Critique of the Franklin Report
On February 25, 2004, Bishop William
E. Franklin issued a report on the Davenport crisis, and his "transparency
and openness" were hailed as a positive development. But a
close analysis reveals many apparent errors and omissions in the
bishop's account. What do these problems say about the diocese's
management of the abusers in its midst? And in light of the questions
we raise, how is the diocese likely to approach the rigors
of bankruptcy and the jury trials that will surely come?
We have checked the Franklin
report against other sources of information about the diocese, especially
its own documents and the standard work on the subject, the Official
Catholic Directory. We have found many surprising discrepancies.
Instead of explaining these inconsistencies, we have tried to present
them clearly for your evaluation in the pages that follow. Below we reproduce
a full text of the Franklin report, with omissions added in red for your
review. We have also supplied commentary in red when it appears that the
Franklin report is in error. The problems fall into five groups (you may
click on the highlighted title to go to the relevant section of the Franklin
• |
John Jay Issues
- Like many other "diocesan John Jay reports," the Franklin
report names only some of the accused priests in the diocese, and
its statistics on priests and abuse costs are limited. We provide
some other reports for comparison. |
• |
Limits of the Investigation
- The Franklin report explains that "it is impossible to confirm
or refute many of the allegations due to the death of clergy and the
unavailability of witnesses." But it does not explain that the
diocese's own policies have contributed to this result. We offer a
summary. |
• |
List of Allegations
- The Franklin report withholds the names of some accused priests
(even some whose names have been made public) and it compounds the
problem of unnamed priests by giving partial information about the
accused, thereby causing suspicion regarding priests who are innocent. |
• |
Action Regarding Certain
Priests - The Franklin report gives accounts of the five priests
whom the diocese has asked the Pope to laicize. These accounts unfortunately
misquote diocesan documents and leave out pertinent information. Important
accused priests like Rev. Theodore Anthony Geerts are not discussed
in this section. Yet Geerts is alleged to have had many victims, and
there are many mysteries about the diocese's management of his case. |
• |
- The Franklin report gives assignment records for the five accused
priests whom it has asked the Pope to laicize. These records are inaccurate
in surprising and possibly significant ways, especially as regards
the priests' assignments in other dioceses and their recent histories.
We note the problems, and we also provide detailed assignment records
of our own for all the accused priests whose names are public, not
just the five who are to be laicized. |
Diocese of Davenport
For Immediate Release |
News Conference Schedule
Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 11 a.m.
Diocese of Davenport
2706 North Gaines Street
Davenport, Iowa
1. Welcome and Introduction - Deacon David Montgomery,
Diocesan Spokesperson
• |
Media packets available at 10:30am at the Diocese of
Davenport. |
• |
All materials in the packets will be available
on the home page of the diocesan website: www.davenportdiocese.org
following the news conference. |
2. Statement from Most Rev. William E. Franklin, Bishop
of Davenport
3. Statement from Ms. Chris McCormick Pries, Diocesan Review
4. Introduction of members of the panel for questions–
Dc. David Montgomery (please note – the panel will respond
to questions instead of holding individual interviews)
• |
Bishop Franklin |
• |
Ms. Chris McCormick Pries, Diocesan Review Board |
• |
Mr. Rand Wonio – Lane & Waterman |
• |
Msgr. James Parizek – Promoter of Justice, Diocesan
Review Board |
• |
Ms. Irene Prior Loftus, Chancellor |
5. Closing – Deacon Montgomery
February 25, 2004
To the People of the Diocese of Davenport:
The Catholic Church is in the midst of a crisis that must be dealt with
compassionately, fairly and honorably. The Davenport Diocese is attempting
to do so; and, in this report, I will attempt to apprise you of our efforts
in this regard. This is a painful and difficult communication but one
that must occur in the interest of transparency and openness. Today’s
situation across the country is sad and sorrowful. My presentation is
incomplete because I cannot speak for the victims as I do not have personal
knowledge of each allegation and as each individual has separate wounds
and pain.
Imperfect though it may be, I will speak to the victims. I am sorry for
any pain, agony and suffering caused by any action of any priest you trusted
and wanted to trust. Whatever happened should never have happened. It
was not your fault. I also humbly apologize for any shortcomings and misunderstandings
that may have occurred when some of you came forward to report abuse.
I ask God to give all of us the compassion, the wisdom and the energy
to live and to treat all as his beloved children.
I hope this information presented will be a sign of our effort in the
Diocese to provide help in ongoing recovery. I also hope that the actions
we are taking will be a sign of our commitment to the policy that no priest
or deacon of the Diocese of Davenport will remain in public ministry if
there is reasonable cause to believe that the priest or deacon abused
a minor at any time.
Under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved
by the United States Bishops in 2002, the penalty for a finding of sexual
abuse is permanent removal from ministry. Only Rome has the authority
to laicize or to defrock a priest. Information is being presented to the
Vatican for their judgment in making the final decision. The Diocesan
Review Board has recommended that I request the Vatican to laicize (defrock)
five priests. They are: James Janssen, Francis Bass, Frank Martinez, William
Wiebler and Richard Poster. I have accepted these recommendations, and
the requests are being sent to the Vatican.
Part of this report is history, but it is more than history, it is also
about people and resources and programs that provide special ongoing help.
I fervently hope that programs such as Protecting God’s Children
will help us protect our children now and in the future. Protecting God’s
Children is the call for all who teach and minister in the Church--the
priests, religious, teachers, volunteers in the classroom, religious education
and social activities.
The Diocese has reviewed the records of clergy serving the Diocese for
the past 50 years, well over 600 in number. From this review, information
concerning the numbers of abuse allegations and clergy involved was obtained.
This information will be presented in a Report being issued today.
What Our Diocese Has Done and Will Continue to Do:
The Diocese of Davenport will continue to comply with the U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People.
• Zero-Tolerance: No Diocesan priest or deacon
can remain in public ministry if there is reasonable cause to believe
the priest or deacon sexually abused a minor at any time. No priest or
deacon reasonably believed to have sexually abused a minor will be transferred
for ministerial assignment into, out of or within the Diocese.
• Prevention: All priests and deacons, all candidates
for ordination, every staff member and those volunteers who have regular
contact with children are required to complete the Protecting God’s
Children training program. So far, over 4,000 people in the Diocese have
received training. Those working on a regular basis with children are
required to have a criminal background check by the Iowa Division of Criminal
Investigation. Over 2,000 checks have been done so far. Diocesan policy
has been revised and updated with new protocols for all clergy, staff
and volunteers to follow when they are with minors. There is prevention
in awareness.
• Investigations: All allegations of child sexual
abuse are investigated. The Diocese has retained James M. Sweeney of James
M. Sweeney & Associates, Inc. as an outside investigator. All allegations
involving a minor and within the criminal statute of limitations are immediately
referred to the local law enforcement agency. Of course, the victim is
always free to report directly to law enforcement.
• Public Outreach: I have gone to parishes and
met with victims. I will continue to do so. I welcome visits by victims.
The Diocese has and will continue to furnish counseling and spiritual
direction to those in need. I have published the policies followed by
the Diocese through the diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Messenger;
through the Diocesan website, www.davenportdiocese.org; and through media
releases broadcast throughout the Diocese to encourage any victim of sexual
abuse by a Catholic cleric to come forward for assistance. I have put
copies of my policies in every parish and have invited all adults to attend
the Protecting God’s Children program.
• Victim Assistance Coordinator: In 2002, I appointed
Irene Prior Loftus, Chancellor, to be the first point of contact for victims
to report abuse and seek assistance. In order to enhance our resources
in this area and to shift this responsibility to an independent resource,
the Diocese is now using the services of Thomas Crowley, the new Victim
Assistance Coordinator. Victims are asked to call Tom Crowley any time
at 563-349-5002 or contact him by e-mail: vacdav@attglobal.net or mail
at P. O. Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.
• Diocesan Review Board: The Diocesan Review Board
reviews the investigation results of sexual abuse allegations. The Board
makes recommendations to me on appropriate action and the suitability
of individuals for continuation in ministry and reviews related diocesan
• Pending Litigation and Claims: I would like to
personally meet with anyone who has been injured by a priest in our diocese.
The Diocese of Davenport, with the assistance of its insurers, will also
strive to resolve pending litigation and claims fairly and honorably.
The Diocese is willing to enter into non-binding mediation for those interested
in attempting to privately resolve claims free from time-consuming and
expensive litigation.
What Our Diocese Will Do Next:
I am committed to working with the faithful to facilitate parish meetings
and to establish support groups where appropriate. I have already contacted
professionals to assist me in these tasks.
With the priests of the Diocese, I will devote this year’s Spring
Priest Convocation in March to presentations by abuse victims and health
care professionals regarding the issue. In connection with this convocation,
we anticipate a Mass for Healing.
I apologize for any harm resulting from sexual abuse by clergy. As Bishop
of the Diocese of Davenport, together with our clergy, I truly pray for
the victims and families who have been so sadly hurt. I pray for the much-needed
healing in our Church and work toward that end. Ultimately, it is by working
together, in union with God's grace that we will be able to move forward
in the years to come.
May God’s grace and strength be with all victims. May that same
strength be with their families. I’m sorry for any suffering you
experienced and continue to experience because of betrayed trust. If you
wish to visit, a phone call or letter to Tom Crowley or to me can help
set a time and place.
May what we do now, in union with God’s help, protect all of our
children now and in the years to come.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
(Most Rev.) William E. Franklin,
Bishop of Davenport
A Historical Accounting of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors
and Action Taken Regarding Certain Priests
A Report by
Most Rev. Wm. E. Franklin
Bishop of Davenport
Information added by BishopAccountability.org
is displayed in red and linked to other relevant
diocesan documents.
We have recently completed an investigation of allegations of sexual
abuse of minors by priests and deacons. The records of over 600 clergy
serving in the Diocese for the past 50 years (1950 to date) have been
reviewed. From this review, information concerning the numbers of abuse
allegations and clergy involved was obtained. This information will be
presented in this Report. In addition, the Diocesan Review Board has considered
several cases and has made recommendations to me regarding certain priests.
Under the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved
by the bishops in 2002, the penalty for a finding of sexual abuse is permanent
removal from ministry. Only Rome has the authority to laicize or to defrock
a priest. The Review Board has recommended that I request the Vatican
to laicize (defrock) five priests. They are: James Janssen, Francis Bass,
Frank Martinez, William Wiebler and Richard Poster. I have accepted these
recommendations, and the requests are being sent to the Vatican.
The Diocese has used a variety of information sources to attempt to determine
the total number of sexual abuse allegations against clergy for the past
50 years (1950 to date). Those sources include a review of Diocesan records
of priests and deacons who have served the Diocese. Also reviewed were
allegations made in lawsuits and reports by individuals who have come
forward with information.
Results of the Investigation
Based on this information, 65* individuals have made allegations of sexual
abuse against priests serving in this diocese. Twenty priests and two
members of a lay group have been accused. Three priests account for 39*
of the charges.
*These numbers cannot be exact because reports have mentioned that an
unspecified number of “Others” were also abused. These other
people may or may not have individually reported abuse. [end of note]
Note from BishopAccountability.org:
The Franklin report is a "diocesan John Jay report" with a difference.
All U.S. dioceses had been asked by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
to search through their 1950-2002 abuse files; to fill out surveys about
accused priests, victims, and the diocese itself; and to submit those
completed surveys for use in the John Jay report on the "nature and
scope" of the crisis. Most U.S. dioceses also released their John
Jay information in a report of their own.
The Davenport diocese took an extremely unusual approach to this John
Jay process, in two respects. 1) The diocese did
not submit information to the John Jay team, because the diocese was
under court order to preserve all its files, but the John Jay guidelines
recommended that work sheets for the project be destroyed. Faced with
these inconsistent mandates, so the diocese says, it chose not to submit
completed surveys to the John Jay researchers. Davenport was one of only
3% of U.S. dioceses that did not return responses. (2) But Bishop Franklin
did decide to issue a diocesan John Jay report.
The best diocesan John Jay reports separate the numbers for total priests
and accused priests into diocesan, extern, and religious order categories,
and provide detailed breakdowns of expenses.
The Franklin report approximates the total number of priests and offers
no diocesan / extern / order breakdown, which unfortunately makes it impossible
to calculate percentages. The report also names only priests who are already
known, and doesn't even name all of those. It does not provide a complete
breakdown of costs.
The diocesan John Jay reports in general have a clear public relations
purpose, though they also have other values, in varying degrees. For comparison,
we provide links to some other diocesan John Jay reports: Des
Moines IA, Dubuque
IA, Sioux
City IA with follow-up press
release, Boston
MA, Fort
Wayne-South Bend IN, Los
Angeles CA, and Miami
By far, most of the allegations refer to abuse in the 1950s, 1960s and
1970s. Of those old incidents over half were reported since 2001. It is
impossible to be exact in computing data because of the presence in several
reports of an unspecified number of “Others.” Nevertheless,
based upon the best information available, we present the following data.
The Diocese received these allegations of past abuse during the following
time-periods: 57% were received since 2000, 24% in the 1990s, 6% in the
1980s, 10% in the 1970s, none in the 1960s, and 3% in the 1950s.
The occurrence of alleged abuse by decade is as follows: about 11% of
the incidents were alleged to have occurred in the 1950s, 53% in the 1960s,
19% in the 1970s, 14% in the 1980s and 3% in the 1990s.
This accounting is based on our review of historical
information up to 50 years old and older. We have done our best to make
a full and fair accounting based on the information available to us today.
It should be stated that it is impossible to confirm or refute many of
the allegations due to the death of clergy and the unavailability of witnesses.
It should be noted that the "death
of clergy and the unavailability of witnesses" are problems
in Davenport because sexual abuse has been kept secret for so long in
the diocese, instead of being dealt with as allegations were made. Indeed,
reports of complaints (such as those by by
a survivor in 1974 regarding Bass and by
Bobbi R. Martin in 1983 regarding Janssen) seem to be missing from
diocesan files, although we cannot be certain that these complaints are
truly absent until the files are made public, as Judge C.H. Pelton has
ordered. We might not be certain even then.
Bishop Franklin does not mention that some knowledgable clergy
are still alive, but have not chosen to tell the truth. Vicar
General Michael J. Morrissey lied in a 1992 sworn deposition, when
he said (pp. 15-16) that he was not aware at the time of complaints against
Janssen and Wiebler. In a 2004 deposition (p. 175), Morrissey
admitted that his 1992 testimony had been untrue.
Another problem that Franklin and his critics face
is the unusual condition of diocesan files. Chancellor
Irene Prior Loftus is by canon law (c. 482 §1) the keeper of the
diocesan archives; it is her "principal function." Yet she claims
to have been unaware of the secret archives that are mandated (c. 489)
by that law. Her story
about discovering the secret archive containing documents on Janssen
is difficult to reconcile with the law of the church, but it is consistent
with a diocesan penchant for secrecy. Vicar General Morrissey lied
under oath, Chancellor Dingman swore
to keep Janssen's abuse secret, and Morrissey remarked
to Bishop O'Keefe (after receiving a victim's complaint): "This memo
should be sealed and put in Father Bass's file. If something else comes
up, I don't think we can deny this phone call." After a 1996 allegation,
Morrissey wrote
to Janssen, "Both you and the Church are fortunate that this is not
being pursued in a more public forum." The culture of the diocese
seems to have been a secret one for quite some time.
The secret archive contained documents from the 1950s
and very early 1960s, but nothing on Janssen after that. The diocese's
lawyer says
that this is because Bishop O'Keefe didn't keep paper as Bishop Hayes
did. But O'Keefe filed compromising documents
about Geerts in the 1990s, so why not about Janssen in the late 1960s
and 1970s? Moreover, the Janssen files dry up in 1961, whereas Hayes remained
in office until 1966.
The gap in the documents seems, however, to coincide with Rev. Francis
E. Bass's long tenure (1958-73) as Diocesan Director of Vocations and
as member of the Personnel Board. During this time, Janssen was rehabilitated
at the Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray in Dubuque and began to hold
lengthy appointments at parishes, where he allegedly abused many boys.
In the 1960s, when complaints vanish from the files, Janssen and Bass
are alleged to have abused boys together and with other priests.
In what circumstances did Bass become the Diocesan
Director of Vocations? On successive days, Bishop Hayes:
• Learned
that Janssen and Bass were both connected
to a Janssen victim (10/1/58);
• Made Bass the Director of
Vocations (10/2/58); and
• Sent
Janssen to the abbey (10/3/58).
That last event is back-dated in Janssen's official assignment record
as presented below, but the correct
date is preserved in Hayes's
notes. It is to be hoped that the diocese will release its files on
Bass, as Judge Pelton has ordered, so that these questions can be cleared
The Review Board recommendations concerning Fr. James Janssen, Fr. William
Wiebler, Fr. Francis Bass, Fr. Frank Martinez and Fr. Richard Poster are
discussed below.
The Diocese is also investigating allegations
against other priests who are defendants in current litigation: Theodore
Geerts (who left the Diocese without permission in 1969 and is living
in a California nursing home), Msgr. Drake Shafer (who is on leave of
absence), Fr. Louis Telegdy (a deceased order priest from the Society
of Precious Blood) and Fr. Martin Diamond (also deceased).
The Review Board has considered the following
a. |
The Review Board has determined that no
further action is warranted at this time regarding a report that a
currently retired priest allegedly abused two minors over 40 years
ago. The Review Board considered information from the persons making
the report and from the accused priest. The Board noted that victim
outreach had taken place and recommended no further action. |
b. |
One allegation was made in the early 1990s
about abuse that allegedly occurred in the early 1960s. The accused
priest died in the same year the allegation was made. This
description distributes an allegation unfairly across the 30
Davenport priests who died 1990-95 (see list), when only one was
accused. By withholding the accused priest's name, Bishop Franklin
brings 29 men unfairly under suspicion, and deprives other possible
victims of the knowledge that they're not the "only ones."
Such knowledge is often necessary if victims are to come forward. |
c. |
Allegations of abuse in the early to mid-1960s
by a priest formerly of this Diocese have been referred to the proper
canonical jurisdiction outside the Diocese. The Diocese of Davenport
has no jurisdiction over this retired priest.
By not specifying the diocese to which this priest was transferred,
the Franklin report makes it impossible confirm that the receiving
diocese has taken account of the Davenport accusation or indeed even
knows about it. Children may have been placed at risk in the receiving
diocese. |
d. |
In 2002, allegations of abuse were made
against three Benedictine priests who served in the Diocese in the
early to mid-1960s. This is a very misleading
statement, because the accused priests worked at St. John's in the
1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The two priests whose names and records
are known are Donald Redmond (at St. John's 1958-61, 1965-67, and
1974-84) and Placidus Kieffer (1963-69). One of the priests
was deceased at the time the allegations were made. The Diocese reported
the allegations to the Benedictines in another state. The location
of the second priest is unknown, and the third priest was removed
from ministry. The names of two of these priests
are a matter of public
record: Donald Redmond and Placidus Kieffer (the latter deceased).
Why were these names not stated here, and why was the third name withheld?
Again, by his silence, Bishop Franklin distributes the suspicion across
the three
Benedictines besides Redmond and Kieffer who worked at St. John's
in Burlington in the early- to mid-1960s and were still alive in 2002:
Rev. Fidelis Forrester, Rev. Andrew Gottschalk, and Rev. Alan Uphaus.
Announcing the name of the third accused priest would set the record
straight about the two priests whom Franklin has included in his account.
It would also make it possible to identify vulnerable communities
in Kansas where the third priest certainly worked, because the Benedictines
at St. John's were based there. |
e. |
In 1998, the Diocese received an allegation
that a child had been abused in the 1960s by a priest serving in the
Diocese. The priest had been deceased for many years when the report
was made. The Diocese offered professional counseling. |
f. |
The Diocese received a report about the
Franciscan Brothers of Christ the King, a group of lay people, not
clergy, serving in the Diocese. The report alleged that a 17-year-old
member of the group had been abused by two other members in the 1970s.
The Diocese reported this to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis where
the group was based, and the group was ultimately disbanded. A
SNAP message
board posting provides additional information on this allegation,
and on the behavior of another accused priest, Rev. William F. Wiebler. |
g. |
In 1989, Fr. James Leu was arrested for
the sexual abuse of minors while he was assigned to St. Mary Church
in Lone Tree, Iowa. Fr. Leu pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two
years of incarceration in a state penal institution. He has been permitted
no public ministry, is restricted to saying private Mass only and
to live a life of prayer and penance. He has had no assignment in
the Diocese since his release from prison. The Diocesan Review Board
has recently reviewed his case and recommended that this status be
maintained. This case is also being sent to Rome with that recommendation.
For additional information on Leu, who served
time for "systematically sexually abus[ing]" two brothers
in 1985-88 while they were minors, see Judge
August F. Honsell's ruling with statement of facts, the deposition
of Bishop O'Keefe {1}
the Deposition of Monsignor Michael J. Morrissey {1}
and Leu's
clergy record. It is reported that Leu now works as an organist
at one of the Catholic churches in Iowa City. |
h. |
Diocesan investigator Jim Sweeney has been
assigned to investigate allegations against two priests for incidents
that occurred in the 1990s. Neither priest is in active ministry. |
i. |
In 2002, allegations of sexual abuse were
made in the newspaper of a foreign country where a priest of this
Diocese had been serving. These allegations are believed to have been
politically motivated and are considered to be unfounded. The priest
is deceased. |
j. |
In 2003, the Diocese received an anonymous
report that a deceased priest and that person's parents had abused
the person on a date unidentified. Upon learning that the priest was
deceased, the person terminated this telephone communication. |
None of the priests against whom allegations have been substantiated are
in public ministry today. They are not permitted to have any ministerial
or priestly contact with children. Bishop Franklin's
will and ability to deny offending priests such contact with children is
called into question by recent events. A few months after the Franklin report
was released, Wiebler defied
Franklin's orders and left his St. Louis treatment center so as to live
near a school. On October 2, 2004, the recently defrocked Janssen
attended a training session for foster and adoptive parents held by
the Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association, of which Janssen was a
member. Franklin had issued precepts on both Wiebler and Janssen, but to
no purpose.
Through this entire period, two lawsuits were settled. One of the lawsuits
was settled for $22,500. The other lawsuit involved two separate people
who were bringing claims. Those claims were settled for $175,000 each.
All of the claims were paid by insurers. Since 2003, the Diocese has spent
over $50,000 for programs directly involving child safety.
James Janssen
Bishop Franklin neglects to mention the two warnings
about Janssen received in 1948 from the rector and the director
of students at Kenrick Seminary.
The case of James Janssen included an investigation of records dating
back over 50 years. The procedure for dealing with sexual abuse allegations
against priests has dramatically changed over the years in response to
the increased level of awareness of the harm caused by the misconduct.
In the 1950s and 1960s, sexual misconduct was perceived as a spiritual
matter, a sin to be confessed with a penance to be performed. This
is a demonstrably false description of perceptions at the time. In a 1961
letter, then-Chancellor Dingman writes to Bishop Hayes that a mother
"might go to the Police and have action taken against Father Janssen."
Clearly, the mother did not view this as a "spiritual matter."
Nor did Hayes and Dingman. There was a general lack of understanding
of pedophilia among professionals during that period. The causes, treatment
and impact upon victims were little understood. Some priests were required
to obtain psychological treatment or counseling, and dioceses were given
recommendations by mental health professionals that the problem had been
satisfactorily addressed and that priests could safely be returned to
ministry. Regrettably, this procedure was followed in the 1950s and 1960s
with Fr. Janssen. This is a false statement. Twice
a "mental health professional" recommended to Bishop Hayes that
Janssen have assigned to him a spiritual director. See next paragraph.
Diocesan records show that, in November 1956, Fr. Janssen was suspended
by Bishop Ralph Hayes and placed on indefinite leave from his appointment
as assistant pastor at Sacred Heart in Newton as a result of apparent
sexual misconduct. During his suspension, he enrolled as a student at
Loyola University and also received psychotherapy. In August 1957, a Loyola
University doctor [he was a psychologist, not a
psychiatrist] wrote to Bishop Hayes and advised him that Fr. Janssen
"can become a very understanding and acceptable pastor…not
likely to fall into [his] past errors."
"However [the psychologist continued],
and this is strongly emphasized, it is urgent and essential that he have
assigned to him particularly, a mature, understanding, spiritual director;
one who can act almost one would say, as a father figure. Also that he
have regular and frequent contact with this director." Instead
Bishop Hayes assigned Fr. Janssen [alone and unsupervised]
as a substitute pastor at St. Michael Church, Holbrook, effective June
6, 1958. When the psychologist wrote
Hayes again in August 1958 to ask whether Janssen had been assigned a
spiritual director, Hayes replied,
"I haven't assigned any particular priest as his spiritual director."
In September 1958, Bishop Hayes received a report from the pastor at a
church near Loyola University that Fr. Janssen had been involved in sexual
misconduct. The priest was Rev. Martin A. Henehan,
formerly administrator of St. Isaac Jogues in Hinsdale, in the Joliet
diocese, and now pastor. Why didn't Franklin name the priest here? Hayes
also received evidence from Henehan: sexually explicit letters
between Janssen and his victim. Janssen's letter to his victim mentioned
Rev. Francis E. Bass. Bishop Hayes again suspended Fr. Janssen,
who went to the Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray. In January 1959, the
Abbot Rt. Rev. Dom Philip O'Connor, O.C.S.O.
reported favorably to an inquiry by Bishop Hayes as to whether Fr. Janssen
had made sufficient progress to warrant recalling him to the Diocese.
Bishop Hayes then appointed Fr. Janssen temporary administrator of St.
Patrick Church, Delmar, and in June 1959, as assistant at St. Mary Church,
Diocesan records do not include specific reports of sexual misconduct
at St. Mary Church, but there are complaints from parents of inappropriate
behavior by Fr. Janssen with boys. This statement
is misleading. In fact, particularly given Janssen's prior history, the
evidence of sexual misconduct at St. Mary's is extensive and clear: 1,
Fr. Janssen was assigned as assistant at St. Joseph Church, Ft. Madison,
from 1961 to 1967 and as pastor at St. Joseph Church, Browns (Sugar Creek),
from 1967 to 1979. After a brief tenure as co-pastor at St. Mary Church
Davenport, Fr. Janssen was assigned as pastor of SS. Philip & James
Church, Grand Mound, from 1980-1990. This is incorrect.
As stated elsewhere in the Franklin
report, Janssen was co-pastor for a year (10/11/79-10/21/80) not at St.
Mary's but at St. Anthony's in Davenport (where the other and senior co-pastor
was Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Feeney, vicar general of the diocese).
From 1961 until 1988, Diocesan records show that no allegations of sexual
abuse were made against Fr. Janssen. But the records
should show that in the spring of 1983, Rev. Msgr. Michael J.
Morrissey met with Ms. Bobbi R. Martin and two other parishioners of SS.
Philip and James, who explained in detail that Janssen was showing pornographic
movies to boys at the rectory. See Martin's affidavit.
After allegations were made in 1988, an investigation by the Diocese uncovered
credible allegations of sexual misconduct by Fr. Janssen while he was
at Ft. Madison, Sugar Creek and Grand Mound. See
Rev. McAleer's 1990 letter
to Bishop O'Keefe. He was placed on indefinite leave of absence
by Bishop Gerald O'Keefe on August 15, 1990 and was retired from active
ministry effective November 5, 1991. Why the two-year
delay between allegation and retirement?
After additional allegations of past sexual abuse were made, Fr. Janssen
was ordered by me on April 1, 1996 to cease any public activity of a Church
nature, including assistance he was providing at a hospital. All active
priests in the Diocese were informed that Fr. Janssen was not available
for any duties. Vicar General Morrissey conveyed
the April 1, 1996 order to Janssen. Then
a February 5, 1997 confidential
letter from Franklin to Janssen listed priestly activities that were
still permitted, including participation in priest gatherings, celebration
of funeral Masses for priests and relatives, and special occasion requests,
to be cleared through Rev. Drake R. Shafer with Bishop Franklin. At this
time, Shafer was Vice President of University Ministry at St. Ambrose
University. Shafer became vicar general in 2000 and is now suspended on
a sexual abuse allegation.
On August 30, 2000, I issued a Precept, the strongest canonical
action possible at that time, which bound Fr. Janssen with specific obligations:
1) To refrain from all contact with minors (under age 18); 2) To cease
work in places of employment where contact with minors is likely to occur;
3) To further avoid all places and situations that, from past experience,
have been occasions of serious temptation in the areas of sexual morality.
Franklin issued this precept after an August 4,
2000 article
appeared in the Quad-City Times, reporting that Janssen was lifeguarding
and teaching at the pools in the Davenport Outing Club and the Scott County
Family Y. (At this time, Janssen was living at the St. Vincent Center
in Davenport with retired Davenport Bishop O'Keefe, Vicar General Morrissey,
Chancellor Leo Feeney, Vice Chancellor Parizek, and other diocesan officials,
as well as accused priest Frank Martinez.)
From the perspective of today, it was clearly a mistake for Fr. Janssen
to have been reassigned to any public ministry after his 1956 suspension.
The Diocese of Davenport apologizes for these mistakes. I have accepted
the recommendation of the Review Board that I request the Vatican to laicize
Fr. James Janssen.
Francis Bass
Bishop Franklin does not mention here that that
on October 1, 1958, Bishop Hayes acknowledged
having been forwarded an obscene
letter from Janssen to a victim, in which Janssen referred familiarly
to Bass's new car and a drive up to see the victim again. The very next
day, Hayes named Bass the Diocesan Director of Vocations, a new position.
Diocesan records show that a report was received dated June 29, 1992 that
Fr. Bass had sexually abused a minor in 1964. This
"dated" report was actually a phone call from a survivor to
Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Morrissey, then vicar general. Morrissey himself
wrote the 6/29/92 report
to Bishop O'Keefe: "I believe no action needs to be taken, but
this memo should be sealed and put in Father Bass's file. If something
else comes up, I don't think we can deny this phone call." Diocesan
records should show that the survivor had previously spoken with
a representative of the diocese in approximately 1974 and reported the
abuse. See the survivor's affidavit.
Fr. Bass retired in October 1992. In 1998, the Diocese received a report
that Fr. Bass had abused another minor in the 1960s. Additional credible
allegations of abuse against Fr. Bass have recently been received by the
Diocese. I have accepted the recommendation of the Review Board that I
request the Vatican to laicize Fr. Francis Bass.
Frank Martinez
Diocesan records show that in 1986 Fr. Martinez appeared to initiate
sexual activity with a minor who fled from him and sought help. The minor
and his parents sued Fr. Martinez and the Diocese. The case was settled
out-of-court. I have accepted the recommendation of the Review Board that
I request the Vatican to laicize Fr. Frank Martinez. Martinez
had solicited sex from a boy at a Davenport motel on 12/26/86, and the
boy fled to the desk clerk, who called the police, who in turn called
Vicar General Morrissey. See Morrissey's
sworn 1992 deposition (pp. 11-16). Morrissey says in his deposition
(pp. 15-16) that the Martinez claim and one other (against Rev. James
E. Leu) were the only sexual abuse claims that he knew about at the time.
This testimony was false, as Morrissey
admitted in a 2004 deposition (p. 175), because in 1992 he already
knew about accusations against James M. Janssen and Rev. William F. Wiebler.
Morrissey also likely knew of a 1974 accusation against Rev. Francis E.
Bass (see the victim's affidavit),
because Morrissey was the chancellor of the diocese at the time of the
accusation. He might also have known of a prior claim against Martinez.
Before the motel abuse, which occurred when Martinez was pastor at Sacred
Heart in Melcher and St. Joseph's in Bauer, Martinez was abruptly pulled
(on 10/8/85) from his pastor positions at Sacred Heart in Lost Nation
and St. James in Toronto after less than two years in those positions.
By this time, Morrissey was the vicar general of the diocese. Rev. Msgr.
W. Robert Schmidt was briefly installed as pastor at Sacred Heart and
St. James, while Martinez was sent out-of-state to a hospital chaplaincy
for a few months, before being assigned to Melcher. Schmidt was a senior
diocesan priest who was then superintendent of schools and would become
vicar for priests (a new position) in 1986. See the Official Catholic
Directory (New York: Kenedy, 1986-87). These unusual circumstances
are not mentioned or explained in the Franklin report.
William Wiebler
The Diocese has received allegations of sexual abuse against Fr. Wiebler
for incidents that date back to the 1970s and 1980s. Fr. Wiebler has admitted
acts of abuse with several minors. In a May 2002
meeting with Bishop Franklin and Chancellor Loftus, Wiebler
reportedly admitted to abusing at least 12 boys, not "several."
Fr. Wiebler's last position in the Diocese was in 1985. Wiebler
was pulled on 2/1/85 from his position as pastor at St. Mary of the Visitation
in Ottumwa for sexual abuse. See Morrissey's
2004 deposition (p. 184) on "what happened down in Ottumwa."
He then took a leave of absence to become editor of Sacred Heart League
publications in Mississippi. He retired in 1991. This
retirement year is not consistent with entries in the Official Catholic
Directory. The 1986-2000 Directories list Wiebler (inconveniently
spelled "Weibler" only in these years) as "On Duty Outside
the Diocese." He is not listed in the 2001 Directory, and
then is listed as retired beginning in the 2002 Directory.
In 2002, Fr. Wiebler was admitted for residential treatment at a facility
in Missouri. On October 9, 2002, I issued a Precept, the strongest canonical
action possible at that time, which bound Fr. Wiebler with specific obligations:
1) To continue treatment and to comply to the fullest extent with all
those involved in his treatment program; 2) To refrain from all contact
with minors (under age 18); 3) To continue cessation of volunteer work
or employment in any place where contact with minors may occur; 4) To
further avoid all places and situations that, from past experience, have
been occasions of serious temptation in the areas of sexual morality.
He remains at the treatment facility. But in May
2004, Wiebler moved from the St. John Vianney Renewal Center in Jefferson
County MO to an apartment near a grade school, and the St. John Vianney
Center reportedly
informed the Davenport diocese of Wiebler's departure. I have accepted
the recommendation of the Review Board that I request the Vatican to laicize
Fr. William Wiebler.
Richard Poster
On December 17, 2002, computer files containing child pornography were
discovered on a diocesan computer, which had been in Fr. Poster's possession.
The Diocese immediately reported this matter to the authorities, and Fr.
Poster was charged with and pleaded guilty to a federal count of possession
of child pornography. He has recently been sentenced to imprisonment.
I have accepted the recommendation of the Review Board that I request
the Vatican to laicize Father Richard Poster.
May God’s Grace and strength be with all who are victims. May that
same strength be with their families. I’m sorry for any suffering
you had and continue to have because of betrayed trust. If you wish to
visit, a phone call or letter to Tom Crowley or to me can help set a time
and place. May what we do now, in union with God’s help, protect
all of our children now and in the years to come.
Priest Assignments
Francis E. Bass,
81, of Davenport; ordained June 6, 1948 [see also
our alternative service record for Bass]
Assignments: |
7/8/48 - 6/20/57 |
Clinton: St. Mary |
Assistant |
6/20/57 - 7/1/66 |
Davenport: St. Joseph |
Assistant |
7/1/66 - 9/7/67 |
Eddyville: St. Mary and Ottumwa Convent Listed
as Ottumwa Heights College in the 1967 Official Catholic Directory.
According to its promotional material, it was a "fully accredited
junior college" (see picture above), not a convent. |
Chaplain |
9/7/67 - 7/14/73 |
East Pleasant Plain: St. Joseph |
Pastor |
9/7/67 - 1968 |
Polishville: Immaculate Conception |
Pastor. Listed in the 1968 Directory |
7/14/73 - 1/31/78 |
Newton: Sacred Heart |
Pastor |
1/31/78 - 8/18/81 |
Iowa City: St. Patrick |
Pastor |
8/18/81 - 10/27/92 |
Delmar: St. Patrick |
Pastor |
10/16/84 - 10/27/92 |
Welton: St. Anne |
Pastor |
10/27/1992-1993 |
Davenport: St. Vincent Center
Retirement? |
This retirement date is not supported
by the 1993 Official Catholic Directory, which does not list
Bass as retired, though it does list him as a resident at the St.
Vincent Center. A retirement on 10/27/92 would have had adequate time
to be included in the 1993 Directory. Was there some interval
between Bass's departure from Delmar (10/27/92) and his retirement? |
1993 - 2000 |
Iowa City
1993-95: 625 E. Bloomington St. #2, Iowa City IA 52245
1995-99: 109 N. Dodge St., Iowa City 52245 |
Retired (1994-2000 Official
Catholic Directory listings) |
2000-2003 |
Davenport: St. Vincent Center |
Retired (2001-2003 Official
Catholic Directory listings) |
6/21/04 |
for laicization of Bass sent to Vatican, after a 3-month delay. |
Offices Held: |
10/2/58 - 8/20/73 |
Director of Vocations The Official
Catholic Directories 1971-73 do not list Bass in this office,
replacing his name with "Correspond with Chancery."
Personnel Board |
12/15/76 - 1/31/78 |
Dean of Grinnell Deanery |
James M. Janssen, 81, of Davenport;
ordained March 19, 1948 [see also our alternative
service record for Janssen]
Assignments: |
4/8/48 - 8/48 |
Victor: St. Bridget |
Assistant |
9/48 - 5/18/50 |
Burlington: St. Paul |
Assistant |
5/18/50 - 7/9/53 |
Clinton: St. Irenaeus |
Assistant |
7/9/53 - 8/16/53 |
East Pleasant Plain: St. Joseph |
Assistant |
7/9/53 - 8/16/53 |
Polishville: Immaculate Conception |
Assistant |
7/9/53 - 8/16/53 |
Richland: St. Francis Xavier
Cabrini |
Assistant |
8/16/53 - 12/6/53 |
Leave of Absence |
12/7/53 - 11/13/56 |
Newton: Sacred Heart |
11/56 - 6/58 |
Leave of Absence/Suspension
Chicago: Loyola University |
Graduate Study |
11/56 - 6/58 |
Hinsdale IL: St. Isaac Jogues
(Joliet diocese under Bishop Martin D. McNamara) |
Helping Administrator/Pastor Rev. Martin A.
Henehan with "the
boy scouts and the teenagers"; approximate dates are drawn from
the victim's
affidavit |
6/6/58 - 9/58 |
Holbrook: St. Michael |
Substitute Pastor |
9/58 - 1/26/59 The
suspension letter is dated
10/3/58 |
Leave of Absence/Suspension |
1/26/59 - 6/25/59 Janssen was appointed
to St. Patrick's on 1/22/59. |
Delmar: St. Patrick |
Administrator |
6/25/59 - 6/29/61 |
Davenport: St. Mary |
Assistant |
6/29/61 - 11/5/66 |
Fort Madison: St. Joseph |
Assistant |
11/5/66 - 2/1/67 |
Fort Madison: St. Joseph |
When Rev. Leonard M. Boyle, Janssen's pastor at St. Joseph's, died
on 11/5/66, Janssen became administrator of the parish for 3 months,
before he was made pastor of St. Joseph's in Sugar Creek. |
2/1/67 - 10/11/79 |
Sugar Creek: St. Joseph |
Pastor |
9/7/72 - 2/4/79 |
Bryant: St. Mary |
Pastor |
10/11/79 - 10/21/80 |
Davenport: St. Anthony |
Co-Pastor |
10/21/80 - 8/15/90 |
Grand Mound: Sts. Philip and James |
Pastor |
8/15/90 - 11/5/91 |
Leave of Absence for health reasons |
11/5/1991 |
To Retirement |
? - 4/15/96 |
Davenport: Our Lady of Victory |
for Rev. Daniel C. Mannhardt |
? - 4/15/96 |
Davenport: Genesis Medical Center,
Multiple Adictions Recovery Center |
with the MARC unit |
? - 8/30/00 [the date of Franklin
and Wolf's precept] |
Davenport: Scott County Family
Y and Davenport Outing Club |
and teacher; "many in his classes still call him 'Father'"
6/14-18/2004 |
for laicization of Janssen sent to Vatican, after a 3-month delay. |
7/28/04 |
Vatican laicizes Janssen. |
9/23/04 |
Janssen's laicization is announced;
the diocese
had apparently learned of it on 9/20/04. |
10/6/04 |
membership in the Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association is
cancelled after his attendance at a training session is made public. |
Offices Held: |
1973 |
Priests' Senate |
2/1/76 - 1/1/89 |
Priests' Personnel Board |
7/24/80 - 8/15/90 Janssen's resignation
effective 7/31/90. |
Boy Scouts, Chaplain |
Frank R. Martinez, Jr., 54, of Davenport; ordained August 28,
1982 [see also our alternative service record for
Assignments: |
9/16/82 - 1/14/84 |
Davenport: Sacred Heart Cathedral |
Associate Pastor |
1/14/84 - 10/8/85 |
Lost Nation: Sacred Heart |
Pastor |
4/24/84 - 10/8/85 |
Toronto: St. James |
Pastor |
10/8/85 - 11/27/85 |
Leave of Absence-Decatur, Ill.:
St. Mary Hospital |
Chaplain |
11/27/85 - 11/1/86 |
Buffalo: St. Peter |
Parochial Administrator |
11/1/86 - 1/5/87 |
Bauer: St. Joseph
Melcher: Sacred Heart |
Pastor |
1/15/87 - |
Leave of Absence for personal reasons |
1987 - 1988 |
Burlington: St. Francis Continuation
Care and Nursing Home |
(listed in 1988 Official Catholic Directory) |
1988 - 1990 |
Rochester NY: St. Mary's
(Rochester diocese under Bishop Mathew H. Clark) |
in 1989 and 1990 Official Catholic Directory. In 1989 Martinez
is listed as a "deacon," although he was and is still a
priest. |
1990 - 1995 |
Absent on Leave |
Listed in the 1991-95 Official
Catholic Directory. |
1995 - 2001 |
Davenport: St. Vincent Center |
Listed in the 1996-2001 Official
Catholic Directory. Other residents
were Vicar General Morrissey, Chancellor Leo Feeney, and Janssen.
Bass came in 2000. |
1996 - 2001 |
Special Assignment |
Listed in the 1997-2001 Official
Catholic Directory. |
2001 - 2003 |
On Duty Outside the Diocese |
Listed in the 2002-2003 Official
Catholic Directory. His address is listed as 2706 N. Gaines St.,
which is the address of the St. Vincent Center, but he is not listed
in the St. Vincent Center entry. |
6/22/04 |
for laicization of Martinez sent to Vatican, after a 3-month delay. |
Richard Poster, 39, of Blue Grass; ordained December 5, 1992
[see also our alternative service record for Poster]
Assignments: |
12/22/92 - 8/8/95 |
Iowa City: St. Mary |
Parochial Vicar |
8/8/95 - 7/1/96 |
Keokuk: All Saints |
Parochial Vicar |
7/1/96 - 11/16/96 |
Bettendorf: St. John Vianney
Davenport: St. Ambrose University |
Parochial Vicar
On Faculty - part-time |
11/16/96 - 7/2/01 |
Lost Nation: Sacred Heart
Toronto: St. James
Oxford Junction: Sacred Heart |
Pastor |
7/2/2001 |
to Liturgical studies Chicago:
Catholic Theological Union |
12/2002 |
Leave of Absence Reportedly
including treatment at St. Luke's in Silver Springs MD |
1/22/04 |
to one year in prison on one count of receiving visual depictions
of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct. A second
count of possessing child porn was dropped as part of a plea agreement. |
6/14-18/2004 |
for laicization of Poster sent to Vatican, after a 3-month delay. |
Offices Held: |
1993 |
Worship & Spiritual Life Commission |
1996 - |
Coordinating Director of Liturgy |
The 1997 Official Catholic
Directory lists Rev. James J. Vrba as "Coordinating Director
of Worship and Liturgy," not Poster. In the 1998-2000 Directories,
"Rev. Rick Poster" is listed as "Coordinating Director
of Worship." |
2000 |
Director of Liturgy |
? - 12/2002 |
Associate publisher
of the Catholic Messenger |
William F. Wiebler, 76, in treatment in Missouri; ordained
June 4, 1955 [see also our alternative service record
for Wiebler]
Assignments: |
6/23/55 - 6/20/57 |
Clear Creek: Sts. Peter and Paul |
Assistant |
6/20/57 - 6/1958 |
Davenport: St. Ambrose Academy |
On Faculty |
6/30/57 - 8/15/57 |
Davenport: St. Vincent Home |
Chaplain |
6/1958 - 7/1/64 |
Davenport: Assumption HS |
On Faculty |
7/1/64 - 8/17/67 |
Clinton: St. Mary |
Assistant |
8/17/67 - 8/28/69 |
Iowa City: St. Mary |
Assistant |
8/28/69 - 10/7/71 |
Farmington: St. Boniface
String Prairie: St. Mary |
Pastor |
10/7/71 - 8/1/80 |
Bettendorf: Our Lady of Lourdes |
Pastor |
8/1/80 - 2/1/85 |
Ottumwa: St. Mary of the Visitation |
Pastor |
11-20-91 |
To Retirement |
This retirement year is not consistent
with entries in the Official Catholic Directory. The 1986-2000
Directories list Wiebler (inconveniently spelled "Weibler"
only in these years) as "On Duty Outside the Diocese." He
is not listed in the 2001 Directory, and is listed as retired
beginning in the 2002 Directory. |
2/1/85-1992 |
Leave of Absence to Walls, MS.
Editor of "League of the Sacred Heart publication"
In the Official Catholic Directories
for these years, the Sacred Heart League is led by Rev. Robert Hess,
S.C.J., with no other priests listed on the staff. In the 1988-92
Directories, the director is Mr. Roger Courts. Walls MS is
in the Jackson diocese, where William R. Houck was the bishop.
Wiebler's affiliation with the
Sacred Heart League in Walls MS is not stated in the Official
Catholic Directory. In the 1986-92 he is listed as "On Duty
Outside the Diocese," with the address (5)506 Koko Reef Rd.,
Hernando MS 38632 |
1992-1993 |
Tampa: St. Patrick's
Priests of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis (T.O.R) staffed
this parish in the St. Petersburg diocese (Bishop John C. Favalora).
The parish school had 376 students. Clergy: Revs. Venard Moffitt,
Colman McGarrill, Dennis Gang; Deacon John M. Edgerton, admin. |
The St. Patrick's rectory (4212
Fair Oaks Ave., Tampa FL 33611 is listed as Wiebler's address in the
Davenport pages of the 1993 Official Catholic Directory,
where his status is "On Duty Outside the Diocese." But he
is not listed in the Tampa diocesan pages as being one of the parish
priests. |
1993 - 1995 |
2415 Sturdevant St., Davenport
IA 52804 |
Status is "On Duty Outside
the Diocese," although the address given in the 1994-95 Official
Catholic Directories is a Davenport address. |
1995 - 2000 |
a part-time cruise ship chaplain |
Status is "On Duty Outside
the Diocese" in the 1996-2000 Official Catholic Directories,
with this address: 750 Burlington Ave., Apt. 3F, St. Petersburg Beach
FL 33701 |
2000 - 2001 |
Whereabouts unknown. |
Wiebler is not indexed in the
2001 Official Catholic Directory or listed in the "On
Duty Outside the Diocese" or "Absent on Leave" sections
of the Davenport diocesan pages. |
2001 - 2003 |
First in St. Petersburg Beach FL 2001-2002, and then at the St. Vincent
Center, Davenport IA (2002-2003). |
Listed as retired in the 2002-2003
Official Catholic Directories. In the 2002 Directory,
his old St. Petersburg Beach address is given. In the 2003 Directory,
his address is the St. Vincent Center address, but he is not listed
in the St. Vincent Center entry. Sometime after a May
2002 meeting with Franklin and Loftus, Wiebler had in fact moved
at Franklin's request to a treatment center near St. Louis. |
10/02 |
Franklin reportedly
issues a precept that "obliged Wiebler to continue a treatment
program and avoid contact with minors" |
>5/02 - Spring 2003 |
Dittmer MO: St.
John Vianney Renewal Center (run by the Servants of the Paraclete) |
Rev. Peter Lechner, S.P., is
the director. |
Spring 2003 - |
University City MO: Apartment
near the Delmar-Harvard Elementary School and the Julia Goldstein
Preschool. University City is near Washington University in metropolitan
St. Louis. |
6/21/04 |
for laicization of Wiebler sent to Vatican, after a 3-month delay. |
The Franklin report's "Priest Assignments"
provide the start and stop dates that are standard on the Davenport "clergy
record," of which the only publicly released example is the clergy
record for James E. Leu.
* In the Franklin report, assignments are only provided for the five priests
whose laicization has been requested: Bass,
and Wiebler.
* Assignments are not provided in the Franklin report for the other accused
priests named herein: Geerts,
and Leu.
* Obviously, assignments are also not given in the Franklin report for
accused priests whose names are public, but who are not named in the report:
Rev. Donald Redmond,
O.S.B., Rev. Placidus Kieffer,
O.S.B., and Rev. Paul A. Deyo.
The links highlighted above will take you to BishopAccountability.org's
assignment records for each priest.
Review Board of the Diocese of Davenport
Bishop William Franklin appointed the following members to the Diocesan
Review Board in January 2003:
• The Honorable Clarence Darrow. He is a partner
in the law firm of Law Offices of Clarence Darrow. From 1986-1996 he served
as Illinois circuit judge with jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases.
Prior to that, he was partner in the law firm of Collinson, Taber and
Darrow for 11 years, served in both the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives
during an 11-year span, served as assistant state’s attorney in
Rock Island County for four years, was a psychiatric social worker from
1966-1971 in group, marital and family counseling as well as a Child Abuse
Investigator/Court Liaison. Darrow also serves as a board member of Humility
of Mary Housing Inc., and is a member of such organizations as Bread for
the World and the Knights of Columbus. He has been recognized many times
for his legislative service. Darrow is a member of St. Anthony’s
parish in Davenport.
• Catherine Fouts is the president of the Diocesan
Board of Education and vice president of the Newton Community School District
Board of Education. She has served our diocese as a coordinator of religious
education and has been a catechist for 12 years. She completed the Diocese
of Davenport Ministry Formation Program in 1999 and the Grinnell Deanery
Catechist Faith Formation Program in 1998. Fouts attended Loras College
in Dubuque and received her bachelor of liberal studies from the University
of Iowa in 1984. She holds various certifications as a coach and official.
Her varied community involvement includes activities as a member of Skiff
Hospital Auxiliary where she served as past program chair and health education
chair and she taught classes for babysitting. She is a member of Sacred
Heart parish, Newton.
• Bernard Hardiek is retired from Deere & Company
where he served as president of the Worldwide Agricultural Equipment Division.
He worked for the company for 20 years in various capacities including
business development and planning. Previously, he worked for the Internal
Revenue Service for 16 years, and also worked in various capacities that
included field audit branch chief, chief of the appeals office and assistant
regional commissioner, appeals, in Chicago. Hardiek is a Certified Public
Accountant with a bachelor of science degree in accounting from Eastern
Illinois University. He has served on various boards of directors including
Moline Lutheran Hospital, Arrowhead Ranch and St. Ambrose University.
He is a member of Christ the King parish, Moline, Ill.
• Msgr. James Parizek, JCL is a Promoter of Justice
for the Diocese of Davenport and pastor of Our Lady of Victory parish,
Davenport. He has served in a variety of positions in the diocese since
his ordination in 1972, including assistant chancellor and diocesan judicial
vicar, a position in which he oversaw the Diocesan Tribunal from 1981-2000.
He has been a member of the Tribunal since 1976. He contributes his experience
and education in Canon Law to the Review Board. The approved Norms recommend
participation by a Promoter of Justice.
• Chris McCormick Pries, ARNP is the associate
director for research, evaluation and community relations with Vera French
Community Mental Health Center in Davenport. She is an Advanced Registered
Nurse Practitioner, holding certification as a Clinical Nurse Specialist
in child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing from the
American Nurses Association. She has been with Vera French since 1975
and earlier held positions of assistant director for quality assurance,
coordinator of adolescent outpatient services, chief of nursing services,
psychiatric nurse on the child/adolescent team, and consultant on the
consultation team. McCormick Pries also provided counseling services to
St. Ambrose students from 1984-1985. She serves on the adjunct faculty
of the University of Iowa College of Nursing and has done so since 1986.
She also served as an instructor at the former Marycrest College and at
Black Hawk College in Illinois. She is a member of St. John Vianney parish
in Bettendorf.
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