Pope Requests Help for Victims of Pederast Priest

Dominican Today
October 29, 2006

The Vatican - Pope Benedict XVI requested yesterday that the principles of justice are respected and help for the victims in a case involving a pederast priest.

He made the request at the meeting he held with a group of Irish Bishops who are visiting the Vatican.

Benedict XVI explained that the cases of abuse "are still more tragic when the culprit is a man of the church" and insisted that "the principles of justice be totally respected and, most importantly, that support be provided to the victims and all those that have been affected by these enormous crimes".

Benect XVI, meets with Irish Bishops

In his message to the Irish bishops, the Pontiff advised that when cases of priests, "stained by heart wrenching sexual acts and abuse to minors", they make all efforts "to establish the truth of what happened to adopt any measures necessary and prevent this from happening any more".

For the Pope the good work and disinterested dedication of the great majority of priests in Ireland "shouldn't have to be darkened by the transgressions of some of the brothers".

Benedict XVI finished its message to the representatives of the Episcopal Conference of Ireland, hoping that "a spirit of reconciliation and mutual respect and cooperation" guide the future of North Ireland.


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