2006)
- Keep
the Faith, but Press Charges, in Times-Standard [Santa Rosa CA] (August
16, 2006)
- Oregon
Christian Leader Admitted Touching Girls, Report Says, Associated Press,
Oregon (August 16, 2006)
- Christian
Leader Did Touch Girls, Police Say: Lawsuit - Lou Beres Told Gresham Detectives
That He Acted Inappropriately with Three Teens, the Report Says, by
Jeff Mapes, Oregonian, Oregon (August 16, 2006)
- £60,000
Compensation for Victims Who Suffered at the Hands of Nuns, by Michael
Howie, Scotsman, Scotland (August 16, 2006)
- Former
Diocese Official to Get Jury Trial for Sexual Misconduct, on KOLD (August
16, 2006)
- Jury
Begins Deliberations for Hornbuckle, by Melody McDonald and Traci Shurley,
Star-Telegram (August 16, 2006)
- Arlington
Pastor's Rape Case in Jury's Hands: Both Sides Label Man a Sinner, but Defense
Denies He's a Criminal, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August
16, 2006)
- Suit
against U.S. Bishops Harms Church Sex-Abuse Efforts, Prelate Says, in
Catholic Online, Wisconsin (August 15, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Jury Asks to Review Evidence, by Melody McDonald and Traci Shurley,
Centre Daily (August 16, 2006)
- 'Bad
Girls of the Bible' Among Material on Hornbuckle's Defense Table, in
Star-Telegram (August 8, 2006)
- Parish
Predators: Despite the Bishop's Remarks to the Contrary, the Galveston-Houston
Roman Catholic Archdiocese Had Child Molesters and Let Them Go. But Don't
Blame Just the Church, by Craig Malisow, Houston Press (August 17, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Jury Still Deliberating, by Jeff Mosier, WFAA (August 16, 2006)
August 17
- Records
Sought in Case Involving Mobile Priest, in Press-Register, Mobile AL
(August 17, 2006)
- Priest up
for Early Release, SNAP Opposed, in KWMU (August 15, 2006)
- Woman
Claims to Be Ordained As Roman Catholic Priest: Cardinal Called Ceremony
"Invalid", by Susan Snyder, Duluth News Tribune (August 16,
Meeting, in Melrose Free Press (August 17, 2006)
- Pastor,
Deacons Charged, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News (August 16, 2006)
- Agency:
Sex Offender Used State Job to 'Groom' Potential Victims, by Ryan J.
Foley, Associated Press (August 16, 2006)
- Jury in
Hornbuckle Case Asks to Review Evidence, in Star-Telegram (August 17,
- Still No
Verdict in Hornbuckle Rape Case, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News
(August 17, 2006)
- Church
Officials Urge Potential Abuse Victims to Come Forward, by Diana DeCola,
Marietta Times, Ohio (August 17, 2006)
- Pastor,
Accusers Await Verdict: Jury in Rape Case Deliberates a Third Day with No
Decision, by Jeff Mosier and Debra Dennis, Dallas Morning News (August
17, 2006)
- Abuse
Survivors Group Seeks Meeting with Nuns, by Doug Gross, Associated Press
(August 17, 2006)
- Church
Group Stays Faithful, by Lydia Crafts, Woburn Advocate (August 17, 2006)
- Records
Ordered Sealed in Priest Abuse Case, by Carlos Sadovi, Chicago Tribune
(August 17, 2006)
- Iowa
Abuse Victim Calling for Church Reform, by Shirley Ragsdale, Des Moines
Register, Iowa (August 17, 2006)
- Wabash
Valley Man Sues Former Catholic Priest, on WTWO, Indiana (August 17,
- Lawsuit
Filed against Former Priest with Indianapolis Archdiocese, by Mike Corbin,
WISH, Indiana (August 18, 2006)
- Pastor,
Deacons to Surrender, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News (August 17, 2006)
August 18
- Documents
Sealed in Priest Abuse Case: Judge Cites Privacy of Alleged Victims,
on NBC 5 (August 18, 2006)
- Judge
Seals Records in Priest Abuse Case, in Chicago Tribune (August 18, 2006)
- Judge Seals
DCFS Records in Child Abuse Case against Priest, Associated Press (August
18, 2006)
- Former
Deacon on Sex Offence Charges, by Sean Fewster, in The Advertiser, Australia
(August 18, 2006)
- Victims
Want Sylvestre Inquiry: Lawyer Says 'Silent Shuffle' Kept Priest Moving
around Diocese, by Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star, Canada (August 18,
- Public
Inquiry to Be Called into Sylvestre Case, in CD98.9, Canada (August
18, 2006)
- Ex-Hoosier
Priest Accused of Abuse: Lawyer for 13 Men Wants Criminal Charges, by
Ashley M. Heher, Associated Press (August 18, 2006)
- Former
Ferns Curate on 35 Indecent Assault Charges, by Patrick O'Connell, in
One in Four, Ireland (August 17, 2006)
- Statement
Issued on Gary Wolken, in St. Louis Review (August 18, 2006)
- Kannawin
Asking Przybylski Be Defrocked for Sexual Crimes, in CD98.9, Canada
(August 18, 2006)
- Jury's
Latest Question: Were the Lights on or Off? by Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram
(August 18, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Jury Adjourns without Verdict: Pastor, Supporters Await Verdict, by
Jeff Mosier and Debra Dennis, WFAA (August 18, 2006)
August 19
- Defrock
Priests Convicted of Sexual Offences: Victims, on CBC News, Canada (August
18, 2006)
- Suit
Involving Claims of Sex Abuse against Priest Allowed to Go Forward,
in Anchorage Daily News, Fairbanks AK (August 19, 2006)
- "Remembering"
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America, Chicago
IL (August 18, 2006)
- Victims
Seek Defrocking of Priests, in Chronicle Herald, Canada (August 19,
- Witness
under Investigation: Margate Police Are Investigating a Church Secretary
Who Is a Key Witness in a Sexual Abuse Case against the Former Parish Priest,
by Amy Sherman, Miami Herald, Margate FL (August 19, 2006)
- Pilarczyk
to Speak on Priest, by Mary Lolli, Cincinnati Post (August 19, 2006)
- Victim
Resigns in Protest from Abuse Review Board, on WCCO, St. Cloud MN (August
19, 2006)
- Area
Pastor Removed Amid Claims, by Mary Lolli, Hamilton Journal News (August
19, 2006)
- Order's
Handling of Accused Priest Angers Victim Group: He Has Fled House Arrest
in Italy; Superior Says They Did Their Best, by Tom Heinen, Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin (August 18, 2006)
- Victims
Demand Priests Be Defrocked: London Diocese Reviewing Cases of Eight Convicted
Pedophile Priests, by Trevor Wilhelm, National Post, Canada (August
19, 2006)
- From 'Sam
the Land Man' to Father Benedict to Child Abuse Suspect, on KLTV (August
19, 2006)
- Butler Co.
Priest Suspended: Accuser Claims 'Sexual Overtones' in the 1970s, by
Dan Horn, Cincinnati Enquirer (August 19, 2006)
- Priest
Placed on Leave for Sexual Misconduct, in Dayton Daily News (August
19, 2006)
- Pastor's
Jury Yet to Reach Verdict, by Traci Shurley and Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram,
Fort Worth TX (August 19, 2006)
- Jury
Deliberations in Pastor's Rape Trial Stop for Weekend: FW: Panel Has Sent
21 Notes to Judge in 21 Hours over Four Days, by Jeff Mosier and Debra
Dennis, Dallas Morning News (August 19, 2006)
August 20
- Abuse
Victim Quits Abbey Review Board, in Minneapolis Star-Tribune (August
19, 2006)
- Lawyers
on Both Sides of Abuse Case Fight 'Zealously' for Their Clients, by
Stephanie Salter, Tribune Star (August 19, 2006)
- Breaking
the Silence: Second Terre Haute Man to Join Abuse Lawsuit Recounts Time
with Priest: Terre Haute Man Becomes 13th to File in Suit against Harry
Monroe, by Stephanie Salter, Tribune Star (August 19, 2006)
- Archbishop
Promises Careful Investigation into Sex Abuse Claims against Priest: David
F. Reilly Is under Investigation after Allegations of Sexual Misconduct,
by Mary Lolli, Middletown Journal (August 20, 2006)
- First
Street-Kids Abuse Case, by Nigel Hunt, news.com.au, Australia (August
20, 2006)
- Sex in
the Church, by Tony Robinson, Jamaica Observer (August 20, 2006)
August 21
- Suit
Seeking Priest Names Faces Battle: Legal Experts Cite Privacy, Church Privilege
As Concerns, by Kevin Harter, Pioneer Press, Wisconsin (August 21, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Says He's Exonerated, by Bill Zajac, Republican, Springfield MA (August
21, 2006)
- Class
Action Threatened over Sex Offender Ridsdale, in Catholic News, Australia
(August 21, 2006)
- Deliberations
in Pastor's Trial Hit 6th Day: Jurors Send 16 More Notes, but No Sign of
Deadlock, Judge Says, by Jeff Mosier and Laurie Fox, Dallas Morning
News (August 21, 2006)
- Still
No Verdict from Hornbuckle Jury, by Melody McDonald and Traci Shurley,
Star-Telegram (August 21, 2006)
- Another
Possible Case of Abuse in Church, on Fox 28, Chicago IL (August 21,
- Two Suburban
Priests Removed from Parish: New Allegations of Sexual Assault, by Kevin
Roy, ABC 7, Chicago IL (August 21, 2006)
- Former
Church Cfo Indicted by Fbi: Feds Charge Ex-Cfo of Cleveland's Roman Catholic
Diocese in a Kickback Scheme, by Marie Leone, CFO.com, Cleveland OH
(August 21, 2006)
- Pastor
at St. Mary's Catholic Church Resigns, in Jackson Sun (August 21, 2006)
August 22
- 2 Priests
Suspended over Sex Allegations, by Abdon M. Pallasch and Cathleen Falsani,
Chicago Sun-Times (August 22, 2006)
- Accused
Priest Resigns: Father Richard Mickey Steps down from Post in Jackson,
by James Dowd, Comercial Appeal, Tennessee (August 22, 2006)
- Prosecution
Rests in Rabbi Internet Sex Sting Case, on NBC 4 (August 22, 2006)
- Former
Pastor Sentenced for Rape of Teenage Girl, on WSTM (August 22, 2006)
- Lee Gets
9 1/3 to 28 Years for Rape: Ex-Pastor Fled State with Chenango County Girl,
15, by Jim Wright, Press & Sun-Bulletin (August 22, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Jury Still Deliberating, by Traci Shurley and Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram
(August 22, 2006)
- Archbishop
Assigns Kuchar to 'Secure and Monitored Residence', by James Rygelski,
St. Louis Review (August 22, 2006)
- Jury Convicts
Pastor on Three Sex Assault Charges, Associated Press, Fort Worth TX
(August 22, 2006)
- Jury
Convicts Hornbuckle on Three Sex Assault Charges, Associated Press,
Fort Worth TX (August 22, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Found Guilty: Hornbuckle Drugged, Attacked 3 Women, Jury Finds after 33
Hours, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August 22, 2006)
August 23
- Diocese
Seeks to Make Public IDs of Alleged Victims, by Michael Fisher, Press-Enterprise,
San Diego CA (August 22, 2006)
- DiFranco
Willing to Stand up for Her Beliefs, editorial in Delco Times, Pennsylvania
(August 23, 2006)
- Fifth
Affirms Kardis' Dismissal of Priest Sexual Abuse Case, by Steve Gonzalez,
Madison County Record, Illinois (August 22, 2006)
- Bishop
Excommunicates Defiant Priest, by Liz Mitchell, Star Exponent, Culpeper
VA (August 23, 2006)
- Money
Reportedly Sinks Talks on Sex-Abuse Suits, by Eric Gorski, Denver Post
(August 23, 2006)
- A Bad Pastor
Gets an Exemplary Trial, by Bob Ray Sanders, Star-Telegram, Fort Worth
TX (August 23, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Guilty of Sexual Assault, by Melody McDonald and Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram
(August 23, 2006)
- Pastor
Guilty of Sex Assault: Hornbuckle Could Get Probation or up to 20 Years
in Rapes of 3 Women, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August 23,
- After
Jail, Priest Will Live in Monitored Facility, in Post-Dispatch, St.
Louis MO (August 23, 2006)
- Priest
Accused of Molestation Resigns, Associated Press (August 23, 2006)
- Alleged
Misconduct by Pastor Prompts Removal by Diocese, by Christie Storm,
Arkansas Democrat Gazette (August 23, 2006)
- Unsealed
Warrants Accuse Priest of Sexual Assault, by Francine Maglione, Herald
(August 23, 2006)
- After
Settlement in Original Case, Plaintiffs File New Suits against Diocese of
Charleston, by Jack Kuenzie, WIS (August 22, 2006)
- The
Scandal of Silence: Ordinary Catholics Looked the Other Way When Priests
Abused Children, by Diane R. Pawlowski, National Catholic Reporter (August
25, 2006)
- Officer:
Hornbuckle Kept up Drug Use after Arrest, in Star-Telegram (August 23,
- Testimony:
Hornbuckle Failed Drug Tests, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News, Fort
Worth TX (August 23, 2006)
- Rabbi
Caught in Sex Sting Denies Interest in Teenage Boys, in The Advocate,
Alexandria VA (August 23, 2006)
- Ochoa
Felt He Did Nothing Wrong, Priests' Lawyer Says: Attorney Gives Account
of Sonoma Fugitive's Meeting with Bishop on Sex Abuse Case, by Martin
Espinoza, Press Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (August 23, 2006)
- Support
Groups, Therapy Added to Serve Sex Abuse Victims, in Catholic Herald,
Arlington VA (August 24, 2006)
- Fugitive
Pastor Charged with Statutory Sodomy: Investigators Believe Newton County
Church Linked to McDonald County Cases, in Joplin Globe, Missouri (August
23, 2006)
August 24
- 2 Ozarks Pastors,
3 Others Accused of Sexual Abuse, Associated Press, Washburn MO (August
24, 2006)
- Youth
Sues Cleric on Sexual Abuse Claim, by Elias Hazou, Cyprus Mail (August
24, 2006)
- At Trial,
Rabbi Snared in Sex Sting Says He Believed Liaison Was with an Adult,
by Eric Fingerhut, Washington Jewish Week, Alexandria VA (August 23, 2006)
- Rabbi Denies
Paedophilia, Associated Press, Alexandria VA (August 24, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Sentencing Phase Features More Scandal, on NBC5i (August 23, 2006)
- Fourth
Woman Accuses Hornbuckle: In Punishment Phase, She Says He Drugged Her,
Pressured Her into Sex, by Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News (August
23, 2006)
- Witnesses
Testify about Hornbuckle's Character, by Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram
(August 23, 2006)
- Ruling
Ends Most Priest-Abuse Legal Claims: Top Court Says Statute of Limitations
Bars Most Civil Lawsuits. Accusers Say Actions of Church Officials Shameful,
by Tom Beyerlein, Dayton Daily News (August 24, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Withdraws Guilty Plea in AOL Sex Case, in North Country Gazette (August
23, 2006)
- Diocese
Mediation to Continue, in Spokesman Review, Spokane WA (August 24, 2006)
- Advocate
Pushing Lawmakers to Sign Child Protection Pledge, by Edward Mason,
Eagle-Tribune, Massachusetts (August 22, 2006)
- Priest
Sex-Abuse Suits Ruled Too Old: Ohio Supreme Court Tosses More Than 50; Law
Change Sought, by Dan Horn, Cincinnati Enquirer (August 24, 2006)
- Priest's
Case Held till March, in Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester NY (August
24, 2006)
- Victim
Creates Web Site, by Frank Lee, St. Cloud Times (August 24, 2006)
- Congregants
Urged to Rally for Pastor, by Mitch Mitchell, Star-Telegram (August
24, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Seeks to Withdraw Guilty Plea in Child Porn Case, on WNBC (August 24,
- Sisters
of Charity Settle 45 Abuse Suits for $1.5 Million, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal,
Kentucky (August 24, 2006)
- Shakedown:
Ripped off in the Name of Justice, by Francis X. Maier, The Tidings
(August 25, 2006)
- Has Media
Ignored Sex Abuse in School? NRO: Why Haven't Teachers Received Same Scrutiny
As Catholic Priests? by Tom Hoopes, CBS News (August 24, 2006)
August 25
- Hornbuckle
Is Not the Only Bad Minister, by Bob Ray Sanders, Star-Telegram, Fort
Worth TX (August 25, 2006)
- Film
Will Be Shown on Abuse by Clergy, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Belleville
IL (August 25, 2006)
- Investigators:
Diocese Reaches Settlement in Abuse Case, on KGPE, California (August
24, 2006)
- Anne
Burke Gave the Catholic Bishops More Reform Than They Were Ready For…and
Thus Becomes the Leading Exponent of Change: Tough-Minded Illinois Jurist
Put the Bishops on the Spot. An Exclusive Interview Tells How She Was Picked:
a PR Agency's Goof, by Thomas F. Roeser, TomRoeser.com (August 19, 2006)
- Anne
Burke Out-Manuevers the Bishops, Gets John Jay Rep[ort Detailing Clerical
Sexual Abuse Correction, Hires Tough Female Fbi Agent to Supervise: Confronts
Bishop in Showdown: "you Lied to Me, Didn't You?" Another Story
on Anne Burke Vis-â -Vis Catholic Bishops in the Wanderer, the Nation's
Oldest National Catholic Weekly, by Thomas F. Roeser, TomRoeser.com
(August 24, 2006)
- Order of
Nuns Agrees to Pay $1.5million in Abuse Suit, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal,
Kentucky (August 25, 2006)
- Lawsuit
Accuses Minister of Sexually Abusing Girl, by William C. Lhotka, St.
Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri (August 25, 2006)
- Jury
Starts Deliberations on Hornbuckle Punishment, by Melody McDonald and
Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram (August 25, 2006)
- Former
Minister: Clergy Confronted Hornbuckle about His Womanizing, by Bob
Ray Sanders, Star-Telegram (August 25, 2006)
- Survivor
Network Wants Church Apology, by Shelby Zarotney, WTOV NEWS9 (August
16, 2006)
- Sheriff's
Office: Strong Case against Walsh: Criminal Charges May Be Filed against
Sr Bishop for Failing to Report Suspected Sex Abuse, by Martin Espinoza,
Press-Democrat, Santa Rosa CA (August 25, 2006)
August 26
- Diocese
Settles Sex Abuse Suit: Woman Will Receive $875,000 over 1960s Incidents,
by John Ellis, Fresno Bee (August 26, 2006)
- Bishop Tied
to Abuse Case Could Face Charges: Sheriff's Office Says Man Did Not Promptly
Report Allegations of Child Sex Abuse against a Priest, Who Fled the Country,
Associated Press (August 26, 2006)
- DA to Decide Whether
to Charge Bishop, Associated Press (August 25, 2006)
- Sonoma
County DA to Review Bishop Allegations, on CBS 5, California (August
25, 2006)
- Missouri
Pastor Free on Bond: Granby Minister Faces Eight Counts of Sodomy in an
Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse, by Kevin Murphy, Kansas City Star, Missouri
(August 26, 2006)
- Catholic
Bishop May Face Jail, by John Coté, San Francisco Chronicle,
California (August 26, 2006)
August 27
- The
Scandal of Father Donald Osgood, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America, New
Hampshire (August 27, 2006)
- Plaintiffs
Receive Settlement Checks in Sexual Abuse Case, on WHAS, Kentucky (August
26, 2006)
- Can Pastor
Find His Way Back to Pulpit? Rape Conviction Makes Hornbuckle's Return Unlikely,
Not Impossible, by Jeff Mosier and Debra Dennis, Dallas Morning News
(August 27, 2006)
- Monsignor
Admits Sex with Teens: Bishop Sends Letter to Parishioners of St. Therese's
Saying Their Former Priest Admitted to "Unchaste Behavior" with
High School Girls, by Dave Janoski, Times Leader (August 27, 2006)
- Roscrea
Siege Comes to Peaceful End, in Irish Emigrant, Ireland (August 27,
- Roscrea
Returns to Normal after Man Ends House Siege, in Evening Echo, Ireland
(August 25, 2006)
- Siege
Ends As Man Claims He Was Abused, in Irish Independent, Ireland (August
25, 2006)
- A 29-Hour Long
Siege in a Small Co Tipperary Town Ended Last Night, by Brian Hutton,
Irish Examiner, Ireland (August 25, 2006)
- Roscrea
Incident Ends As Concerns Highlighted, by Tim O'Brien, Irish Times,
Ireland (August 25, 2006)
August 28
- Sexual
Abuse by Priest Haunts Woman: Having Her Children Helped the Healing Process,
Says Victim, Abused for Three Years in Ontario, by Chantal Eustace,
Vancouver Sun, Canada (August 28, 2006)
- Church
Admits Finding Documents in Priest Abuse Case Thought to Be Missing,
by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (August 28, 2006)
- Motive
Questioned in Sex-Abuse Cases, by Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune, San Diego
CA (August 27, 2006)
- Agape
Attendance Building up Again, by Mark Agee, Star-Telegram (August 28,
- Local
Priest Removed over Abuse Charges, by Monica Malpass, 6ABC (August 28,
- The
People Are the Parish, by Debbie Hovanasian, Lowell Sun (August 28,
- Hornbuckle
Jury Breaks for Lunch, by Traci Shurley and Melody McDonald, Star-Telegram
(August 28, 2006)
- U.S.
Priest Acquitted of Sodomy in Kenya, in New York Times, Kenya (August
28, 2006)
- Understanding
a Cesspool of Corruption, by Thomas A. Droleskey, Christ or Chaos (August
27, 2006)
- Missing
Priest Files Found, by Darren Perron, WCAX, Vermont (August 28, 2006)
- Hornbuckle
Gets 15-Year Sentence for Sexual Assaults, Associated Press, Fort Worth
TX (August 29, 2006)
- Jury
Delivers Sentence in Hornbuckle Trial, on NBC5i (August 28, 2006)
August 29
- Lawsuit
against Diocese Won't Be Delayed: Judge Refuses to Wait for Witness in Abuse
Case to Go Hunting, by Andy Nelesen, Green Bay Press-Gazette (August
29, 2006)
- Bucks
County Priest Removed from All Duties, by Robert Moran, Philadelphia
Inquirer (August 29, 2006)
- Ex-Therapist
Enters Plea in Teen Sex Case, by Kim Smith, Arizona Daily Star, Tucson
AZ (August 29, 2006)
- Pastor
Posts Bond, Not Talking to Authorities, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News,
Missouri (August 27, 2006)
- Pedophilia
Challenges the Church, by Brian Rushfeldt, Novopress.info, Canada (August
29, 2006)
- Accused
Vianney Chief Removed Amid Sex Case, by Jeremy Kohler, St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
Kirkwood MO (August 28, 2006)
- Pastor
Called 'Evil in Every Way', by Melody McDonald and Traci Shurley, Star-Telegram
(August 29, 2006)
- Priest's
Abuse Case Goes to Vatican for Review, by Elizabeth Fisher, PhillyBurbs,
Pennsylvania (August 29, 2006)
- Fugitive
Polygamist Leader Arrested, Associated Press (August 29, 2006)
- No
Prosecution for Ex Bishop Casey, in RTE News, Ireland (August 29, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Agrees to Stay out of Parish: Diocese Signs Pact with Alleged Abuser,
by Mark Reiter, Toledo Blade (August 29, 2006)
- Appeals
Court Upholds Dismissal of Suits against Archdiocese, by Ryan J. Foley,
Associated Press (August 29, 2006)
- New,
Stricter Priestly Formation Program Issued for U.S. Catholic Seminaries,
by Jerry Filteau, Catholic Online (August 29, 2006)
- Former
Priest Indicted on Child Sex-Abuse Charge, on CBS 4 (August 29, 2006)
August 30
- Dismissal
of Abuse Suits against Milwaukee Archdiocese Upheld, Associated Press
(August 30, 2006)
- St. Mary's
New Pastor Takes Time for the Sun, by Tonya Smith-King, Jackson Sun,
Jackson TN (August 30, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Indicted on Sex Charge, by John C. Ensslin, Rocky Mountain News, Colorado
(August 30, 2006)
- Dismissal
of Abuse Lawsuits Upheld: Accusers in Wisconsin Cannot Sue Archdiocese;
Those in California Can, by Ryan J. Foley, Associated Press, carried
in St. Paul Pioneer Press (August 30, 2006)
- Court
Rebuffs Clergy Abuse Suit: It Upholds Milwaukee Judge's Finding on Statute
of Limitations, by Tom Heinen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Madison WI
(August 29, 2006)
- Priest
Indicted for Sexual Abuse: Former Priest Indicted on Child Sex-Abuse Charge,
Associated Press (August 30, 2006)
- Court
Maintains Protective Order, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News (August
29, 2006)
- Religious
Leader's Capture a Relief to Alleged Victims, by Daphne Bramham, Edmonton
Sun, Canada (August 30, 2006)
- Polygamist
Held in Marriages of Underage Girls, by Ken Ritter, Associated Press
(August 30, 2006)
- Manhunt
for Jeffs Is over, in The Spectrum, Utah (August 30, 2006)
- International
Manhunt Comes to End: Yearlong Hunt Finalizes When Jeffs' Vehicle Is Pulled
over North of Las Vegas, by Scott Nowling, Spectrum (August 30, 2006)
- Key
Players in a Polygamous Drama, by Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun (August
30, 2006)
- Jeffs'
Arrest Puts His Flock in Limbo, by Dennis Wagner, Arizona Republic (August
30, 2006)
- Whistle-Blower
Leaves Parish, Quits Priesthood, by Donna Porstner, Advocate, Darien
CT (August 30, 2006)
- Church
Sex Scandal off the Back Burner, by Gayle White, Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
Georgia (August 30, 2006)
- Whistle-Blower
Leaves Parish, Quits Priesthood, by Donna Porstner, Hartford Courant,
Darien CT (August 30, 2006)
- Kuchar
Scheduled to Be Released Today, in KWMU (August 30, 2006)
- Ex-Priest
Indicted in Teen's Assault: The Incident Allegedly Occurred a Decade Ago
in Arvada. He Also Faces Charges in Larimer County, by Kieran Nicholson,
Denver Post, Colorado (August 29, 2006)
- Arrest Won't
Weaken Polygamist's Power, Associated Press (August 30, 2006)
- Local
Former Priest Indicted, by Pamela Dickman, Daily Reporter-Herald (August
30, 2006)
31 [see below
for links to over 7,000 articles and commentary
- Priest
Who Molested Teen Is Released from Jail, by Todd C. Frankel, Post-Dispatch,
St. Louis MO (August 30, 2006)
- A Choice
for New York Priests in Abuse Cases, by Andy Newman, New York Times
(August 31, 2006)
- Pastor
Pleads Innocent in Abuse: New Charge of Child Molestation Added to the Case
against George Otis Johnston, by Marcus Kabel, Associated Press, Neosho
MO (August 31, 2006)
- New Charge
against Pastor, by Marcus Kabel, Associated Press, Neosho MO (August
31, 2006)
- Options
Vary in Arraignment, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News (August 30, 2006)
- Johnston
Pleads Not Guilty, by John Ford, Neosho Daily News (August 30, 2006)
- Arrest
Marks Biggest Step against Polygamy in Decades, by Jacques Billeaud,
Associated Press (August 31, 2006)
- Pastor
Pleads Not Guilty in 'Ritual' Sex Abuse Cases, Associated Press (August
31, 2006)
- Battle
for Sect'blood Is Just Boiling' in B.C. Commune after Leader's Arrest,
in Toronto Sun, Canada (August 31, 2006)