from the San Diego Settlement
On October 22, 2010, Judge
William C. Pate ordered the release of documents relating to
the sexual abuse of children by priests in the Diocese of San Diego.
This document release was a nonmonetary provision of the San Diego
settlement, as ordered on August 29, 2008 by Judge Emilie Elias,
of the Los Angeles Superior Court.
On this page, we present all the documents released by Judge Pate's
order, and during this week, we will post the crucial documents
individually for easier download. Some of these documents are also
available from the website of the Zalkin
Law Firm, which was our source for many of the files. The text
of Judge Pate's order and the files for ten of the priests were
provided by attorney Anthony DeMarco.
Some of the files linked on this page are very large. We have posted
them as they were released, so that our readers could have immediate
access to this important archive – the largest collection
of abuse-related documents ever obtained from a California diocese.
In the coming days, we will make the documents easier to access
by cutting them into smaller PDFs and offering selected documents.
Please refresh this page often in your browser to view the new material. |
These documents are important for many reasons. They are the first public
evidence of allegations of misconduct against nine priests: Brennan, Clarkin,
Creaton, Jost, Kearney, MacCourt, O'Connor, O'Donohoe, and Waltos. They
also provide crucial evidence that the sexual abuse crisis is an international
phenomenon, and they offer a remarkably detailed history of mismanagement
and concealment by the San Diego diocese's bishops and managers.
| Amora | Benson
| Booth | Brennan
| Clarkin | Cotter
| Covas | Creaton
| Daly | de
Francisco | Doxie | Eagen
| Etienne | Flynn
| Galindo | Ganahl
| Gomez Macouzet | Jost
| Keith | Kearney
| Koerner | Kowalczyk
| Kraft | MacCourt
| Moloney | Marron
Brothers | McGinn | McNamara
| Nikliborc | Nunez
| O'Connor | O'Donohoe
| O'Keeffe | Omemaga
| Robier | Rodrigue
| Roll | Rossell
| Savord | Schmitz
| Shanley | Sheridan
| Sierra | Spain
| Thompson | Uboldi
| Vinyard | Waltos
• Rev.
Edito D. Amora
• Rev.
Gustavo Benson
• Rev.
James T. Booth
• Rev.
Peadar Brennan
- Brennan's
personal record with diocesan work history
redacted before the document was released
- Our
reconstruction of Brennan's work history with many links to the
- Letter
to Bishop Straling from the husband of a parishioner with whom Brennan
was having a child, stating that the husband will take civil and canonical
action (3/29/85)
- Husband's
poignant letter to Brennan (no date)
- Response
to the husband from James J. Manning, the diocese’s attorney,
urging that the matter be kept private and stating that a bishop isn’t
“responsible for the conduct of priests outside the course and
scope of their priestly duties” (4/5/85)
- Husband’s
reply to Manning, noting that Straling did not answer his letter himself
and rejecting the notion that Brennan was “off duty” when
he broke up the husband's marriage (4/30/85)
- Husband’s
letter to Pope John Paul II stating that for more than a year he has
tried to bring the problem to the parish council, Straling, and the
Los Angeles archdiocese, and that the Pope is now his “court
of last resort” (6/17/85)
- Memo
about Brennan's second child and the reactions at his parish, St.
Francis of Assisi in La Quinta (10/10/88)
- Brennan's
statement resigning as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi (10/16/88)
- Letter
to Bishop Straling requesting that he have Brennan pay child support,
written by the mother's canon lawyer, Rev. Gregory Ingels, himself
later accused of sexual abuse in a different case (3/16/89)
- Obituary
reporting the death of Brennan's second child (3/26/89)
- Bishop
Straling's letter to Brennan, sending him out of state to the Servants
of the Paraclete until the legal problems are resolved (5/3/89)
- Whistleblower's
letter to Bishop Barnes, cc'ing Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan,
the Vatican's Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the U.S., informing them that
Brennan's third child was born on October 18, 1995 (11/2/95)
- Brennan's
resignation statement (11/10/95)
• Msgr. Joseph V. Clarkin - Part
1, Part
• Rev.
James Henry Cotter
• Rev.
Peter Covas
• Rev.
James Creaton
• Rev.
John J. Daly
• Rev. Luis Eugene de Francisco - Part
1, Part
- Letter
from Bishop Buddy to de Francisco about the police making a record
of serious incidents (12/21/62) [The Latin phrase in the letter means:
"Considering what must be considered."]
- Letter
from Bishop Buddy to de Francisco saying that because of a "lack
of prudence" de Francisco must go back to Colombia (1/8/63) [The
Latin means: "The safer course must be chosen."]
- Letter
from Bishop Buddy to Bishop Uribe Urdaneta about de Francisco's
arrest and complaints about his "association" with children
in three parishes (8/16/63)
- Letter
from Msgr. Doxie, Buddy's Secretary and Vice Chancellor, and later
accused of abuse, to Chancellor in Colombia (10/25/63)
- Memo
from Msgr. Steven Callahan, Vicar General, summarizing the de
Francisco file (8/3/70)
• Rev.
Donald F. Doxie
• Msgr.
I. Brent Eagen
• Rev.
Raymond Etienne
• Rev.
Herman Flynn, C.S.Sp.
• Msgr. Rudolph Galindo - Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
• Rev. James Ganahl - Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
• Msgr. Maximiliano A. Gomez Macouzet - Part
1, Part
• Mr.
Dennis Raymond Jost
- Proffer
describing some documents in the file [no date]
- Dennis
Jost: History assessing Jost's performance in the Deacon Formation
Program (1983-1986), alluding to an early "incident," and
stating that Jost is not ready for candidacy or ordination (2/21/86)
[prepared for signature of Deacon Joseph Gomek et al.; this copy not
- Charge
alleges man took boy, planned sex, by Ricardo Duran, Press-Enterprise
(5/15/92) [clipping collected by the diocese]
- Letter
by an official of the St. Joseph Cupertino Province of the Conventual
Franciscans (Very Rev. Allen Ramirez was the provincial at the
time) to Rev. John Farao OFM Conv., at Queen of Angels church in Riverside,
about John McNicholas, the province's attorney, asking Farao not to
discuss Jost except with the authorities (6/17/92)
- Sex-conspiracy
trial set for ex-church volunteer, Press-Enterprise (5/27/92)
[clipping collected by the diocese]
- Suit
alleges sexual battery by ex-altar boy coordinator, by Don Babwin,
Press-Enterprise (6/27/92) [clipping collected by the diocese]
- Complaint
for damages in Jason R. v. Diocese of San Bernardino, Dennis Jost,
Bernard Waltos, and the Conventual Franciscans (6/22/92)
- Deposition
of Rev. Ronald Rocky OFM Conv. regarding Jost and Rev. Bernard
Waltos at Queen of Angels parish in Riverside (1/15/93) [The names
of Rocky and Waltos are redacted in the released file, but they are
identifiable from the context.]
- Ex-worker
with altar boys gets 6 months in prison, Press-Enterprise (1/21/93)
[clipping collected by the diocese]
- Memo
from Bishop Straling to San Bernardino diocesan priests providing
a statement about Rev. Rudi Gil and the allegation against him to
be read on 4/18/93 at Masses (4/12/93) [Gil's name is redacted in
the released document but his identity is clear from the context.
For an example of the press coverage that Straling anticipated, see
Leaves Church Post after Sex Allegation, by Susan M. Loux, Press
Enterprise (4/12/93).]
- Letter
to Catholics by Bishop Phillip F. Straling about the "barrage
of press coverage concerning sexual abuse by priests and a lay volunteer"
• Rev.
John C. Keith
• Rev.
Patrick Kearney
• Rev.
Robert S. Koerner, O.M.I.
• Rev.
Albert (aka Adalbert) Kowalczyk, C.R.
• Rev. William A. Kraft - Part
1, Part
2, Part
• Rev.
Michael MacCourt
• Rev.
Thomas Moloney
• Rev.
Peter Joseph Marron, O.S.A., and Michael Victor Marron
• Msgr. Malachy McGinn - Part
1, Part
• Rev. Patrick McNamara - Part
1, Part
2, Part
• Rev.
Robert Nikliborc
• Msgr.
Joseph R. Nunez
• Rev.
Michael O'Connor
• Rev.
Michael Raymond O'Donohoe
• Rev. Patrick O'Keeffe - Part
1, Part
2, Part
• Rev.
Emanuel Olilang Omemaga
• Rev.
Franz Robier
• Rev. Edward Anthony Rodrigue - Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
4, Part
5, Part
6, Part
7, Part
• Rev.
David Roll
• Rev.
Joseph Rossell
• Rev.
William Savord
• Rev. John A. Schmitz - Part
1, Part
• Rev.
Paul Shanley
• Rev. Gregory Sheridan - Part
1, Part
2, Part
• Rev. Frank Sierra - Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
4, Part
• Rev. William Spain - Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
• Rev.
Matthew J. Thompson
• Rev.
Victor Uboldi
• Rev.
Barry Vinyard
• Rev.
Bernard Waltos, O.F.M. Conv.
- Deposition
of Rev. Ronald Rocky OFM Conv. regarding Jost and Rev. Bernard
Waltos at Queen of Angels parish in Riverside (1/15/93) [The names
of Rocky and Waltos are redacted in the released file, but they are
identifiable from the context. This document is part of the Mr. Dennis
Jost file (see above), but it contains
important information about Rev. Bernard Waltos OFM Conv. too.]