Volume 7 – Volume 3 of Part 2
Deposition of Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez

October 5, 1994

Volume 1 – January 12, 1994
Volume 2 – January 13, 1994
Volume 3 – January 14, 1994
Volume 4 – January 15, 1994

Volume 5 – October 3, 1994
Volume 6 – October 4, 1994
Volume 7 – October 5, 1994
Volume 8 – Cctober 6, 1994



3 Nos. CV-93-02879
4 CV-93-02883
5 CV-93-07186
6 CV-93-08930
7 CV-94-05040
8 CV-94-05042
9 CV-94-05044
10 CV-94-05046
11 CV-94-05048
12 CV-94-05050
13 CV-94-05052
14 CV-94-05054
15 CV-94-06778
16 CV-94-07716
17 CV-94-08075

a New Mexico Corporation, et al.,


221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092




3 October 5, 1994

4 9:15 a.m.

5 5625 Isleta Boulevard, S.W.

6 Albuquerque, New Mexico

PROCEDURE this deposition was:

Cumbre Court Reporting
11 117 N. Guadalupe
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

13 A P P E A R A N C E S

14 For the Plaintiffs:

16 Attorneys at Law
425 Sandoval Street
17 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

P.O. Box 1060
19 Green River, Wyoming 82935

21 For the Defendant Archdiocese:

P.O. Box 11648
23 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87192-0648


221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 For the Defendant Archdiocese:

P.O. Drawer AA
3 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103
5 P.O. Box 35670
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176-5670

For the Defendant Archbishop:
9 320 Central Avenue, S.W., Suite 30
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

For the Defendant Servants:
13 P.O. Box 25687
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125

For the Defendant Lovelace Institutes:
17 P.O. Box 1888
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103-1888

For the Defendants Pecos Benedictine Monastery, Sons
20 of the Holy Family:

P.O. Box 2168
22 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103-2168



221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 For the Defendant Greek Orthodox Archdiocese:

4308 Carlisle Boulevard, N.E., Suite 207
3 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

5 Also Present:

6 JERRY GOFFE, Videographer
ROY MATTHEWS, Videographer




12 By Mr. Tinkler 1202














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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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2 after having been previously sworn under oath, was

3 questioned and testified further as follows:



6 Q. Archbishop Sanchez, yesterday when we

7 broke for the day, we had been talking about Father

8 Ed Donelan, and I have a few more questions about

9 that. I think you've read, had a chance to read

10 Exhibit 52; is that correct?

11 A. Yes, I just finished now, um-hm.

12 Q. Do you recall receiving that letter from

13 back in the summer of 1976?

14 A. I have received a couple of letters, and I

15 just don't recall a specific letter; so I don't

16 recall it specifically, nor the name, until I read it

17 a while ago.

18 Q. Did it refresh your memory when you read

19 it?

20 A. It brought back concerns of the people

21 there.

22 Q. The name though, did that ring

23 a bell?

24 A. No, it didn't.

25 Q. I'm going to direct your attention to, I

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 think it's page 3 of the letter, the last paragraph,

2 where it says "Now is the hard part."

3 A. All right.

4 Q. And you read that this morning?

5 A. Yes. You just gave it to me.

6 Q. Do you now recall that you were notified

7 in June of 1976 that at least this particular family

8 suspected that Father Ed was molesting the boys?

9 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. The

10 exhibit, No. 52, speaks for itself, and there is no

11 mention of the word "molestation" or "molesting" the

12 boys in here. If you want to read the paragraph, it

13 speaks for itself. And you can ask the Archbishop if

14 he read that, then that's one thing.

15 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) The question, if you've

16 listened to it was --

17 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Trick question.

18 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) -- did you know in June

19 of 1976, after receiving this letter, that at least

20 the believed he was molesting the boys?

21 That's the question. I didn't ask you what the

22 letter said.

23 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: I object to that. It

24 misstates what the letter says.

25 MR. TINKLER: How do you know what he

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 thought in 1976, Dick?

2 Q. After you read that?

3 MS. KENNEDY: After he read it this

4 morning or back in '76?

5 MR. TINKLER: '76.

6 MS. KENNEDY: Then I have an objection.

7 It calls for speculation. He has already testified

8 he doesn't recall reading the specific letter.

9 THE WITNESS: The concern that the lady

10 expresses in the letter was that there may have been

11 something morally wrong. She doesn't describe the

12 morally wrong term.

13 She even goes so far as to say that "we

14 felt" that the boys, who had been commenting because

15 they used the word, Father is a "queer" -- "We felt

16 that they were just mouthing off, and so we paid very

17 little attention to them, but lately, now after

18 talking to boys who were formerly there," and I don't

19 know who they would have been, "or other people, such

20 as Health and Social Services," then "I am forced" --

21 in fact she says, "I am forced to believe that it is

22 true."

23 Referring to him as, what's the word they

24 used again, a "queer" was not making any allegations

25 of sexual misconduct. I'm not certain what that

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 included.

2 Q. Did you ask her?

3 A. I don't recall speaking with her or

4 discussing it in any type of extent at all. I

5 certainly -- I'm sure I acknowledged receipt of the

6 letter, because that was my practice, but I do not

7 recall discussing it.

8 Q. So you don't recall interrogating anybody

9 regarding the sexual habits of Father Ed after you

10 received this letter?

11 A. That's right.

12 Q. And even if the word "queer" had nothing

13 to do with molestation of young boys, what did that

14 mean to you? What does "queer" mean to you? It's

15 something that is in accord with the conduct of

16 priests?

17 MS. KENNEDY: Object. Let me just put an

18 objection on the record. What does that mean to him

19 now in 1994, or what did it mean to him then in

20 1976?

21 MR. TINKLER: Then, '76.

22 THE WITNESS: I think in 1976, to the best

23 of my recollection, I would have interpreted the word

24 "queer" to mean certainly different from others,

25 maybe showing more attention to men than to women.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) In a sexual way?

2 A. I'm not certain what you interpret by

3 sexual.

4 Q. Whatever you interpret by sexual.

5 A. If a person prefers to spend more time

6 with one sex than the other, they can be labeled. It

7 doesn't have to be of a sexual nature.

8 Q. So is it your belief that back in 1976,

9 you really had no concern about Father Ed Donelan's

10 sexual habits?
















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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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15 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Now, in 1976, did you

16 have any concern at the time of the closing of the

17 Boys' Ranch about Father Ed Donelan's sexual habits?

18 A. The word "any," of course, has it to

19 include any wonder, and some wonder had been placed

20 in my mind because of a letter such as this from this

21 lady.

22 I had always seen Father Ed as a very

23 strong person, he's very tall, and because of the

24 size of the man, he comes across as a very manly

25 person. He is brusk in nature and in voice, tends to

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 be more rugged than to be soft in that way. So I

2 certainly had no reason to see him as a -- I forget

3 the word --

4 Q. "Queer."

5 A. -- "queer," the way the boy used that,

6 but, nonetheless, the lady raised this issue, and so

7 there was wonder in my own mind about it.

8 Q. And what did you do with that wonder in

9 your own mind?

10 A. I had spoken with him when we met together

11 earlier in April or March regarding the closure of

12 the ranch and had addressed these concerns to him.

13 Q. So you had already, before you received

14 this letter, had some concerns about his sexual

15 habits, or at least allegations concerning the sexual

16 habits?

17 A. Yes, sir.

18 Q. And what did he say when you confronted

19 him in March?

20 A. He denied that.

21 Q. And was that good enough for you?

22 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection to "good

23 enough."

24 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Did that satisfy your

25 concern?

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 A. Apparently, his explanation with his

2 denial was adequate, sir.

3 Q. And you thought that there was no need for

4 further investigation?

5 A. I thought there was no need for further

6 investigation in view of the fact that I had just

7 told him that his position as director had ended, I

8 had withdrawn permission for him to serve as director

9 of a ranch operated by the Health and Social Services

10 of the State of New Mexico.

11 Q. So you didn't think that there was any

12 further need for investigation since he wasn't going

13 to be at the ranch; is that what you're saying?

14 A. I myself am not an investigator. I think

15 the state, being the prime operator of the ranch,

16 also had that responsibility, more so than I. He had

17 a board of directors to whom he had to answer for its

18 operation, as well.

19 I was a superior but had little or nothing

20 to do with him and the operation of the ranch. That

21 was supposed to have been operated and run under the

22 authority of the State of New Mexico.

23 Q. But at the time that you met with Father

24 Ed in March, you had already decided to close the

25 school by removing him from that position; isn't that

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 correct?

2 A. I met with him to inform him that that

3 decision was to close, exactly.

4 Q. So you did have some power over his

5 actions with respect to the school, didn't you?

6 A. My -- not with respect to the school.

7 With respect to him being free to serve as director.

8 I couldn't control what time he called lunch or what

9 time he called dinner. I controlled whether he was

10 going to be there as director.

11 Q. Right, whether he would be there at all?

12 A. Period.

13 Q. And you had decided as of March 1976 that

14 he was not going to be there as director of that

15 school in the future; isn't that correct?

16 A. And so informed him.

17 Q. And so you had no further concern about

18 any sexual allegations regarding Father Ed; is that

19 correct?

20 A. In reference to the ranch -- you called

21 them "sexual allegations." I would call them

22 concerns of people, together with multiple concerns

23 that they had brought before me. I would not want

24 you to characterize that the only concern that people

25 had was of a sexual nature, because that would not be

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 the truth.

2 Q. Well, no, there were many other problems

3 at the ranch; isn't that correct?

4 A. That is what I would like you to also

5 include in your statements.

6 Q. Well, I'm right now trying to focus on

7 whether or not you felt there was any need for

8 investigation of Ed Donelan's sexual habits after you

9 closed the school.

10 A. No, I did not. I did not investigate.

11 Q. Did you plan to place him in parish work?

12 A. I had no plan.

13 Q. And I think yesterday you did say that you

14 finally, or you ultimately did place him in parish

15 work; is that correct?

16 A. About ten months later.

17 Q. Did you do an investigation into his

18 sexual habits during those ten months?

19 A. No, sir.

20 Q. Did you interview any of the people that

21 made the allegations from the Boys' Ranch during

22 those ten months?

23 A. No, sir.

24 Q. When you placed him into the parish, I

25 think it was in February of '77, was that with full

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 faculties?

2 A. He was placed there in a restricted

3 assignment. It was a pro tem assignment, limited to

4 the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Santa Fe,

5 under the pastorship of Father Leo Lucero, who was

6 one of the strongest pastors that I have in the

7 Archdiocese, and he was directed to guide him in his

8 ministry there and to observe his ministry,

9 especially regarding the, what appeared to be anger

10 within himself.

11 Q. Did you advise Father Lucero that there

12 had also been allegations regarding Father Donelan's

13 sexual habits?

14 A. I do not recall mentioning anything of

15 that nature. I don't recall what all I mentioned to

16 Father Leo Lucero.

17 Q. Are you saying that you may have mentioned

18 that to him; you just don't recall?

19 A. I may have. I just don't recall.







221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092












11 Q. When you started to get all the complaints

12 about the Boys' Ranch in 1976, did you go back and

13 look at Ed Donelan's file to see what kind of history

14 he had?

15 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

16 answered.

17 THE WITNESS: No, sir, I did not.

18 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) And you've also had an

19 opportunity this morning to read Exhibit, I believe,

20 53; is that correct?

21 MS. KENNEDY: Could we identify it?

22 MR. TINKLER: It's a letter --

23 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It's a letter from Paul

24 Nichols, dated June 10, 1976.

25 MR. KIERST: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 you. Who's it from?

2 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Paul Nichols.

3 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.

4 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) You have reviewed that?

5 Do you recall receiving that letter?

6 A. No, sir, I don't recall receiving it.

7 Q. Do you recall the -- I mean, without

8 recalling the letter itself, do you recall receiving

9 any correspondence or having any conversations about

10 that subject matter?

11 A. Not with --

12 Q. I'm talking about the boy's death.

13 A. I just don't recall that, sir. In our

14 testimony yesterday, as I indicated, the one name

15 that clicked in my mind was the name of "Pierre." I

16 can't recall this other gentleman, nor did I recall

17 the other lady whose letter we reviewed just a moment

18 ago.

19 Q. After you read Exhibit 53 today, did that

20 refresh your memory as to the fact that a boy had

21 died when he ran away from the Boys' Ranch earlier

22 that year?

23 A. I think you mentioned that yesterday. I

24 think it brought back that incident. I hadn't

25 recalled it, and it just did not impress me that

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 deeply, apparently, or it didn't stay in my memory,

2 but yesterday you mentioned it, and this letter

3 mentioned it again.

4 Q. I understand that. What I'm asking is if

5 today, after having this mentioned to you again, do

6 you now remember the fact that that occurred in 1976,

7 early 1976?

8 A. I don't know whether my memory is because

9 of 1976 or because of your mentioning it yesterday.

10 Yesterday I just could not recall that event. So I

11 cannot answer that I can recall it from 1976 because

12 it was brought to my attention yesterday.

13 Q. I know, I understand that. What I'm

14 saying is today, do you now have a memory of it, or

15 is it only the fact that it's been mentioned?

16 A. No, I think honestly I would have to say I

17 don't have a memory of 1976 of, at this time, going

18 back. The fact that a boy died at some time, in some

19 circumstance, was brought to my attention yesterday

20 and again this morning, but I can't say that that

21 memory goes back to 1976.

22 Q. The letter, 53, Exhibit 53, even though

23 you don't recall actually receiving it, you don't

24 deny that it was received by you, do you -- I mean,

25 it was sent to you?

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1 A. That's correct.

2 Q. After Father Donelan was sent to another

3 diocese, to another parish in '77, do you recall what

4 happened with Father Donelan thereafter?

5 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: For the rest of -- to

6 the present?

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Well, next.

8 A. I believe he served with Father Leo Lucero

9 at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Santa Fe for a

10 number of months; I don't recall what number. I

11 believe Father Lucero gave a positive evaluation of

12 him as far as his time with him was concerned.

13 I don't recall any complaints either from

14 the pastor or from parishioners regarding his style

15 of ministry. And I know that at one time, it may

16 have been at this point, that we then assigned him to

17 St. Joseph's parish in Mosquero and in Roy.

18 Q. Do you recall receiving any complaints

19 about his ministry there?

20 A. Yes. I recall receiving a letter from one

21 gentleman I had known concerning his apparent anger,

22 his bruskness. He just seemed to be just not refined

23 in his manners with them, and several would feel

24 offended.

25 On the other hand, there were people I

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 would speak to or I would run into whom I knew who

2 had very fine things to say about him.

3 Q. Did you only receive one complaint?

4 A. I can't recall if it was just one. There

5 may have been more than one.

6 Q. Were the complaints serious enough that

7 you did any type of investigation?

8 A. No. These were general complaints about a

9 style of ministry, about handling this ceremony, a

10 funeral or a wedding, or whatever it may have been.

11 Q. He was transferred in '79 to Our Lady of

12 Guadalupe Church in Taos.

13 A. Um-hm.

14 Q. Do you recall the circumstances

15 surrounding that transfer?

16 A. Just that he had been in the Roy and

17 Mosquero area apparently for about a year, year and a

18 half, and apparently we needed another person to

19 serve in Taos, and we transferred him to Taos.

20 Q. And you don't recall there being any

21 reason for that other than just need?

22 A. Right.

23 Q. You had indicated yesterday that when you

24 closed the ranch, that there had been -- your

25 relationship with Father Donelan was not real smooth

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 at that point in time?

2 A. Yes, there were feelings there, um-hm.

3 Q. Did that change after that?

4 A. As far as I was concerned, I was receiving

5 him as I would receive another priest as far as my

6 heart was concerned. I was ready to reach out to him

7 and certainly embrace him as a brother.

8 I have reason to believe that he harbored

9 some ill feelings toward me because of the action

10 that I had taken and always remained a bit distant

11 from me that way. So we did not spend any time

12 together outside of essential conversations or

13 meetings.

14 Q. And you had indicated yesterday that at

15 the time that the closure occurred that, prior to

16 that, you really had no contact with him except on

17 one occasion; is that right?

18 A. That's right, very seldom.

19 Q. So other than that period of time when you

20 were closing the school, is it fair to say that

21 throughout your tenure, you really had no significant

22 contacts with Father Donelan, other than that one

23 period of time?

24 A. That's right, other than in my capacity as

25 Archbishop. If he is pastor of a parish or whenever

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 he's stationed, and I visit the parish, you have

2 contact with him, but just in a professional

3 capacity.

4 Q. A couple, I think it was two days ago, you

5 indicated that your first recollection of allegations

6 regarding a priest possibly abusing a boy was with

7 Father Sigler in 1981. Do you acknowledge now that

8 you had at least, prior to 1981, received letters and

9 allegations regarding Father Ed Donelan and the boys

10 and his treatment of the boys at the Boys' Ranch in

11 1976?

12 A. No, sir, there was a difference. What

13 took place in '81 with Father Jason Sigler was

14 totally different from the concerns that were written

15 and extended to me in 1976, as you mentioned there,

16 with Father Ed Donelan.

17 Q. In that you had specific victims?

18 A. It was a specific allegation, not a

19 general concern.

20 Q. When you received the general concern in

21 1976, did you direct Sabine Griego or any other one

22 under your supervision to interview any of the boys

23 and see if they had been molested?

24 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

25 answered.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 THE WITNESS: I did not direct anyone

2 other than Father Griego to go up and to interview

3 the -- to see what was taking place at the ranch

4 because of the general concern that had been brought

5 to my attention, not a specific concern.





















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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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8 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) You did believe that

9 Father Ed Donelan was your responsibility as a

10 priest, didn't you?

11 A. As a priest. And for this reason I felt

12 that, as a priest, I would withdraw him from the

13 directorship because there seemed to be problems

14 about the operation of the ranch.

15 Q. And you said that he didn't go back into

16 another parish, I think, for another ten months. Was

17 the reason for the delay in placing him in another

18 parish solely because of his administrative problems

19 at the Farley Boys' Ranch, or did the sexual

20 allegations have anything to do with that decision?

21 A. I don't recall the reasons why all of

22 that. I think there was probably many different

23 circumstances that were part of that equation, but I

24 do not recall any specific concern about the sexual

25 allegations.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Q. Can you tell me what Bethany House was?

2 A. Bethany House is a home actually in the

3 South Valley of Albuquerque for the purpose of prayer

4 for any priest who would want to go there. Either

5 from the Archdiocese or even priests outside of the

6 Archdiocese could come and spend a day, a week, a

7 month, or perhaps even a year there if that was their

8 desire and they had the proper permissions.

9 Q. Was Bethany House, is that -- it was only

10 priests that stayed there; is that correct?

11 A. Yes, sir.

12 Q. Do you recall assigning Father Ed to

13 Bethany House?

14 A. Yes, I believe I assigned him to be in

15 residence because I did not have an assignment for

16 him, and I had done that to several priests in

17 between assignments for lack of a place to go. That

18 provided a convenient place and a spiritual place for

19 them to spend quiet time in prayer and reflection.

20 Q. Between the time of the closing of the

21 Boys' Ranch and the time that you left the diocese,

22 did you receive any complaints other than the one

23 you've mentioned from one of the parishioners in --

24 A. Excuse me. Between the time of the

25 closing of the ranch and my leaving the diocese?

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Q. Right.

2 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: We've gone through

3 complaints in June and April.

4 MR. TINKLER: I'm talking about after that

5 period of time. After that period of time.

6 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry.

7 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: They closed the ranch

8 in March.

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I'm talking about after

10 you had assigned him to a parish.

11 A. Between the time of 1976 and now?

12 Q. Right.

13 A. In other words -- no, sir, I never had

14 another -- what type of complaint, did you say?

15 Q. Any type of complaint about Father

16 Donelan's ministry.

17 MS. KENNEDY: He already talked about Roy

18 and Mosquero.

19 MR. TINKLER: And I said except for that

20 one.

21 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir. His personality,

22 as I mentioned, is very overpowering. He is not

23 refined or prudent with words and statements, and he

24 had a way of offending people with remarks this way

25 or that, that we wish he didn't have, especially in

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 the interpersonal relationships that we have to have

2 as priests, but that was his personality, and we

3 would hope that he could refine himself more.

4 Many people loved him as he was. He had a

5 heart that always concerned himself with people, and

6 they did respect him and love him, but many others

7 were hurt with his bruskness and his own personality

8 that way.

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Was that a reason for

10 you sending him to Bethany House as opposed to just a

11 parish where he had parishioners?

12 A. I can't recall any specific reason for

13 sending him to Bethany House other than the fact that

14 a friend of his -- I believe he was a friend, I

15 couldn't swear to that -- but the director of the

16 house was a very spiritual man, and he certainly

17 would help him in that regard. And Father Ed was a

18 man of prayer, and I thought that would help, too.

19 But Bethany, his assignment there was probably just a

20 period of someplace to put his bags until he would

21 receive an assignment.

22 Q. What does it mean when you assign someone

23 pro tem?

24 A. "Pro tem" means it's not a full canonical

25 assignment as pastor, but they're only in a temporary

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1 capacity, and he can expect to be transferred from

2 there at my own desire, at my own order.

3 Q. During the time that you -- let me ask you

4 this. Did you have a shortage of priests within your

5 diocese during the first half of the 1980's?

6 A. Again, that term "shortage of priests" is

7 a relative term. It depends on how you understand

8 it. It could be said that we never have enough, and

9 it can be said that we always have too many. I think

10 that depends on if you have the best priests

11 possible, you could probably do with fewer, and if

12 some are not functioning real well, you need more.

13 It's a relative term.

14 I think that in the 1980's, did you say?

15 Q. Yes, sir, the first half of the '80's.

16 A. The first half of the 1980's, no, I do not

17 recall any specific severe shortage of priests for

18 assignment to cover the different parishes that we

19 had to cover.

20 Some parishes require greater talents

21 because of their size, their complexity, the very

22 fact that they may have a school attached to them or

23 other specific ministries. And on the other hand,

24 another parish may be quite simple, it's small in

25 numbers, in parishioners. And so the administration

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1 of that parish, the spiritual care of that parish is

2 less demanding.

3 And so you make decisions, who goes where,

4 depending on the parish and depending on the

5 individual. So it's a relative -- you have to look

6 at each case.

7 Q. In looking at Father Ed Donelan's file,

8 it's a very big file, but it doesn't happen to have

9 the basic personal data that some of the files have

10 such as birth date, social security number, those

11 kinds of things.

12 A. Um-hm.

13 Q. It referred to his birthday as being

14 Ascension Thursday which is -- what is Ascension

15 Thursday?

16 A. It's a variable date.

17 Q. That's what I thought.

18 A. It's 40 days after Easter. And so Easter,

19 which varies from year to year, is variable, and so

20 you don't have a date. That's a nice spiritual way

21 of expressing it but --

22 Q. But that doesn't give you a firm date?

23 A. No, it doesn't.

24 Q. Okay. When did you first meet Clive Lynn?

25 A. May I take a second just to shift years?

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1 Q. Sure.

2 MR. BEACH: Mr. Tinkler, he was born on

3 April 9, 1924, and I have it written down, so it must

4 be in the file someplace.

5 MR. TINKLER: Thanks.

6 MR. BEACH: In Pittsfield, Massachusetts,

7 I think.

8 THE WITNESS: All right. The question was

9 when I first met Clive Lynn. To the best of my

10 recollection, I think I met him, as far as speaking

11 to him, perhaps in the latter half of 1974 or a

12 little beyond that.

13 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) After you were

14 Archbishop?

15 A. After I was Archbishop, right.

16 Q. Had you heard his name before you became

17 Archbishop?

18 A. Yes, I had heard his name mentioned

19 before.

20 Q. In fact, had you heard his name a lot or

21 frequently mentioned before?

22 A. I don't know how much, but his name had

23 come up publicly, I guess it was on the news because

24 of, I guess, a contentious issue with Archbishop

25 Davis.

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1 Q. Do you recall that Archbishop Davis took

2 his faculties away?

3 A. I wasn't certain what action he had taken,

4 but I knew he was without an assignment.

5 Q. And at the time that you were -- you

6 became the Archbishop, do you recall that there was

7 still an ongoing dispute between the then departing

8 Archbishop Davis and Father Lynn?

9 A. No, I was not aware of any ongoing

10 dispute. The Archbishop never mentioned anything to

11 me about that.

12 Q. Do you recall Father Lynn's, the fact that

13 Father Lynn was still without assignment when you

14 became the Archbishop?

15 A. Yes, sir, I recall that.

16 Q. And do you recall how he got an

17 assignment; in other words, how you gave him an

18 assignment?

19 A. To the best of my recollection, that

20 assignment, as all others, would have been the result

21 of discussion and recommendation and approval with

22 our Personnel Board.

23 Q. Do you recall the nature of the dispute

24 between Father Lynn and Archbishop Davis?

25 A. No, sir, I don't recall the nature of it.

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1 I just knew that there was.

2 Q. Do you recall that it was in the

3 newspapers?

4 A. Yes.

5 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

6 answered.

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) With respect to Father

8 Lynn, have you ever reviewed his file?

9 A. No, sir, I did not and have not.

10 Q. At any point in time?

11 A. No, sir.

12 (Exhibit 54 was marked for

13 identification.)

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, I'm handing

15 you what's marked as Exhibit 54 and ask you to review

16 that document. I really just want to know if you've

17 ever seen it before.

18 MS. KENNEDY: Would you identify it?

19 MR. TINKLER: It is a demand for

20 arbitration by an attorney on behalf of Father Lynn,

21 dated May 8, 1974.

22 THE WITNESS: (Witness referred to

23 document.)

24 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Have you completed

25 reading that document?

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1 A. Yes, sir, I've scanned it.

2 Q. Do you recall ever seeing it before?

3 A. No, sir, I do not.

4 Q. Does it refresh your memory at all as to

5 the nature of the dispute between Father Lynn and

6 Archbishop Davis?

7 A. It clarifies for me the nature.

8 Q. Do you remember it a little bit now?

9 A. I just knew there was a dispute. I just

10 did not have any idea what the dispute was about, but

11 now it clarifies it very well.

12 Q. Does it refresh your memory that you

13 actually -- it came about shortly before your being

14 appointed the Archbishop?

15 A. The date of this letter is indicative of

16 that, yes.

17 Q. Do you now recall that you might have been

18 involved in the resolution of this dispute?

19 A. No, sir, I was not.

20 (Exhibit 55 was marked for

21 identification.)

22 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, I'm handing

23 you what is marked as Exhibit 55.

24 Have you reviewed Exhibit 55?

25 A. Yes, sir.

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1 Q. Do you recall the fact that you did

2 participate in the appointment of two priests to sit

3 on the board determining the dispute or making a

4 decision as to the dispute?

5 A. I don't recall that, but it's inaccurate.

6 The two priests, if I would have appointed two

7 priests for any type of a hearing, they wouldn't have

8 been members of the -- they wouldn't have been

9 appointed to sit on the Personnel Board. They were

10 meeting with two members from the Personnel Board,

11 with two other priests, in a sense, to be able to

12 speak on behalf of Father Lynn, but I don't recall

13 that.

14 Q. You don't recall that happening?

15 A. I just don't recall those events, no.

16 Q. As of the date of that letter, I think

17 it's July 15, 1974, were you the Archbishop?

18 A. July 25, 1974.

19 Q. So you weren't quite -- what's the date?

20 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The date is July 15.

21 THE WITNESS: That's July 15?

22 MR. TINKLER: Yes.

23 THE WITNESS: No, I was not -- I had been

24 named, but I had not been ordained.

25 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Were you, nevertheless,

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1 kind of in transition, handling some of the duties?

2 A. Nope.

3 Q. No?

4 A. No. I had a parish to run.

5 Q. So you didn't actually have any duties as

6 Archbishop until July 25; is that right?

7 A. Until after July, right, exactly.

8 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The record may reflect

9 that Deposition Exhibit 55 is signed by an attorney,

10 Mary Walters, written to Robert Singer, and the

11 carbon copy went To The Very Reverend S.A. Salas.

12 Archbishop Sanchez was not copied on the letter.

13 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) But the letter also

14 refers to you as having agreed to appoint two

15 priests, doesn't it? It says that?

16 A. Yes. Apparently, they must have requested

17 that permission.

18 Q. Do you know Mary Walters?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Did you know her then?

21 A. I don't recall her then. I recall her in

22 more recent years. I had asked her to serve as a

23 member of the board of our seminary in Santa Fe, our

24 college level seminary. And Judge Walters had just

25 retired from the Supreme Court, and so I asked her if

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1 she would like to use some of her retirement time as

2 a member of our board, and she graciously accepted.

3 Q. And you don't recall whether you actually

4 knew her at the time of this letter, do you?

5 A. I just don't recall her, no. It's 20

6 years ago.

7 Q. Do you recall that The Very Reverend

8 Father Salas was head of the Personnel Board?

9 A. He must have been. I recall he was head

10 of the board at some period, and that must have been

11 at that time.

12 Q. Do you recall earlier you had testified

13 that while you were on the Personnel Board, it had

14 disbanded?

15 A. It had disbanded, exactly.

16 Q. Does this refresh your memory that it had

17 reformed by the time you became Archbishop?

18 A. Apparently, it had.

19 (Exhibit 56 was marked for

20 identification.)

21 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I'll hand you what's

22 marked as Exhibit 56 and ask you to review that

23 document.

24 MS. KENNEDY: Could you identify it for

25 the record?

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1 MR. TINKLER: It's a letter from Robert

2 Singer to Mary Walters, dated August 7, 1974.

3 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: That's not quite

4 correct.

5 MR. TINKLER: Is that the wrong date?

6 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It's a letter to Father

7 Salas.

8 MR. TINKLER: Oh, Father Salas, I'm sorry.

9 MS. KENNEDY: "Monsignor."

10 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: "Monsignor Salas," Mary

11 Walters' copy to Monsignor Salas.

12 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Have you reviewed that

13 letter?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Do you remember seeing the letter before?

16 A. No, sir.

17 Q. Do you remember the subject matter

18 described in the letter?

19 A. It's the same as the previous letter. I

20 don't recall that, all that transpired at that time

21 regarding the request. What this is doing now is

22 simply putting a new situation before me, but I don't

23 recall it. We must have --

24 Q. It does not refresh your memory?

25 A. It does not refresh my memory, no.

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1 (Exhibit 57 was marked for

2 identification.)

3 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's been

4 marked as Exhibit 57. It's a letter from Clive Lynn

5 to you dated August 3, 1974.

6 A. (Witness referred to document.)

7 Q. Have you reviewed that exhibit?

8 A. Yes, sir, I have.

9 Q. Do you recall receiving that letter?

10 A. No, I don't recall receiving it

11 specifically.

12 Q. Do you recall the subject matter of the

13 letter?

14 A. Not really the subject matter of this

15 letter, just in general that he wanted to meet with

16 me at some time, I recall back at that time that

17 effort was being made, and I don't recall how soon

18 after I was ordained that it was made.

19 Q. Do you know what -- did you know what he

20 was referring to in the letter when he talks about

21 not having received a stipend for six months?

22 A. Apparently, no type of financial

23 compensation was being extended to him during the

24 period of his -- once he had been suspended from

25 faculties, the Archbishop was not providing any type

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1 of financial help.

2 Q. Does this letter refresh your memory as to

3 the fact that the dispute had not been resolved as of

4 at least the date of the letter, August 3, 1974?

5 A. I think the letter speaks for itself. I

6 would assume that, but it doesn't address that

7 issue. It may very well have been resolved, but he

8 didn't have an assignment; so I don't know exactly

9 what followed.

10 Q. The previous exhibit, I believe, Exhibit

11 56, indicated he was still wanting a hearing?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. Isn't that correct?

14 A. But that was about three weeks prior.

15 Q. It's actually August 7.

16 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It's actually after.

17 He still hadn't had his hearing.

18 THE WITNESS: After the 26th of July.

19 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Exhibit No. 55 was the

20 15th of July.

21 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) As of August 7, he still

22 had not had his hearing, at least according to this

23 document; is that right?

24 A. Um-hm, that's right.

25 Q. Do you remember what transpired with

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1 respect to resolution, next assignment of Father Lynn

2 after August 7, 1974?

3 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

4 answered.

5 THE WITNESS: No, sir, I just don't recall

6 that.

7 (Exhibit 58 was marked for

8 identification.)

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

10 as Exhibit 58, which is a letter from you to Clive

11 Lynn, dated October 16, 1974. Archbishop, I'll

12 represent to you that this is the next document in

13 Clive Lynn's file after the August 7th letter.

14 A. (Witness referred to document.)

15 Q. Have you reviewed that exhibit?

16 A. Yes, sir.

17 Q. Does that refresh your memory as to his

18 next assignment?

19 A. Yes, sir.

20 Q. Does it refresh your memory at all as to

21 the circumstances surrounding the next assignment?

22 A. No, I do not recall what procedures we

23 went through. Looking at the people who received

24 copies of the letter, it would have been an

25 assignment, like all others discussed before the

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1 Personnel Board and finalized.

2 It's a restricted assignment,

3 administrator not pastor, pro tem not full

4 assignment.

5 Q. What does that restriction entail by

6 making him an administrator as opposed to a pastor?

7 A. It has canonical significance. An

8 administrator, as opposed to a pastor, does not have

9 a right to remain in that parish. He is there simply

10 to administrate it at the will of the Archbishop.

11 The pro tem termination is indicative of

12 the fact that his withdrawal from the parish could

13 again occur at any time, that there's no guarantee.

14 Normally, when a pastor is assigned to a

15 parish, there is a significant amount of years

16 attached to that assignment. A person at that time

17 would have been given a three-year assignment in a

18 rural parish, a six-year assignment in a city parish.

19 Q. And so the primary difference is the lack

20 of permanency or fixed time attached to it?

21 A. And power.

22 Q. And power?

23 A. Yes. Administrator is different from that

24 of pastor.

25 Q. Does an administrator have full faculties?

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1 A. He has faculties designated by the bishop

2 under that term, yes. He may administer the parish.

3 Q. Given the fact that there was a dispute,

4 which is the subject matter of the press and

5 attorneys becoming involved where Father Lynn was

6 making claims against the Archdiocese, wouldn't it

7 have been your practice when something like that was

8 resolved to put something in the priest's file to

9 indicate how it was resolved?

10 A. To this day I'm not certain whether that

11 issue was resolved or how it was resolved. I just

12 don't recall that, not even any details about it.

13 Q. I understand you don't recall it, but I'm

14 just asking, was it your practice back then -- let's

15 put it this way. Would you say a dispute between a

16 priest and the Archdiocese which has resulted in at

17 least threatened litigation --

18 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. There's no

19 --

20 Q. (MR. TINKLER) -- threatened arbitration

21 would be the type of event in a priest's life that

22 would require some filing and some placement of the

23 resolution in his file?

24 A. If, in fact, that had happened.

25 Q. You do agree that at the time you became

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1 the Archbishop, Father Lynn had no faculties?

2 A. That's right.

3 Q. And on October the 16th, you granted him

4 faculties?

5 A. That's right.

6 Q. And you just don't know why?

7 A. I granted him faculties because of an

8 assignment as administrative pro tem to St. Anthony's

9 in Fort Sumner.

10 Q. Do you recall, did you have any

11 discussions with Father Lynn between the August 3,

12 1974, letter and October 16, 1974, regarding his

13 dispute with Archbishop Davis?

14 A. I do not recall that.

15 Q. Did you have any conversations with Clive

16 Lynn during that same time frame regarding his

17 assignment, his future assignment?

18 A. I don't recall any kind of conversation.

19 Q. If, in fact, the Personnel Board had made

20 recommendations regarding the resolution of that

21 dispute, would you have been -- in the normal course

22 of events, would you have been present?

23 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. Calls for

24 speculation on an event that happened 20 years ago,

25 about which the Archbishop testified he has no

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1 independent recollection.

2 THE WITNESS: I don't recall being present

3 for any particular personnel board. And I might add,

4 it was not my practice to be present at all personnel

5 boards when I was first ordained. I tried to make

6 that a practice later in my own tenure.

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) So what you're saying

8 is, it's possible they did meet and you weren't even

9 there?

10 A. That's right.

11 Q. Do you have any recollection of what

12 transpired during the temporary or the pro tem

13 assignment of Father Lynn at Fort Sumner?

14 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: What transpired with

15 whom?

16 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) During that. With him

17 and his ministry there.

18 A. The parishioners, um-hm. I can recall one

19 pastoral visit to the parish when he was pastor at

20 Fort Sumner. There seemed to be positive excitement

21 by the parishioners.

22 I can recall some kind of display of

23 paintings. Apparently, someone either from the

24 parish or someone close to the parish, had painted a

25 number of churches along the Rio Pecos and had sort

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1 of captured either the church or the ruins of a

2 church in a very fine collection of paintings, and

3 they had displayed that in the church on the occasion

4 of my visit. And there seemed to be, as I said, a

5 lot of positive excitement about that.

6 I do not recall at this moment any type of

7 negative comment from anyone during that visit. I

8 just have a positive recollection of it.

9 Q. Now, Fort Sumner is also where Father

10 Sigler had been; isn't that correct?

11 A. Yes, I believe he had been there just

12 prior to his leaving the Archdiocese.

13 Q. When he left to visit his family in

14 Michigan?

15 A. Right.

16 Q. Was it Father Sigler that you were

17 replacing or that you were putting Father Lynn in

18 place of, or do you recall?

19 A. I don't recall that. Father Sigler, if

20 I'm not mistaken, left very shortly after I was

21 ordained, within two weeks or so. So it must have

22 been in August. This assignment was in October. I'm

23 not certain who was covering the parish in that

24 interim period. So he must have been replacing

25 someone else who was there pro tem.

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1 Q. Pro tem? Do you recall the next

2 assignment for Father Lynn?

3 A. Yes. I believe that from Fort Sumner I

4 asked him to serve then in the parish of St. Gertrude

5 in Mora, I believe it was. I don't recall the year.

6 (Exhibit 59 was marked for

7 identification.)

8 Q. I hand you -- I'll represent to you

9 Exhibit 59 is the next document in Father Lynn's file

10 after Exhibit 58, which is a letter from you to

11 Father Lynn dated October 15, 1976.

12 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: And I only worry about

13 your representation, Mr. Tinkler. Though the

14 Archbishop has not seen these documents --

15 MR. TINKLER: Here, would you like to

16 check?

17 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: No. It's just the

18 preceding document is dated the 16th.

19 MR. TINKLER: Of '74.

20 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Oh, I'm sorry, okay.

21 THE WITNESS: (Witness referred to

22 document.)

23 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Have you reviewed

24 Exhibit 59?

25 A. I have.

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1 Q. Does that refresh your memory as to when

2 the assignment occurred?

3 A. Yes, sir.

4 Q. Do you recall any circumstances

5 surrounding his leaving, Father Lynn leaving Fort

6 Sumner or any adverse circumstances?

7 A. No, sir. In fact, on the contrary. My

8 suggestion to him to accept a new assignment was not

9 happily received either by himself or by the

10 parishioners. Apparently, he felt that good things

11 were happening in the parish, and he would have

12 preferred to remain. The parishioners felt likewise,

13 and had hoped that I could have left him there, but,

14 once again, in the Archdiocese, you need to place men

15 who seem to be doing effective work in one place into

16 another parish.

17 Q. After the appointment, shortly after the

18 appointment or assignment to Mora, did you then

19 receive some correspondence from the parishioners at

20 Fort Sumner that did raise an issue as to the

21 propriety of Father Lynn's actions at Fort Sumner?

22 A. I have no recollection of that. If you

23 have documentation, I would like to see that.

24 (Exhibit 60 was marked for

25 identification.)

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1 Q. I hand you what's marked as Exhibit 60,

2 which is a letter dated December the 8th, 1976, from

3 one of the parishioners. I can't read it from here

4 -- "Auman" is his name, and it's to you.

5 A. (Witness referred to document.)

6 Q. Now, have you reviewed that Exhibit 60?

7 A. I have, yes.

8 Q. Does it refresh your memory as to the

9 event?

10 A. Yes, it does, sir. The person whose

11 signature is on the letter was the parish priest, the

12 pastor. He was the successor to Father Lynn. He was

13 indicating that Father Lynn's procedure regarding

14 Mass stipends was not, in his mind, good; that Mass

15 stipends are offerings that people will make

16 requesting that a Holy Mass be celebrated on a

17 particular day at a particular time. I've always

18 insisted that this account be kept separate from the

19 general account of the parish because anytime any

20 Mass is celebrated by yourself for another, that has

21 to be checked off so that an accurate account is

22 kept.

23 Father Auman was indicating that that type

24 of procedure had not in fact happened. In fact, he

25 had allowed too many Masses to accumulate that he

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1 could not possibly have celebrated in the immediate

2 future and should have shared those intentions with

3 others. That's what he's referring to.

4 Q. Do you recall that, now that you've read

5 the letter, that happening?

6 A. No, I don't recall that in my mind, but

7 this is what the letter is saying, and I know Father

8 Auman's thinking in that matter.

9 Q. Do you agree with Father Auman's thinking

10 that this was not appropriate, the way that Father

11 Lynn handled the matter, if it was true?

12 A. That's true.

13 Q. Do you recall if you did anything to

14 follow up on that letter?

15 A. I do not recall that, but knowing my

16 feeling regarding this issue, I would have said

17 something to him, as I had to say something to many

18 priests throughout my tenure in reference to this

19 particular area.

20 Q. But you don't recall writing him a letter

21 or anything like that?

22 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

23 answered.

24 THE WITNESS: No, sir.

25 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall any other

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1 issues being raised regarding Father Lynn's handling

2 of the moneys for the Fort Sumner parish?

3 A. No, sir, I do not recall that.

4 (Exhibit 61 was marked for

5 identification.)

6 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

7 as Exhibit 61.

8 MS. KENNEDY: Which is?

9 MR. TINKLER: Which is a letter from the

10 same priest at Fort Sumner, dated July 16, 1977, if

11 you can read that.

12 THE WITNESS: (Witness referred to

13 document.)

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Have you now finished

15 reviewing that document?

16 A. Yes, sir.

17 Q. Do you recall receiving that letter?

18 A. No, I do not recall that letter, but it's

19 certainly a letter from Father Auman.

20 Q. Do you recall the subject matter of the

21 letter?

22 A. I don't recall it. Father Auman in this

23 letter is offering advice to the chancery for better

24 financial accountability from parishes, and also

25 suggestions on how parishes who are going to build

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1 new facilities, whether it be a church or a rectory,

2 how that might go about to better assist that parish

3 than the procedures that had been done previously.

4 I think he is speaking because the church

5 where he is at now did incur a debt in its building

6 of a new church.

7 Q. While Father Lynn was there?

8 A. No. The church had been built many years

9 before that.

10 Q. Father Lynn was the former pastor?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. Did you at least get the impression from

13 reading the letter that he was complaining about the

14 financial condition that Father Lynn left the parish

15 in?

16 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Object. Are we

17 speaking about now, in 1994?

18 MR. TINKLER: Yes, as you read the letter.

19 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: You want his opinion of

20 his impression now, in 1994, reading a letter that

21 was dated 1977?

22 MR. TINKLER: Well, I'd like it in 1977,

23 but he doesn't remember; so I'll ask for it today.

24 THE WITNESS: What the letter says in one

25 paragraph is that, when he arrived in the parish,

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1 that there were outstanding past due bills, a total

2 of $2,973, that the parish owed both to the chancery

3 office for the payment of their building, I recall a

4 chancery tax, as well as other bills that the parish

5 had. And this pastor, Father Auman, who is a very

6 fine gentleman, was saying that he had now paid them

7 all up, and everything was now a fresh start.

8 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) And he says, "In the 30

9 years that I have been in the Archdiocese I have

10 never run into a situation as confused and as

11 disheartening as I found here." It's in the second

12 paragraph.

13 A. That's right.

14 Q. "Religion surely cannot be served by such

15 antics." Those are his words; correct?

16 A. That's true.

17 Q. Did you talk to Father Lynn about this

18 letter?

19 A. I do not recall speaking to Father Lynn

20 about this letter in particular.

21 Q. Now, when -- do you want to take a break

22 now? It's up to you.

23 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: All right, let's go

24 ahead and take a mid-morning break.

25 (A recess was taken.)

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1 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, during

2 break, we gave you Deposition Exhibit 62 for you to

3 review. Have you reviewed that document?

4 A. Yes, I have.

5 Q. Do you recall the circumstances

6 surrounding that letter? It's a letter dated

7 November 22, 1977, from --

8 A.

9 Q. It's --

10 A. Oh, um-hm.

11 Q. -- to yourself?

12 A. I can't recall all of the details from

13 that date. I recall -- I do not recall

14 I recall his wife, She was a very

15 gracious lady, older lady, very kind people. And

16 their concern that I had in my recollection was their

17 concern over items in their church in Golondrinas,

18 which is a mission chapel about five miles from Mora,

19 thereabouts, and they felt that Father Lynn had

20 removed some items from the church without their

21 permission, and had, in fact, padlocked the doors and

22 then would not allow them to contact him at his

23 office. He was not receiving them to discuss the

24 issue.

25 And so they had brought this to my

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1 attention. And they had hoped that this and any

2 other concern that had been brought to my attention

3 would cause me to remove Father from the parish and

4 replace him with another priest.

5 Q. Do you recall that prior to this letter,

6 Exhibit 62, they had actually presented petitions

7 signed by over 200 of the parishioners to your

8 office?

9 A. I do not recall that, that she puts there

10 in the letter. At least I don't recall it at this

11 time.

12 (Exhibit 63 was marked for

13 identification.)

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, I'm going to

15 hand you what's been marked as Exhibit 63, and I'll

16 represent to you that this comes from Clive Lynn's

17 file. It was furnished to us by the Archdiocese.

18 And these are the signatures, the petitioners'

19 signatures, that appear in his file.

20 A. Um-hm.

21 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Just a point of

22 clarification. Were these signatures attached to a

23 petition?

24 MR. TINKLER: They preceded this letter.

25 That's all that's in the file.

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1 THE WITNESS: And your question, sir?

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) First, I wanted you to

3 look at that and see if you can recall ever seeing

4 those signatures attached to a petition or presented

5 to you in any way.

6 A. I don't recall this specific petition.

7 I've seen many petitions in my term as Archbishop

8 regarding many priests. Petitions are one way of

9 expressing their discontent with a specific issue or

10 whatever it may be; so it's a usual form of people

11 letting you know their concern.

12 Q. If, in fact, in your tenure as Archbishop,

13 you were presented with a petition regarding a

14 particular priest, is that something that you would

15 place in a particular priest's file in your ordinary

16 course of business?

17 A. You say this was in his file, and that

18 must have been my practice.

19 Q. No. I'm asking you, was it your practice?

20 A. Normally, I would keep them, yes. If

21 there was no reason for it, if whatever petition

22 concerned had been made and had been resolved, all

23 this does is just bulk the file up. But this was

24 left there, and I'm sure any other petitions I would

25 have received would have been there as well.

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1 Q. Having reviewed the petitions and Exhibit

2 62, the letter, does it refresh your memory at all

3 about the fact that the signatures were delivered in

4 support of -- or in opposition to Father Lynn?

5 A. Yes, it's obvious.

6 (Exhibit 64 was marked for

7 identification.)

8 Q. I hand you what's marked as Exhibit 64,

9 which is a letter from you to dated

10 December 23, 1977. Would you review that?

11 A. (Witness referred to document.)

12 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 64?

13 A. Yes, sir, I have.

14 Q. Do you recall sending that letter to


16 A. I don't recall sending it. It is my

17 letter.

18 Q. In the letter you indicate that you had

19 received a previous communication from Mr. and

20 had chosen not to act on it. Do you recall what that

21 was?

22 A. I don't recall that. There's many

23 individuals who call expressing dissatisfaction with

24 one thing or another. You simply cannot act on every

25 one, especially if they're not very substantial.

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1 Q. And then you indicate in this letter that

2 you're going to -- now you are concerned because of

3 all the signatures that were attached in support of

4 the letter; correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And that you were going to take it up with

7 the board?

8 A. Personnel Board.

9 Q. Did you do that?

10 A. I said I would. I can't recall the

11 specific instance. I think the one thing that should

12 be noted is that we received 200 signatures from one

13 group of people, but those in favor of a man don't

14 always write petitions. They are more or less the

15 silent people, majority or minority, whatever the

16 case may be, but there was a large number of people

17 very much in support of Father Lynn and his

18 procedures as well.

19 Q. How do you know that?

20 A. Because I visited the parish.

21 Q. How many parishioners were there in the

22 Mora parish?

23 A. Mora and her missions probably have 500 to

24 600 families. That would be well over 2,000 people.

25 Q. And according to this letter, though, you

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1 considered a petition with 200 signatures

2 significant?

3 A. Right, because a church needs unity, and

4 my concern always was for the unity of the people,

5 especially in small communities.

6 Q. Did you talk to Father Lynn about the

7 allegations that are in the letter of November 22,

8 1977?

9 A. I cannot recall a specific instance.

10 Q. Do you recall confronting him about

11 referring to his parishioners as "stupid" and

12 "possessed by the Devil"?

13 A. I do not recall the instance, but I do

14 recall speaking to him about that language.

15 Q. That wasn't the first time you'd heard

16 that he used that type of language with the

17 parishioners; isn't that correct?

18 A. I do not recall the first time that I

19 heard it, but this type of language is offensive, and

20 it's uncalled for, and I recall speaking to him about

21 it.

22 Q. Do you recall if you took any action as a

23 result of the November 22nd letter?

24 A. I don't recall what action was recommended

25 or what action I actually took.

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1 (Exhibit 65 was marked for

2 identification.)

3 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

4 as Exhibit 65 and ask you to review that letter,

5 which is a letter from Reverend Starkey to Clive

6 Lynn, dated January 3, 1978.

7 A. (Witness referred to document.)

8 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 65?

9 A. Yes, I have.

10 Q. Do you recall that letter being sent?

11 A. No, sir, not in particular.

12 Q. Do you remember the subject matter of the

13 letter?

14 A. It just reminds me of the fact that there

15 was a priest, Father Bede, in the parish, and that I

16 had known nothing of his presence, and was concerned

17 as to who he was.

18 Q. And that he was in Father Lynn's parish;

19 correct?

20 A. A priest in any parish for any length of

21 time without notification to us becomes a concern.

22 Q. I'm saying, in this particular instance,

23 this was a priest that was with Father Lynn?

24 A. Oh, yes, uh-huh, certainly.

25 Q. And that's something that you didn't want

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1 happening in your diocese; correct?

2 A. That's right, that's our policy.

3 Q. Do you recall how -- if Father Lynn

4 responded to this letter that's marked as Exhibit 65?

5 A. The Chancellor is the one who wrote the

6 letter in my behalf, and I have to assume that the

7 response went to the Chancellor, and it was taken

8 care of. That's sort of pro forma activity.

9 Q. Do you recall a dispute that arose between

10 Father Lynn and another -- the family in Mora?

11 A. I recall that there was a dispute between

12 the two.

13 Q. And that you were asked to intercede?

14 A. To intercede, yes, to be -- at least to

15 the fact that they informed me of their

16 disappointment with Father's actions or whatever he

17 had done, and what could I do about it.

18 Q. Do you recall that he filed a lawsuit

19 against the parishioners, and that they filed another

20 lawsuit against him?

21 A. Who did what? I just heard "he" and

22 "him."

23 Q. Father Lynn against the and the

24 against Father Lynn.

25 A. Would you state it correctly again?

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1 Q. Do you recall that Father Lynn filed a

2 lawsuit against the ?

3 A. No, I don't recall that. I don't recall

4 that. He could very well have done that, but I don't

5 recall that.

6 (Exhibit 66 was marked for

7 identification.)

8 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

9 as Exhibit 66, which is a letter from yourself to

10 Father Lynn, dated February 6, 1978.

11 A. The letter does not speak of a lawsuit.

12 It speaks of a complaint by the family, a

13 dispute that could be "settled by arbitration,

14 outside of court."

15 Q. It speaks of a complaint filed in court

16 that Judge Romero was handling in Las Vegas;

17 correct?

18 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: That -- the letter

19 speaks for itself. If you want to quote the letter,

20 it says "before whom the complaint by the

21 Family has now been placed."

22 MR. TINKLER: Judge Romero.

23 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: I don't know if the

24 Archbishop knows whether -- and ask him. Was it a

25 formal complaint, as such, that starts a lawsuit or

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1 just an expression of dissatisfaction? It's not

2 clear from the letter. If you have some documents

3 that clarify that, Mr. Tinkler, it would be helpful.

4 THE WITNESS: It appears from my reading

5 of the letter that the family had placed a

6 complaint before Judge Romero or before the court for

7 whatever grievance they felt, and that he had asked

8 that it, the dispute, be settled by arbitration

9 outside of the court, and I agreed with that.

10 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Why was Father Griego

11 involved?

12 A. He was dean of that area.

13 Q. I don't really want to mark this because I

14 just really want to refresh your memory. These -- I

15 represent these are affidavits of nonprosecution in a

16 case, Lynn v. and then affidavit of

17 nonprosecution in a case of v. Lynn, and I'd

18 just like you to look at those documents and see if

19 it refreshes your memory that there were lawsuits

20 filed, but it was resolved.

21 A. (Witness referred to documents.)

22 Q. Does that refresh your memory?

23 A. I just don't recall those at all.

24 Q. After that event, during his tenure, do

25 you recall receiving complaints from parishioners

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1 about Father Lynn ordering parishioners not to hold

2 funerals at the funeral home?

3 A. No, sir, I don't recall that at all.

4 Q. I can't find it right now, but I'll get to

5 it later.

6 Do you recall another church group in the

7 town of Mora complaining to you about Father Lynn?

8 A. I don't recall a specific group. There

9 were complaints registered with me either by phone

10 call to the office or by mail at various times

11 regarding a policy in this or a practice in that, but

12 I don't recall the groups.

13 (Exhibit 67 was marked for

14 identification.)

15 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I show you what's marked

16 as Deposition Exhibit 67.

17 MS. KENNEDY: Which is?

18 MR. TINKLER: Which is a letter that

19 appears to be written in Spanish.

20 THE WITNESS: It's a letter from, I

21 believe it must have been the Presbyterian minister

22 at the Chamisal Emmanuel United Presbyterian Church,

23 and he writes it in Spanish.

24 MS. KENNEDY: What's the date, Archbishop?

25 THE WITNESS: The date on this is June 15,

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1 1979.

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall receiving

3 that letter?

4 A. Not particularly. I recall some

5 communication from the Presbyterian Church in the

6 area.

7 Q. What is the gist of the letter?

8 A. The letter is saying that he, this Enrique

9 Herrera, had met me in 1978, in February, during a

10 special meeting in Las Vegas concerning the "Crisis

11 Corridor," which was a concern of churches for the

12 poverty of the Mora area, and that I was one of the

13 speakers there at the Lutheran Church.

14 He said he had been pastor of Mora for

15 seven years, and during that time had the privilege

16 of knowing Father Leonard Bayer and after him, Father

17 Clive Lynn. He said that, "It is my conviction, my

18 belief, that as ministers of the Lord and his

19 Servants, it's our responsibility to work for the

20 unification and the spirit of all of our communities

21 so that they will not be divided either politically

22 or economically or in any other form. For this

23 reason, with Father Bayer, as with Father Lynn, my

24 approach has been to work for the common good of our

25 people. Upon his arrival in Mora, Father Lynn, we

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1 invited him to eat at our home. He knows my wife and

2 my children in a Christian spirit, and we had begun a

3 friendship in the Lord."

4 "Last evening, Father Lynn consulted with

5 me here in Penasco, not in Mora, in Penasco, because

6 I had been in Mora for seven years. He consulted

7 with me concerning a letter sent to me by the

8 governing body of the Presbyterian Church."

9 And he says, "I am able to say that during

10 the time that I was there in Mora," he said, "I've

11 been here now for a year and seven months, but during

12 the time I was there, Father Lynn showed us an

13 ecumenical spirit, inviting us to his church. My

14 adolescent sons had friendly relations with him.

15 Certainly he would call them 'pagans'" -- he put it

16 in accents -- "but our children were not offended

17 because they understood that he was saying this in

18 friendliness to them, and that they played, he played

19 with them. It is my prayer that whatever friction

20 there may be, that in this Christian spirit, that it

21 may be eliminated so that the world may see in truth

22 that we are one body of Christ. May the Lord bless

23 you in my desire," and he signs his name.

24 Q. Do you remember receiving the letter from

25 the Presbyterian Church that is referred to in this

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1 letter?

2 A. I just recall some communication from the

3 Presbyterian Church, but I don't recall the content

4 of that. I didn't know whether this was the letter I

5 was recalling in my mind or if there was another. He

6 refers to another.

7 Q. There's not another in the file, which is

8 why I handed you that one.

9 A. Oh, I see.

10 Q. Do you recall any aftermath such as a

11 letter by Father Lynn to the Presbyterians in another

12 letter?

13 A. No, sir.

14 (Exhibit 68 was marked for

15 identification.)

16 Q. I'm going to hand you what's marked as 68,

17 which is a letter from Clive Lynn to the Session of

18 Mora Presbyterian Church.

19 (Exhibit 69 was marked for

20 identification.)

21 And then 69, which is a letter from the

22 Clerk of Session for the United Presbyterian Church

23 in Mora to yourself.

24 MS. KENNEDY: Could you give us the

25 dates?

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1 MR. TINKLER: The first letter, 68, is not

2 dated -- well, here, there is a postmark, June 19,

3 1979, and then Exhibit 69 is dated June 30, 1979.

4 Q. I'm not really asking you to read the

5 letter from Clive Lynn, but if you could read --

6 because this is an attachment -- 69, just read

7 Exhibit 69.

8 A. Attachment 69?

9 Q. Yes.

10 A. (Witness referred to document.)

11 Q. Does that refresh your memory at all as to

12 the dispute between Father Lynn and the Presbyterian

13 Church?

14 A. No, sir, I don't recall that, I wish I

15 did, because we always had very cordial relationships

16 with all of the churches. I served myself as

17 president of New Mexico Council of Churches for three

18 years and was active with them, with all of the

19 churches throughout every year that I was serving as

20 the Archbishop, nearly 20 years. And I did my best

21 to make certain that those relationships and the

22 ecumenical spirit would be furthered and promoted,

23 and I visited many churches of various faiths and

24 denominations and priests from their pulpits in order

25 to promote that spirit.

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1 The issue they're referring to here is the

2 use of the word "pagan" by Father Lynn. I don't know

3 how he used it or when, but to use that word in

4 reference to anyone, especially of another Christian

5 denomination, is uncalled for.

6 Q. Do you recall confronting Father Lynn

7 about this dispute?

8 A. I don't recall it, but I would be certain

9 that I did because that's my conviction, and I am

10 certain that there was a response to this to Father

11 Lynn from myself, verbally.

12 Q. Verbally, orally, as opposed to in

13 writing?

14 A. Orally, yes. Make that strong.

15 Q. Do you recall receiving additional

16 complaints from the parishioners in Mora subsequent

17 to this time frame we've just gone through, 1979,

18 complaints about Father Lynn?

19 A. As I mentioned previously, there were

20 various complaints about various things because his

21 manner was just different to them. I don't recall

22 the time frame in which those letters or calls may

23 have come.

24 (Exhibit 70 was marked for

25 identification.)

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1 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Let me hand you what's

2 marked as Deposition Exhibit 70. That's a letter

3 from some parishioners to yourself regarding Father

4 Lynn, dated February the -- just February 1980.

5 A. (Witness referred to document.)

6 Q. Have you finished reviewing Exhibit 70?

7 A. Yes, sir, I have.

8 Q. Do you recall receiving that letter from

9 the parishioners at St. Gertrude's?

10 A. No, sir. It's one of the letters that

11 came in.

12 Q. Complaining about Father Lynn?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. In the first paragraph, the first sentence

15 says, "We, the militant few, (as we are referred to)

16 and which is over 300, from St. Gertrudes Church in

17 Mora, have not had any response from you to our

18 previous pleas, which we have submitted to in regard

19 to replacement for Father Lynn."

20 Do you recall receiving the letter where

21 they complained about your inaction or nonresponse?

22 A. This is the letter.

23 Q. I mean, do you have a memory of getting

24 complaints about that?

25 A. No. My memory is that they were

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1 complaining. She mentions "inaction." I think what

2 she's saying is "inaction to our satisfaction." In

3 other words, their satisfaction would have been

4 removal of the man from the parish.

5 Q. Archbishop, this says, we "have not had

6 any response." It doesn't say "inaction."

7 A. I realize that. Response was given. I

8 had visited the parish. I had spoken with people. I

9 recall visiting the parish because I had

10 confirmations in the parish.

11 Q. Do you recall visiting the parish after

12 you received petition, which is in a

13 letter dated November 22 -- is that '77?


15 A. I don't recall the dates when I visited

16 the parish, sir. I just know I was there. I can

17 still recall the celebrations, the people, the

18 dinners that were served.

19 Q. Well, here in the last paragraph, it says,

20 "We have become more concerned now, and we hope that

21 you may not ignore our plea before this division in

22 our parish gets bigger, the same way, or worse as we

23 understand he divided the people in every parish

24 where he has been."

25 A. To my best of my recollection, he had been

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1 in Fort Sumner, and I do not recall a division

2 there. So the statement is not as accurate as she

3 may have felt, or whoever wrote the letter.

4 Q. But isn't it also true that at this point

5 in time, February 1980, nor at any point in time, you

6 had not reviewed his filed?

7 A. I had not reviewed his file.



















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6 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall if he you

7 took any action as a result of Exhibit 70?

8 A. I do not recall any action that I took. I

9 think the action that they would have been satisfied

10 with would have been just removal.

11 Q. I know, I understand you think that. Is

12 that a memory you have that --

13 A. No, it's not a memory. These were good

14 people, and I loved everyone, and still do to this

15 day, everyone in those parishes that I would visit.

16 They were people who were part of our church, active

17 members, and it hurt me also that they were

18 dissatisfied with their priest or anyone in any

19 parish would be dissatisfied with the ministry of

20 their priest. It was not as though I was calloused

21 or turning a deaf ear to them. I was concerned.

22 Q. Do you disagree with their statement in

23 that last exhibit that -- Exhibit 70, that you had

24 made no response to their previous complaints?

25 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The record speaks

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1 otherwise, Exhibit 64.

2 THE WITNESS: Sir, I do not recall, except

3 a letter to which he had written to me

4 about it at that time, I do not recall any other

5 letter. We have the letter of that you

6 showed me.

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Right.

8 A. But I do not recall other correspondence

9 that I may have had with specific individuals. This

10 letter is simply signed "Concerned Parishioners."

11 There's no name or address for response to it. So

12 they are simply reminding me of their concern.

13 Q. I believe you also indicated that in

14 response -- that Exhibit 64, where you indicated you

15 would be taking this up with the board, and I assume

16 doing something about it. You don't recall if you

17 did anything about it, do you?

18 A. I do not recall what action, if any, was

19 taken as a result of that particular complaint.

20 Q. And I'll represent to you that the file,

21 the Clive Lynn file, there is no further mention of

22 that complaint until Exhibit 70.

23 A. All right.

24 Q. Do you recall independently of some action

25 that you took that might not be reflected in his

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1 file?

2 A. Let me think a moment. I cannot recall

3 action that I took. I indicated in the letter that

4 it would be brought to the Personnel Board. I have

5 to assume that was done. I do not recall what

6 recommendations the Personnel Board may have made for

7 any visitation or consultation with Father Lynn

8 regarding these concerns of the people.

9 It occurs to me that it would have been my

10 practice to have called him in and addressed the

11 issues with him. What I said to him or what was to

12 be the result of any words shared, I can't recall

13 that.

14 Q. But if there's no correspondence in his

15 file indicating that you wrote back to

16 do you have any -- I'm just wanting to know if you

17 have an independent memory that maybe that happened

18 and it's just not in the file?

19 A. But I did write to here.

20 Q. I'm talking about after this letter. This

21 letter, you didn't actually take any action against

22 Father Lynn. You said you were going to.

23 A. Right. But I don't recall a second letter

24 to him, no. I think that's your question.

25 (A discussion was held off the record.)

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1 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, when you

2 received Exhibit 70 where the allegation was made

3 that Father Lynn had previously divided parishes, and

4 you've indicated you didn't have any knowledge of

5 that, didn't you think it would be prudent to check

6 his file out and see if that was the case?

7 A. I didn't say I didn't have any knowledge.

8 I said that I knew of his assignment under me to Fort

9 Sumner not to have been that case. What I was

10 hearing her say was that his method of ministering a

11 parish was such that it was resulting in a division

12 of people, and that's a thing you concern yourself

13 with.

14 As I mentioned previously, my concern will

15 always be for the division. Christianity has to be

16 united for it to be believed. I realize that in the

17 normal course of events, every priest has their own

18 method of doing one thing or other, another way,

19 because some have talents in this, others talents in

20 that, but we try to maintain a sincerity of ministry

21 to all people and make it a good ministry.

22 Q. Is it fair to say that at least by

23 February of 1980, you had received sufficient notice

24 to be of a mind that there were problems in the Mora

25 parish as a result of Father Lynn?

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1 A. Yes, sir.

2 Q. And isn't it true that you continued to

3 receive complaints after that date?

4 A. I don't recall. It's possible.

5 Q. Let me ask you this. Would it be

6 appropriate for a priest to prohibit members of the

7 congregation from attending a graduation ceremony,

8 high school graduation ceremony in the church because

9 they didn't go to religious training class?

10 A. I want to make a general statement,

11 because I think whatever the situation is, it depends

12 upon the priest and the situation, but personally

13 feeling, I would question why the prohibition of

14 people coming into church. I think our churches are

15 open to people. That's my first statement.

16 But the individual priest may have reasons

17 for limiting the number, because it doesn't

18 accommodate that many people who may be given

19 preference to enter. Those are other situations that

20 may be present. And that happens frequently in

21 various ceremonies simply because of the size of the

22 church.

23 Q. Do you recall receiving a complaint from a

24 parishioner in Mora that Father Lynn had chased 31

25 boys and girls out of the church and to the point

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1 that they cried on their graduation day?

2 A. No, sir, I do not recall that, but that

3 saddens me just to hear it.

4 (Exhibit 71 was marked for

5 identification.)

6 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Let me hand you what's

7 marked as Exhibit 71. Why don't you review that? I

8 think you can actually read the first page. That's

9 all you need to read.

10 A. (Witness referred to document.)

11 Q. Have you finished reading Exhibit 71?

12 A. Yes, sir, I have.

13 Q. Does that refresh your memory as to

14 receiving a complaint about a high school graduation?

15 A. That particular -- I don't recall that in

16 particular, but it's explained in the letter very

17 well.

18 Q. That is what the letter depicts; is that

19 correct?

20 A. Yes, um-hm.

21 Q. Do you recall taking any action or having

22 any conversations with Father Lynn regarding this

23 issue?

24 A. Not in specific, sir. I just don't recall

25 that. Again, it's a type of complaint that I believe

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 I would have seen him about.

2 Q. Do you recall Father

3 talking to you about the problem with Father Lynn?



6 A. No, I don't. He was then pastor at Our

7 Lady of Sorrows in Las Vegas during this time, I

8 believe, but I don't recall his -- any particular

9 conversation with him.

10 Q. During this period of time, do you recall

11 having any concern about Father Lynn's conduct in the

12 parish?

13 A. I think each of these things brought to my

14 attention is concern.

15 Q. Do you recall, while Father Lynn was at

16 Mora, receiving allegations from the parishioners

17 regarding his inappropriate sexual conduct?

18 A. Would you repeat that question?

19 Q. Do you recall receiving allegations from

20 parishioners in Mora while he was, while Father Lynn

21 was at Mora regarding Father Lynn's sexual

22 misconduct?

23 A. No, sir, I can't recall receiving any

24 complaints from parishioners from that Mora Valley at

25 all.

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1 Q. You don't recall receiving any complaints,

2 or do you mean any complaints about sexual

3 allegations?

4 A. I'm sorry, about sexual allegations.

5 (Exhibit 72 was marked for

6 identification.)

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

8 as Deposition Exhibit 72, which is a letter dated

9 August 2, 1980, from a parishioner to yourself. It's

10 a handwritten letter, and I don't believe -- I'll

11 represent that I don't believe there's a -- the final

12 page of the letter is contained in the file, because

13 it's not signed, it ends abruptly, but this is in

14 Father Lynn's file. Would you review it?

15 MR. BEACH: There is a final page.

16 MR. TINKLER: It's not in my file.

17 MR. BEACH: Down at the bottom it will

18 have the number ASF028299. At least I think it's the

19 final page.

20 MR. TINKLER: Here it is. I found it. Is

21 it page 8?

22 MR. BEACH: Yes.

23 MR. TINKLER: Okay, here (indicated).

24 MR. BEACH: I think it follows in number

25 the prior page, which is 28298.

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1 MR. TINKLER: Yes, I just found it. We

2 have attached it.

3 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Jerry, can we go off

4 the record a minute?

5 MR. TINKLER: It's hard to read.

6 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It's going to take us a

7 little while.

8 (A discussion was held off the record.)

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, you've now

10 had an opportunity to review Exhibit 72; is that

11 correct?

12 A. Yes, sir, to the best of my ability.

13 Q. The handwriting is difficult; is that

14 correct?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Do you recall receiving Exhibit 72 back at

17 the time in August of 1980?

18 A. I recall some communication now when I saw

19 the name of this gentleman, Brother that

20 recalls something in my own memory, communication

21 from him.

22 Q. What do you remember about Brother


24 A. I never met him. I just recall that I

25 received some form of communication from him

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1 complaining about Father Clive Lynn.

2 Q. And reading Exhibit 72 today, does it

3 refresh your memory as to the nature of that

4 complaint that Brother had expressed to you?

5 A. Yes, sir.

6 Q. So you do now remember it?

7 A. No, not in detail.

8 Q. Just in general?

9 A. I don't recall, for instance, I had not

10 any recollection whatsoever in reference to his talk

11 about confession, and reading that today, it brings

12 back that recollection.

13 Q. That is regarding the fact that Father

14 Lynn was breaking the seal of confession, or

15 allegedly breaking the seal of confession; is that

16 correct?

17 A. Allegedly, that's correct.

18 Q. And, allegedly, he was broadcasting the

19 sins that were confessed to him by the children in

20 the parish to others?

21 A. Allegedly, right, sir.

22 Q. Is that a violation of his canonical

23 duties?

24 A. The breaking of the sacramental seal is

25 very serious, if, in fact, it occurs.

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1 Q. And, in fact, I think in deposition last

2 January, you indicated that it's what's called a

3 "reserved sin"?

4 A. Yes, sir.

5 Q. One of the more serious --

6 A. Actions, um-hm.

7 Q. So did you contact Father Lynn about this

8 allegation of breaking the seal of confession?

9 A. I cannot recall the circumstance of it,

10 but I know I contacted Father Lynn because of this

11 particular reference.

12 Q. Do you recall what Father Lynn said about

13 this allegation?

14 A. Once again, I cannot recall the detail of

15 the conversation or what he said except that he had

16 denied it, that the man was exaggerating, and I can't

17 recall other statements that he made regarding it,

18 but I know that his was a denial of these facts.

19 Q. I take it you did not contact Brother

20 yourself to learn more about these

21 allegations?

22 A. No, sir, I did not. He did leave shortly

23 after this letter was written.

24 Q. Turning to page 4 of this letter, at the

25 top of the page, I'm going to read it and see if you

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1 read it the same way.

2 A. Okay.

3 Q. "I do not care if a man is homosexual or

4 heterosexual. It depends on what he does with it."

5 That word is -- "Lynn"?

6 MS. KENNEDY: I'm going to have to

7 object. It calls for speculation.

8 THE WITNESS: I can't read it either.

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I think it's "Father

10 Lynn," "F. Lynn," and I can't read the next word.

11 Then it says, "He has made" -- A-L-O -- I can't read

12 it. Can you read that word?

13 A. A-L-O-A-N --

14 Q. "Advances," could that be "advances"?

15 A. Yes, it could be "advances."

16 Q. -- "to me and other boys," and the next

17 word, can you read that?

18 A. Is it a "thus"?

19 Q. "And thus a terrible scandal. I realize

20 that all of us are sin" --

21 A. "Sinners."

22 Q. -- "sinners, that we fail often but such

23 tremendous damage as caused when a priest sins in his

24 own parish." What did you think when you heard that

25 allegation?

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1 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Are you saying what

2 does he think now, or what did he think then?

3 MR. TINKLER: Then.

4 THE WITNESS: It was, at least to my

5 recollection, first of all, it was the first time I

6 had heard anything of this nature in reference to

7 Father Lynn. I cannot describe for you what my

8 feeling was at that time, how it might have been. It

9 certainly caused me concern, as did his letter.

10 That's about all I could say.

11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall taking any

12 action against Father Lynn as a result of the

13 allegations in this letter?

14 A. Oh, I don't even recall the date. Do you

15 have the date for this letter?

16 Q. It's August 2, 1980.

17 A. I do not have an active recollection of

18 the specific action I took, but I just know that I

19 would have had to confront him in reference to

20 comments about confession. And that leads me to

21 believe that I would have confronted him about the

22 contents. But I, on the other hand, was not able to

23 reveal the gentleman's, what the source of the

24 information, because he had requested it not be

25 revealed.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 Q. But it's your belief that you probably

2 confronted Father Lynn about both the breaking of the

3 seal of confession and the sexual allegations?

4 A. Yes, sir, but I could not -- I cannot

5 swear that I actually did or when I actually did it

6 because I have no recollection.

7 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Let the record reflect

8 what you're characterizing as sexual allegations was

9 the paragraph that you --

10 MR. TINKLER: Read into the record.

11 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: -- instructed -- which

12 at your interpretation said he "made advances to me

13 and other boys."

14 MR. TINKLER: Sure.

15 MS. KENNEDY: Do we have anything else on

16 this, or should we break now for lunch?

17 MR. TINKLER: We can break now.

18 (The deposition recessed at 12:10 p.m.

19 and resumed at 1:10 p.m. as follows:)

20 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, I'm going to

21 hand you what's marked as Deposition Exhibit 73,

22 which is a letter from the Parishioners of St.

23 Gertrude's to yourself, dated August 11, 1980. Could

24 you please review that.

25 A. (The witness referred to document.)

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1 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 73?

2 A. Yes, I have.

3 Q. Do you remember receiving Exhibit 73?

4 A. No, sir, I don't remember that.

5 Q. Do you remember receiving correspondence

6 in general like this, though, from the parishioners

7 of St. Gertrude?

8 A. As I've testified earlier, yes, the

9 various correspondence.

10 Q. It appears, at least these parishioners

11 that are writing do not believe that you are

12 listening to them. Would you agree with that?

13 A. That's what they seem to indicate on the

14 letter.

15 Q. Do you have a memory of things you may

16 have done that would be contrary to the belief

17 they're expressing; in other words, that you were

18 doing things to alleviate their concerns?

19 A. The request in this letter, similar to the

20 same request in other letters, was requesting

21 replacement for Father Lynn as their pastor. They

22 were asking me to transfer him out and to place

23 another priest as their pastor.

24 Q. Had you made any efforts in that

25 direction?

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1 A. As I testified earlier this morning, each

2 of these issues, including this, were brought before

3 the Personnel Board for their own discussion, as

4 well, and recommendation to me. Likewise, I would,

5 as I mentioned earlier this morning, I had occasion

6 -- I don't recall when or how frequently, but I had

7 occasion as their Archbishop to visit the parish of

8 Mora for the sacrament of confirmation and parish

9 visitations, and had occasion then to address the

10 people and to have a personal view as to what was

11 taking place.

12 Q. Do you recall if you confronted Father

13 Lynn after receiving this letter of August 11, 1980?

14 A. To confront him about what?

15 Q. The fact that his parishioners wanted him

16 out.

17 A. That exchange between us was frequent

18 inasmuch as people would write, I would let him know

19 that there was dissatisfaction.

20 Q. You would convey that dissatisfaction to

21 Father Lynn?

22 A. Yeah, either myself or else his

23 representative on the Personnel Board would be able

24 to speak with him.

25 Q. Do you remember who was on the Personnel

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1 Board during this time frame?

2 A. No, sir.

3 Q. Do you believe that you did anything as a

4 result of this letter, this Exhibit 73, to satisfy

5 the concerns of the parishioners of St. Gertrude?

6 A. I believe I did what was reasonable in

7 this instance. The only thing that would satisfy

8 them was, in fact, the removal of Father Lynn

9 immediately, if possible, because they were

10 dissatisfied with his administration. We discussed

11 that apparently with the Personnel Board. No action

12 to that extent was taken.

13 Q. Did you even respond to this letter?

14 A. There were no signatures or addresses. It

15 was simply an unsigned letter.

16 Q. Did you try and contact who

17 had previously delivered letters like this to you?

18 A. No, sir, I did not.

19 (Exhibit 74 was marked for

20 identification.)

21 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what is

22 marked Exhibit 74, which is a letter from

23 to His Holiness Pope John Paul II, dated October 6,

24 1980. I'd like you to review that letter.

25 A. (Witness referred to document.)

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1 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 74?

2 A. Yes, I have.

3 Q. Do you remember this event, the letter

4 being sent to the Pope, complaining about Father

5 Lynn?

6 A. No, I do not. The letter was addressed to

7 him at the Vatican.

8 Q. Did you hear from the Pope about this

9 letter?

10 A. I do not recall hearing from His Holiness.

11 Normally, that is not the channel they would use.

12 Q. Do you recall hearing from anyone in the

13 church regarding this letter?

14 A. I simply do not recall it.

15 Q. This letter, Exhibit 74, is contained in

16 Father Lynn's file, his personnel file. Do you know

17 how that could have been put in the file if you

18 didn't receive a copy of it?

19 A. Judging from what appears to be an

20 envelope, it was addressed to "His Holiness" in Rome,

21 and apparently stamped in Mora, it probably went

22 directly to the Pope. The secretary of state or his

23 secretary would have received the letter. Since it

24 was dealing specifically with an issue in the United

25 States, it would have gone to the pro nuncio in

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1 Washington, and he would have then handled it as he

2 chose. Perhaps -- and I have to say "perhaps"

3 because I do not recall this -- he would have mailed

4 it to me.

5 Q. But it's true, isn't it, that you're the

6 only one in this Archdiocese, the only individual

7 that has control of the personnel files?

8 A. Myself, the secretary, placed the things

9 in there, yes, sir.

10 Q. And the secretary does that when you ask

11 her to place things in the file?

12 A. Yes, sir.

13 Q. So is it logical, at least, to you that

14 you probably did receive this letter?

15 A. Yes, but I did not recall receiving it,

16 which was your question.

17 Q. Go to the first page of this letter,

18 please. In the second paragraph, the author of the

19 letter says that, "Many times, the parishioners of

20 St. Gertrudes Church have come to our Archbishop,

21 Robert F. Sanchez, personally and in writing

22 regarding a priest we have in St. Gertrudes parish in

23 Mora, New Mexico, by the name of Clive C. Lynn."

24 Do you disagree with that statement?

25 A. No, I think it's an accurate statement.

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1 You certainly can interpret the word "many."

2 Q. The last sentence in that paragraph says,

3 "Father Lynn was expelled from three different

4 parishes, from one of them by force, before being

5 sent here." Do you agree with that statement?

6 A. I do not know of him being expelled from

7 three different parishes.



















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14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) In the second paragraph

15 it says, "Many times as our religious leader is

16 supposed to be" -- "as our religious leader he is

17 supposed to be, has shown great discrimination toward

18 our people, which is mostly of Hispanic origin." Was

19 that something that you had been made aware of prior

20 to this letter?

21 A. No, sir.

22 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Object to the inference

23 that he was made aware of it at the time of this

24 letter.

25 MR. TINKLER: That's probably correct, as

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1 far as using the term "aware."

2 Q. Do you recall if after October 6, 1980,

3 you did any -- took any action? I know you don't

4 remember receiving the letter, but you don't deny

5 that it had to have been received. Do you remember

6 taking action after that with respect to Father

7 Lynn's ministry in Mora?

8 A. There's no single event that can come to

9 mind which could be called action regarding this

10 incident that I can remember. I just don't remember

11 that at all.

12 Q. Earlier I had asked you about whether you

13 remembered hearing of allegations that Father Lynn

14 didn't approve of parishioners taking their deceased

15 to the funeral home, and I wasn't able to

16 locate an exhibit, but do you see that that's now

17 mentioned in paragraph 4 of this letter?

18 A. Yes, sir, I see that there.

19 Q. Does that refresh your memory as to that

20 particular allegation?

21 A. No, I never had other allegations at all

22 regarding that. That was not part of my knowledge.

23 I have read it here, but I do not recall anything,

24 any other knowledge at that time.

25 Q. Turning to the second page, the top

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1 paragraph, it says, "Many are the complaints our

2 parishioners have against him as Sabine" -- "as" --

3 it says "Ms." -- "Sabine Griego expressed at the time

4 that he had so many complaints against Father Lynn,

5 that he was tired of that, and moreover that Father

6 Lynn did not belong in the Mora Parish." Do you

7 remember hearing that from Father Sabine Griego?

8 A. No, not in so many words. I just -- I

9 think he was dean during part of this time, and then

10 he was no longer in Las Vegas. I don't recall.

11 Q. At this time in 1980, this is October of

12 1980, did you have a shortage of priests in the

13 diocese at that time?

14 A. As I mentioned this morning, shortage is

15 very relative, but I do not recall, certainly I could

16 not recall at this moment if we had extra priests or

17 if there was a shortage. From my own experience,

18 we've always tried to cover the needs of the people

19 in whatever way necessary.

20 Q. Do you remember why you were -- why you

21 decided or had decided up to this point in time not

22 to remove Father Lynn from this parish?

23 A. I think one of the strongest factors may

24 have been, and I'm trying to think back, just the

25 impression that I received, as well as the

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 information that I received from parishioners

2 themselves when I would visit their parish, as far as

3 the essentials of parish life were concerned, I saw

4 an active parish, people involved, a religious

5 education program with release time that had a very

6 large number, larger than some parishes that are

7 bigger than Mora, which indicated some kind of

8 success. Somebody was behind it.

9 I saw organizations such as the Legion of

10 Mary with large numbers of both adults and youth.

11 Vesper service on Sunday evening I can recall

12 impressed me because most parishes never had vesper

13 services, and almost a full church present.

14 I guess just the positive things that I

15 saw must have impressed me deeply enough to say,

16 essentially, something right is happening, although

17 the man had a method about him that seemed to either

18 aggravate people or cause them to disagree with his

19 methods.

20 MR. TINKLER: Do you have Exhibit 72?

21 MR. KIERST: I have it.

22 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I believe you just said

23 that you understood that the youth group had

24 increased its membership?

25 A. I didn't say "increased." I said, what I

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 saw, what I heard from the teachers themselves, that

2 they had a very large number, and I was impressed

3 with the number for a parish the size of Mora for

4 release time from the school program.

5 Incidentally, that release time program

6 was unique in our Archdiocese.

7 Q. I want to refer you back to Exhibit 72,

8 page 2, this letter from Brother Coleman. I'll read

9 it here. It says, "Our numbers for high school

10 R.T.," and I assume that's "release training"; is

11 that what it --

12 A. "Release time."

13 Q. -- "release time have dropped from 450 to

14 90 per week."

15 A. -- "especially because of the

16 'anticipated' graduation mass which caused

17 tremendous division and scandal." So that was an

18 occasion why it dropped down.

19 Q. What is the occasion that you're referring

20 to that you say it actually increased?

21 A. I didn't say "increased." My statement

22 was that I was deeply impressed with the numbers, the

23 large numbers attending. This is for a high school

24 release time program. That's significant to have

25 that many high school youngsters in a religious

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1 education program. That doesn't even include

2 elementary kids, which is normally two or three times

3 the number of high school children.

4 In the state, in our archdiocese, very few

5 parishes -- in fact I should put it this way: Every

6 parish would be delighted to have 400 youngsters

7 attending a high school program. That is

8 significant.

9 Q. But isn't the gist of Exhibit 72 that by

10 the point in time, I think it's August 2, 1980, that

11 number had decreased to 90?

12 A. It had decreased, but he gives a reason,

13 and he doesn't say -- of course, he had left,

14 apparently, the letter says that he had left, where

15 the numbers increased.

16 And I don't want to argue that point. I'm

17 trying to make a statement to you, which you can

18 accept or not, that I was impressed with the large

19 number of students attending the religious education

20 program of release time. That was impressive to me.

21 Q. When was the last time you visited Mora

22 prior to August of 1980?

23 A. I don't recall that offhand.

24 Q. Do you recall how many times you visited

25 Mora during Father Lynn's assignment in Mora?

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1 A. No, sir, I do not recall that. Certainly,

2 I would have been there for confirmation every other

3 year. I would have been there for a parish fiesta,

4 hopefully, if I'm not out of town, and perhaps for a

5 pastoral visit during that time.

6 (Exhibit 75 was marked for

7 identification.)

8 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what is

9 marked Deposition Exhibit 75, which is a letter from

10 the fire services chief in Mora to yourself, dated

11 February 26, 1981. Could you please review that.

12 A. (Witness referred to document.)

13 Q. Have you finished reviewing Exhibit 75?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Do you recall this incident?

16 A. No, I just don't recall that.

17 Q. The fire chief is alleging that Father

18 Lynn would lock the exit doors with all the

19 parishioners inside, and they found it to be unsafe.

20 Isn't that the gist of the letter?

21 A. It says locking of exit doors. It doesn't

22 say all of them.

23 Q. Okay, "exit doors."

24 A. Right. I don't recall that. I'm trying

25 to think in my mind what would have been a reason for

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 doing that and how the church is situated in Mora.

2 Q. Do you remember feeling like perhaps it

3 wasn't safe for your parishioners?

4 A. It's obvious that it's not safe to lock

5 exit doors. It's certainly not wise and obviously

6 contrary to some form of guideline from the state.

7 Q. And the letter even indicates that Father

8 Lynn had previously been advised of this violation;

9 correct?

10 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. The document

11 speaks for itself.

12 THE WITNESS: I guess so. It doesn't say

13 it directly, but it seems to indicate that.

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) It says, "On January

15 20th, 1981, I sent a letter to Rev. Clive C. Lynn,

16 Pastor of St. Gertrude's Parish Church in Mora

17 concerning the locking of 'Exit' doors during

18 occupancy." Doesn't that mean that Father Lynn was

19 previously notified?

20 A. He was notified, and then they notified me

21 about that. Okay.

22 Q. Did you become concerned just for the

23 safety of your parishioners in February of 1981?

24 A. I was always concerned for the safety of

25 my parishioners and for their spiritual welfare. The

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 fact that I cannot recall this specific incident does

2 not eliminate my concern for the parishioners. If

3 this had happened last year, I could tell you in

4 detail what took place. This happened 15 years ago,

5 and I simply don't recall that specific incident.

6 Q. I understand that, but I'm saying, you had

7 constant concerns relative to Father Lynn and Mora;

8 isn't that correct?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. Why were you keeping him there?

11 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Asked and answered.

12 MR. TINKLER: No, this is a new date.

13 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Wait a minute. The

14 last time we asked the question --

15 MR. TINKLER: It was October.

16 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It was October 1980.

17 This is February 1981. We're going to then do this

18 on a quarterly basis? It's your deposition. You can

19 answer.

20 MR. TINKLER: Father Lynn is not my

21 responsibility.

22 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The Archbishop -- it's

23 just been asked and answered about five minutes ago

24 about three months ago.

25 THE WITNESS: Just a few moments ago you

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1 asked me why I had not transferred him out, and I

2 responded to the best of my recollection which I felt

3 influenced me the greatest. If I had not seen what I

4 would call the essential of parish life occurring

5 there, I'm sure I would have acted differently, but

6 seeing what I saw and hearing from the parishioners,

7 a large number of parishioners very actively

8 involved, very much a part of the church, it was not

9 an easy situation to handle. There are some things

10 in life call for difficult decisions, and the

11 judgments are not easy to come by.

12 I guess I was making this decision on what

13 information I could see.

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall what it

15 was you were looking for that you were going to

16 require to happen before you did move Father Lynn out

17 of there?

18 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection.

19 Speculation. That's asking to predict the future.

20 MR. TINKLER: No, I'm asking him to recall

21 if at the time he was looking for any particular acts

22 which would warrant removing Father Lynn from the

23 parish.

24 THE WITNESS: No, sir, I was not looking

25 for any particular acts.

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1 (Exhibit 76 was marked for

2 identification.)

3 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

4 as Deposition Exhibit 76, which is a letter from


6 Vegas, New Mexico, to you, dated June 29, 1981.

7 Would you please review that document.

8 A. (Witness referred to document.)

9 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 76?

10 A. Yes, sir, I have.

11 Q. Do you recall receiving this letter?

12 A. No, sir, I don't.

13 Q. Would you please turn to the third

14 paragraph of that letter. It says, "I am not writing

15 to inform you of the situation, as I know you are

16 already aware of it, I'm writing due to my knowledge

17 of the long-term, damaging effects of adults acting

18 out their sexual distress on young people."

19 Do you recall receiving anything from a

20 mental health professional, without the specifics,

21 that brought to your attention more sex-related

22 allegations?

23 A. I do not recall any contact with a social

24 service professional, as you mentioned.

25 Q. Do you recall hearing of additional

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1 allegations regarding Father Lynn and his sexual

2 behavior?

3 A. No, sir.

4 Q. The next sentence says, "In any private

5 individual, such actions are inappropriate." Do you

6 agree with that?

7 A. I don't know what actions she is referring

8 to.

9 Q. "Acting out their sexual distress on young

10 people"?

11 A. In what way?

12 Q. Did you happen to call

13 and see what she might have meant?

14 A. No, I did not. I do not recall it.

15 Q. This letter was also in Father Lynn's

16 personnel file, and like the other letters, it would

17 have had to have been placed there either by you or

18 at your direction; isn't that correct?

19 A. That's true.

20 (Exhibit 77 was marked for

21 identification.)

22 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I'm handing you what's

23 marked as Deposition Exhibit 77. It's a letter from

24 you to and it's dated July 13, 1981.

25 Would you review that, please.

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1 A. (Witness referred to document.)

2 Q. Do you recall sending the letter, which is

3 marked as Exhibit 77?

4 A. No, sir, I just don't recall it.

5 Q. Do you see in the last sentence of the

6 first paragraph, you said in this letter, "Your

7 comments will be kept in confidence and yet discussed

8 by the proper persons." Who would the "proper

9 persons" have been at that point in time?

10 A. I would have discussed it, and, again, I

11 would have to go back in my own mind, with my

12 Chancellor; perhaps, and I can't say for certain, my

13 attorney. I do not recall -- I don't believe I would

14 have brought this to the Personnel Board. I don't

15 see it marked up here; so apparently I did not. And

16 then maybe I did, as this first letter I had written

17 "Personnel Board" up here; so it may have been

18 brought before the Personnel Board.

19 Q. The first letter you're referring to is

20 Exhibit 76; correct?

21 A. 76, yes.

22 Q. Did you confront Father Lynn about these

23 allegations?

24 A. I don't have a specific allegation in

25 front of me, but I do not recall confronting Father

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1 Lynn about this specific allegation. I know I

2 confronted him regarding various complaints from

3 Mora, but I cannot recall what specific complaint or

4 what specific allegation or even when the

5 confrontations took place.

6 Q. Did this letter from the mental health

7 worker give you reason to think perhaps you should

8 remove Father Lynn from the Mora parish?

9 A. Yes, it would have caused me greater

10 concern, without a doubt.

11 Q. You know, at this point in time in your

12 tenure as Archbishop, you had already confronted

13 Jason Sigler three months before this?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And had him immediately removed from

16 service because of allegations of sexual

17 impropriety. Why didn't you do something at least

18 similar to that with Father Lynn?

19 A. I think we have two different instances

20 here to which I reacted. The first instance to which

21 you're referring with Father Sigler, there had been

22 specific allegations, boys come forward, families

23 come forward. The pastor comes to me and presents

24 those specifics. An action is taken because of

25 that.

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1 In this letter, we have a concern about --

2 I don't recall exactly how she placed this, stated

3 it, but it was not anything specific. It didn't

4 lessen the concern, but I'm saying the action taken

5 seems to have been due to the fact that we had

6 specific allegations and families in one instance.

7 In the other instance, we did not.

8 Q. Did you contact Miss Atkinson and ask her

9 for the specifics?

10 A. I do not recall contacting her.

11 Q. And your letter that you wrote her, you

12 did not ask her to give you more specifics, did you?

13 A. No, sir, I did not.

14 Q. And at that point in time, you had already

15 received previous complaints of sexual misconduct, or

16 alleged sexual misconduct, by Father Lynn; isn't that

17 correct?

18 A. I think you showed me one letter this

19 morning from a Brother Coleman that made reference to

20 that.

21 Q. Did you have some kind of personal

22 relationship with Father Lynn that caused you not to

23 want to take action against him?

24 A. No, sir, I did not, at no time.

25 Q. Was there something else going on in your

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1 life at the time that was distracting you from your

2 duties with respect to Father Lynn?

3 A. There were a lot of problems with our

4 church -- not with the church but just problems in

5 schools and the University of Albuquerque. There

6 were other responsibilities. You're never without a

7 full plate of responsibilities that you have to

8 attend to at any one time.

9 I would not use that as an excuse to fail

10 to attend to one specific area, but you ask what

11 other things may have been going on. There's always

12 a lot happening in your responsibilities.

13 Q. At this point in time, you knew that

14 Father Hunt was an expert or at least trained

15 somewhat in this area. Did you contact him and

16 discuss this matter with him?

17 A. No, I did not.

18 Q. And you don't -- never mind. Did you ever

19 take any action against Father Lynn because of the

20 sexual allegations in Mora?

21 A. I never took any action against Father

22 Lynn regarding the concerns about sexual activity in

23 Mora. Perhaps it's just our interpretation of the

24 word "allegation."

25 Q. You did seem to be -- you seem to be

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1 placing some significance --

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. -- on the distinction between specific

4 allegations and general language as it's contained in

5 Exhibit 76?

6 A. Yes, sir.

7 Q. But isn't it true at this point in time in

8 the church itself, this subject was difficult to

9 speak about in very graphic language, as you've

10 already indicated?

11 A. Yes, sir.

12 Q. So didn't you get the point of this

13 letter, that there's some sexual problem here?

14 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection.

15 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Without her coming out

16 and saying it? Didn't you have an idea?

17 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection.

18 Speculation. The point, the letter speaks for

19 itself. Whatever the point of the letter is is the

20 point of the letter. Your interpretation of the

21 point of the letter may be much different than

22 another reader of the letter.

23 Identify a point. Explain what your point

24 is, and he can answer the question.

25 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you understand the

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1 question?

2 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: You're asking him to

3 assume what the point of the letter is.

4 MR. TINKLER: No, I'm asking him, does he

5 --

6 Q. Well, what's your understanding of the

7 letter?

8 MS. KENNEDY: Now, as he sits here in

9 1994?

10 MR. TINKLER: Right now.

11 THE WITNESS: Let me just read her words.

12 This is not my words but her words. She says, "I am

13 writing due to my knowledge of the long-term,

14 damaging effects of adults acting out their sexual

15 distress on young people." She doesn't describe

16 "sexual distress" or "acting out."

17 "In any private individual, such actions

18 are inappropriate." The word "inappropriate" is a

19 very light term, uncalled for. It doesn't say --

20 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) "Too familiar with

21 boys"?

22 A. It doesn't say -- "inappropriate" is not

23 condemnatory language.

24 Q. Neither is "too familiar with boys," is

25 it?

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1 A. That's right, but this is her word here

2 that she's using. "In any private individual, such

3 actions are inappropriate," but because of the

4 position of a priest, and that's what she goes into,

5 that this could become scandalous because of his

6 position to uphold moral values.

7 You're asking me my interpretation of the

8 letter at this time. She is referring, in my mind,

9 to actions that may be considered too familiar with

10 children is what she's referring to specifically.

11 Q. Which, as we know, is the language that

12 the church has used to describe sexual abuse of

13 children; is that correct?

14 MS. KENNEDY: I'm going to object. I am

15 going to object. That is a mischaracterization if

16 you are saying that that's his prior testimony.

17 MR. BENNETT: He can answer the question.

18 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The testimony is that

19 parishioners have --

20 MR. TINKLER: I didn't ask him anything

21 about prior testimony. Listen to the question. I

22 asked him, isn't that true that that's the language

23 the church used to describe sexual abuse of children.

24 THE WITNESS: Our church used language

25 which was not descriptive. What particular

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1 expression, what she had in mind, I don't know.










11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) In 1981, you were aware

12 that it was wrong, morally wrong, to be too familiar

13 with boys for an adult; isn't that correct?

14 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. It seems

15 you may be using -- the words "too familiar" is

16 subject --

17 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Okay, to sexually abuse

18 a boy, did you know that was wrong, morally wrong?

19 A. Oh, yes, sexual abuse is morally wrong.

20 Q. And you knew that in 1981?

21 A. Sexual abuse is morally wrong.

22 Q. And by 1981, in the summer, you had been

23 alerted to the fact that priests do sexually abuse

24 boys, or it happens; correct?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. So why didn't you take action immediately

2 upon receiving this letter to remove Father Lynn from

3 service?

4 A. I can't express a reason why now, what was

5 causing my action at that time. We presented it to

6 the Personnel Board for review with this person, and

7 that's where it went.

8 Q. Did the Personnel Board, to your

9 knowledge, recommend that you take any kind of action

10 against Father Lynn as a result of these allegations?

11 A. I don't recall any specific. I think if

12 they had recommended an action to be taken, it would

13 have been taken; so I don't recall it happening.

14 (Exhibit 78 was marked for

15 identification.)

16 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I'm going to hand you

17 what's marked as Exhibit 78, which is your letter

18 dated December 31, 1981, to Father Lynn. Would you

19 please review that.

20 A. (Witness referred to document.)

21 Q. Have you reviewed that exhibit?

22 A. Yes, sir.

23 Q. Do you recall writing that letter?

24 A. I don't recall it, but it's my letter.

25 Q. What is the gist of the letter?

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1 A. The letter is a letter to Father Clive

2 Lynn, informing him that he is ceasing his ministry

3 at St. Gertrude's in Mora and is being assigned to

4 St. Joseph's parish in Raton, effective January 15th

5 of the next year, 1982.

6 Q. Do you recall why you made the decision in

7 December of 1981 to transfer Father Lynn to another

8 parish?

9 A. I can't recall all the details. For one

10 thing, the parish became opened. The present pastor

11 at that time, Father Albert Podvin, had asked to come

12 closer to the city, to his sister. I can recall

13 that. And it was an opportunity then to reassign

14 Father Clive Lynn to a community where there were two

15 parishes present in the city. We had two Catholic

16 parishes in Raton, St. Joseph's where he went, and

17 St. Patrick's, which is just across town.

18 Q. Is it your belief that the allegations

19 against Father Lynn formed no basis for the decision

20 to transfer him to the Raton parish?

21 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

22 answered, in January.

23 THE WITNESS: I think the rationale for

24 transfer was both the length of time he had been in

25 Mora, together with the various complaints of

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1 parishioners regarding his own manner.

2 (Exhibit 79 was marked for

3 identification.)

4 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

5 as Deposition Exhibit 79, which is a letter dated

6 February 9, 1982, and this is all that's contained in

7 the Father Lynn file from this letter. It's one

8 page, and it's unsigned, and there's nothing else in

9 the file. Could you please review that.

10 A. (Witness referred to document.)

11 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 79?

12 A. Yes, sir, I have.

13 Q. Do you recall seeing this document in

14 1982?

15 A. No, sir, I do not recall seeing it.

16 Q. If this document is in Father Lynn's file,

17 isn't it true, it would have had to have passed

18 through your hands to be placed in the file?

19 A. Yes, sir.

20 Q. Do you recall in February of 1982 having

21 any concerns about Father Lynn's possible sexual

22 problems when you had received a letter such as this?

23 A. I don't recall what exactly was in my mind

24 at that time. She mentions three areas of concern --

25 I should say "she" -- I shouldn't say "she" because

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1 there's no signature; I don't know who wrote this

2 letter, but it's dated February 9th, which is about

3 three weeks after Father Lynn went to this new

4 parish. And the person indicates drinking problem or

5 a "possible drinking problem," "possible homosexual

6 tendency," and "odd behavior," and she lists

7 different things underneath each one.

8 Q. And the things she lists under "possible

9 homosexual tendency" are some details about boys

10 having sexual advances made upon them by Father Lynn;

11 isn't that correct?

12 A. Yes, the author of the letter does -- I

13 don't have a signature. Do you have a page? You

14 mentioned "she" also.

15 Q. I mentioned "she." It was a mistake.

16 This is the only page.

17 A. This is the only page. I would tend to

18 believe that there was no signature on this letter.

19 Yes, the author of the letter includes

20 some possibilities, that whatever the author had

21 observed or had at least alleged to have come to the

22 knowledge of.

23 Q. Do you recall if you took any action as a

24 result of this letter?

25 A. No, sir, I do not recall the action. It

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1 certainly would be a concern for me, even though it

2 was unsigned.

3 Q. Who is Dr. Van Den Heuvel?

4 A. Dr. Van Den Heuvel is a psychologist with

5 his office here in Albuquerque.

6 Q. Had you referred priests to him before?

7 A. I had.

8 MS. KENNEDY: Before what?

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Before March of 1982?

10 A. I don't recall the dates, but I have

11 referred priests to Dr. Van Den Heuvel.

12 Q. Do you recall after receiving Exhibit 79

13 contacting Father Lynn and confronting him about the

14 allegations in that exhibit?

15 MS. KENNEDY: I'm going to object. Calls

16 for speculation on the part of the witness who's

17 already testified he has no recollection of receiving

18 this Exhibit 79.

19 MR. TINKLER: No, but he's also testified

20 that it had to have been received and placed in the

21 file by him at that time.

22 MS. KENNEDY: My objection stands.

23 THE WITNESS: I do not recall any meeting

24 with him.

25 (Exhibit 80 was marked for

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1 identification.)

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

3 as Exhibit 80 and ask you to review that. It's a

4 letter from you to Clive Lynn, dated March 19, 1982.

5 A. (Witness referred to document.)

6 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 80?

7 A. Yes, I have.

8 Q. Do you recall sending that letter to Clive

9 Lynn?

10 A. I don't recall this specifically, but I do

11 recall sending a letter to him with some specifics.

12 Q. With some specifics similar to these

13 specifics, referring him to a psychologist?

14 A. That and the reference to his former

15 parish, that he was not to return there.

16 Q. Do you recall directing him to see Dr. Van

17 Den Heuvel?

18 A. Yes, sir. That is my own recommendation.

19 Q. It appears as of March 19, 1982, he had

20 not followed through on your directions; is that

21 correct?

22 A. I don't know. I was simply reemphasizing

23 for him what directions I had given him during his

24 visit on March 5th. And I had instructed him to make

25 contact with this psychologist, and to establish a

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1 meeting time with him and begin therapy that way,

2 going through an evaluation.

3 Q. Was this letter sent because of the sexual

4 allegations against Father Lynn?

5 A. I think I was asking him to see him for

6 his wholeness, the whole person.

7 Q. Including that?

8 A. Perhaps including that as well, but

9 concerning his own mannerisms with people,

10 interpersonal relationships, which always seemed to

11 be, certainly when he was in Mora, very difficult

12 with people.

13 Q. You seem somewhat hesitant to include the

14 sexual allegations in the basis for this referral.

15 Is that because you're not sure or --

16 A. No, sir, I would have instructed him to

17 see the doctor for all of the allegations or all of

18 the needs that he seemed to have expressed or

19 indicated in his behavior.

20 Q. And in the last paragraph when you say,

21 "I've been praying very hard for you, Father Lynn,

22 that peace can be restored to your own heart, and

23 that God can guide you in your ministry to your

24 people, especially during this Lenten Season," was it

25 the whole of the allegations against Father Lynn that

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1 caused you, I guess, to have the opinion that peace

2 was not in his heart?

3 A. There was a specific incident. He

4 apparently had been visiting his former parish, and

5 the new pastor was there, and after whatever

6 discussion they had, the new pastor asked him to

7 leave, and he was refusing to, is what I understand,

8 and pushing began to happen.

9 This was brought to my attention by the

10 pastor of Mora at the time, and I invited both of

11 them to my home to meet with me and addressed that

12 issue specifically with them, and it was that to

13 which I was referring when I talked about peace.

14 Q. Did Father Lynn keep his appointment or

15 make an appointment with Dr. Van Den Heuvel?

16 A. I can't really recollect whether he went

17 through an evaluation or not at that time. I just --

18 I can't recall anything from him or from the doctor.

19 Q. I'll represent to you that the file

20 contains no further mention about Van Den Heusal, nor

21 a reply to this letter. Do you have any independent

22 knowledge that would be anywhere other than in this

23 file that he did see Dr. Van Den Heusal?

24 A. No, sir. My own memory just doesn't serve

25 me that way. I would have expected something in the

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1 file or from Doctor, perhaps the doctor himself may

2 have some information.

3 Q. Was the priest that you're referring to at

4 the Mora parish, was it ?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. Was it that he struck

7 Father Lynn did?

8 A. I don't believe he struck him, but that he

9 was in the act of trying to strike him, threatening

10 that.

11 Q. And as of the date that this letter was

12 written, Exhibit 80, March 19, had Father Lynn

13 actually taken over the parish in Raton?

14 A. I have to assume so. The letter of

15 appointment, I believe, was January 15th, I believe

16 it indicated of that year.

17 Q. Prior to January 15, 1982, did you or

18 anyone on your behalf advise the parishioners in

19 Raton that Father Lynn was going to be coming to

20 their parish and that he had sexual allegations made

21 against him from various people in the previous

22 parish?

23 A. The announcement was made to them that

24 Father Clive Lynn would be their new pastor. That is

25 normally done by the outgoing pastor. We did not

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1 instruct the pastor, to the best of my recollection,

2 to make any comments regarding his personal life in

3 any way.

4 Q. So the answer is no?

5 A. No.

6 Q. Did you at any point in time subsequent to

7 January 15, 1982, and prior to 1984, in that time

8 frame, ever warn the parishioners in Raton that

9 Father Lynn had had sexual allegations made against

10 him?

11 A. No, sir. And, again, the word

12 "allegation" is different from the word "concerns."

13 Q. What is it you're referring to, sexual

14 concerns? Are you saying only sexual concerns had

15 occurred?

16 A. That's how I interpret those statements.










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16 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) On Exhibit 79, dated

17 February 9, 1982, the author states, "An active

18 church participant boy informed another boy that

19 Father Lynn had





24 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The document speaks for

25 itself. If you have a question, the document is in

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1 front of us.

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Isn't that an

3 allegation? Is that an allegation?

4 A. Sir, it is an allegation. It's an

5 unsigned, unresponsible allegation. No one is

6 assuming responsibility for the allegation that

7 they're writing.

8 Q. And within three weeks, four weeks of that

9 letter, you had directed that Father Lynn go to

10 counseling?

11 A. That's right.















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3 (Exhibit 81 was marked for

4 identification.)

5 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Exhibit 81, I'm going to

6 hand to you, which is to you. It's a letter signed

7 by numerous priests within this diocese, dated March

8 29, 1982. I'd like you to review that document.

9 A. (Witness referred to document.)

10 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 81?

11 A. Yes, sir, I have.

12 Q. Do you remember that document?

13 A. I remember the concern. I don't recall

14 the document, but I do remember the concern.

15 Q. And do you remember that a group of

16 priests had contacted you, whether it be through this

17 document or directly, about placing Father Lynn in

18 psychiatric and/or psychological care at an

19 institution?

20 A. Yes, sir.

21 Q. And that they had asked you -- they had

22 hoped you would follow their recommendations, but, in

23 any event, they were wanting you to give a personal

24 response to these recommendations after the Mass of

25 -- I can't read it.

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1 A. The Chrism.

2 Q. -- the Chrism next week?

3 A. I remember their concern, yes.

4 Q. What did you do when you received Exhibit

5 81 --

6 MS. KENNEDY: We'll object. Calls for --

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) -- with respect to the

8 request in Exhibit 81?

9 A. I met with the group of priests who had

10 expressed a desire to meet with me to discuss their

11 letter. We did meet, as they had recommended, after

12 the Chrism Mass the following week, and we went

13 through each of these points of their concern.

14 Q. And did you take any action as a result of

15 their concern against Father Lynn?

16 A. I think the action that they were asking,

17 they were asking about canonical warnings being

18 issued to him about violations of the confessional

19 seal, mismanagement of funds or properties, assaults

20 on a priest, etc. I had already consulted -- not

21 consulted but confronted Father Lynn regarding each

22 of those areas, as I have indicated.

23 I appreciated their comment that they were

24 in agreement with the measures that I had taken thus

25 far in dealing with this conflict instigated by

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1 Father Lynn, given the past history and the people of

2 God.

3 Their recommendation for psychiatric

4 treatment, I indicated to them that I had in fact

5 referred him to Dr. Joseph Van Den Heuvel for

6 psychiatric treatment, certainly for, to begin with,

7 the evaluation from him. Apparently, at this time I

8 had not yet received any reference from the

9 psychiatrist or the psychologist regarding his

10 meeting with Father.

11 Those were the two things that they were

12 asking me to do.

13 Q. Did you make sure that he saw Dr. Van Den

14 Heusal?

15 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: It's Van Den Heuvel.

16 MR. TINKLER: Van Den Heuvel. Excuse me.

17 THE WITNESS: First was the verbal mandate

18 to him, and then a follow-up letter reminding him of

19 that to make certain that he would follow that up.

20 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you know if he ever

21 went to see Dr. Van Den Heuvel?

22 A. I can't recall whether he went to see him

23 or went to see him for an evaluation or went to see

24 him for evaluation plus follow-up visits. I just

25 don't recall whether he was one of the members who

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1 went to visit with him.

2 Q. If Dr. Van Den Heuvel had performed an

3 evaluation of Father Lynn, that would have been

4 placed in his file; isn't that correct?

5 A. If he would have sent me one.

6 Q. Right, if he had sent you one?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Do you recall ever talking to Dr. Van Den

9 Heuvel about Father Lynn?

10 A. No, I don't recall speaking about him

11 specifically.

12 Q. Is it fair to say that Father Lynn was not

13 placed in residential psychiatric care at an

14 institution?

15 A. Not at this time.

16 Q. And is it fair to say that he was

17 permitted to retain all of his faculties at the Raton

18 parish during this period of time?

19 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: What period of time?

20 MR. TINKLER: March 1982 forward.

21 THE WITNESS: Yes, he was.

22 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall receiving

23 complaints from the parishioners at Raton?

24 A. Yes, sir.

25 (Exhibit 82 was marked for

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1 identification.)

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

3 as Deposition Exhibit 82, which is a letter from

4 to yourself, dated September 10, 1982,

5 and I'd like you to review that document.

6 A. (Witness referred to document.)

7 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 82?

8 A. Yes, sir, I have.

9 Q. Do you recall receiving that letter from


11 A. No, sir, I don't recall it in particular.

12 Q. Do you recall this type of complaint being

13 voiced by the Raton community -- parish?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Do you recall doing anything about that?

16 A. Confronting the individual.

17 Q. Father Lynn?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. So when you confronted Father Lynn about

20 these complaints, did you ask him if he had been to

21 see Dr. Van Den Heuvel yet?

22 A. I don't recall whether I asked him whether

23 he went to see Dr. Van Den Heuvel or not.

24 Q. Do you recall the situation getting worse

25 than as described in Exhibit 82, the situation in

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1 Raton?

2 A. Others being concerned other than this one

3 lady.

4 (Exhibit 83 was marked for

5 identification.)

6 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

7 as Deposition Exhibit 83, which is an another letter

8 from dated September 21, 1982.

9 A. And that was September --

10 MS. KENNEDY: 10th.

11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall receiving

12 Exhibit 83?

13 A. Not in particular, sir, no.

14 Q. Do you recall the subject matter of

15 Exhibit 83?

16 A. It contains the same concerns about his

17 mannerisms and the way he was proceeding.

18 Q. Do you recall hearing that he had called

19 a "devil" because she had started a

20 petition drive?

21 A. No, I don't recall that.

22 Q. Do you recall him calling a special

23 meeting of the Sacred Heart Society to try and

24 convince them to dissolve the society because

25 was in the society?

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1 A. No, I was not informed of that.

2 Q. Other than this letter?

3 A. Other than this letter.

4 Q. Do you recall she suggested that you meet

5 -- I believe she suggested that she would like -- a

6 group would like to meet with you?

7 A. Yes, she mentions that.

8 Q. Did you do that?

9 A. I don't recall if we met. I think I may

10 have met with some group. I'm not certain whether it

11 was at my offices or elsewhere.

12 Q. After this letter, Exhibit 83, did you

13 take any action with respect to Father Lynn's

14 ministry in Raton?

15 A. Other than to speak with him regarding the

16 complaints, no other action.

17 Q. Do you remember speaking with him?

18 A. Not in particular, sir.

19 Q. You just think it would have been your

20 practice to do so?

21 A. Yes, sir.

22 Q. Does the fact that Exhibit 83 does not

23 have the word "Personnel Board" written across it

24 mean that this matter was not discussed with the

25 Personnel Board?

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1 A. No, sir.

2 Q. I had noticed on some other documents that

3 that was written on there by you.

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Is there any routine to that?

6 A. Oftentimes, when I am dictating a letter

7 to my secretary, I'll simply direct her to do so.

8 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: I would propose a break

9 at this time. We've gone an hour and 15 minutes.

10 (A recess was taken.)

11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, Exhibit 83,

12 after you received that, I believe you indicated you

13 believe you met with a group; is that correct?

14 A. I stated that I have recollection of

15 meeting with a group. I don't know if it was this

16 particular request or one at a later date, but I do

17 recall meeting with a group at some time, at some

18 point in this.

19 Q. Do you recall meeting with Clive Lynn,

20 let's say, in the fall of 1982 regarding the numerous

21 complaints that you had received?

22 A. No, sir. I just don't have any

23 recollection. I was just trying to think of any

24 response to this, but I don't have a recollection of

25 a meeting with him.

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1 Q. Do you recall if you'd met with Father

2 Lynn in early, let's say in the first six months of

3 1983?

4 A. No, I don't. I'm trying to fix something

5 in 1983 that I can look around, but I just have no

6 recollection of that, no.

7 Q. Without regard to the date, do you recall

8 ever meeting with Father Lynn over the issues raised

9 in Exhibit 83?

10 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: What are those issues?

11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Well, the treatment, I

12 think.

13 A. Of his language and reaction --

14 Q. Language and treatment of the

15 parishioners.

16 A. I have a recollection of having spoken to

17 him about his language with the people, his

18 mannerisms, which apparently were offensive to them,

19 words used that could be interpreted as threats,

20 calling a person "devilish" or whatever. I do recall

21 addressing that issue at some point.

22 Q. When you confronted him on those kinds of

23 issues, would he deny those issues, as well, or those

24 facts?

25 A. To the best of my recollection, I don't

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1 believe he was denying that he had done such things

2 as strongly encouraging everyone to come forward in

3 church, that they should not be sitting in back

4 because, otherwise, they weren't really participating

5 in the Mass.

6 I think he admitted the fact, but he was

7 trying to justify that this was a good thing. It's

8 true, it's nice to have all parishioners up front.

9 How you invite them to do that is something else. I

10 think that his mannerism in doing that probably

11 lacked a lot to be desired. But we went over those

12 complaints that the people had indicated.

13 Q. Do you recall that you also dealt with or

14 confronted Father Lynn about similar complaints in

15 Mora?

16 A. Yes, sir.

17 Q. And did it cross your mind that maybe he

18 wasn't suited for the priesthood, since every parish,

19 at least for the last few years, was nothing but

20 complaints?

21 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection.

22 Mischaracterizes the evidence.

23 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Was full of complaints?

24 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Also mischaracterizes

25 the evidence.

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1 THE WITNESS: I never could question

2 whether he was suitable for priesthood. It was

3 apparent from complaints that he certainly was, on

4 occasion, offensive to people. On other occasions,

5 he must have been very agreeable to people. So I did

6 not characterize him as unsuitable.

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Did the sexual

8 allegations that were made in Mora and then shortly

9 after he came to Raton, did those raise the question

10 of his suitability in your mind?

11 A. Again, as I mentioned, I hadn't questioned

12 the suitability of himself for priesthood one way or

13 the other, and that would include all of the comments

14 that had been made by these folks in writing.

15 Q. Archbishop, his file, his personnel file,

16 contains no documents indicating that he ever saw the

17 psychologist that you felt in March of 1982 was

18 important for him to see.

19 A. Right.

20 Q. Do you have an independent recollection of

21 him ever -- and I'm talking about, let's say, between

22 that March 19, 1982, and, let's say, fall of 1984 --

23 ever seeking counseling for the various issues that

24 you had hoped he would seek counseling for?

25 A. I do not have any other recollection

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1 outside of what we have discussed here. My meeting

2 with him ordering him to see Dr. Joseph Van Den

3 Heuvel, and then following that subsequently with a

4 letter that would clarify once again in writing that

5 obligation, but I don't have any recollection apart

6 from that.

7 Q. As I recall, one of your concerns at that

8 time, in addition to the sexual allegations, was his

9 inability to control his anger; wasn't that a

10 problem?

11 A. Anger was a concern.

12 Q. And I believe in Exhibit 82,

13 some less than six months later, points out in

14 paragraph four, that "His temper is so close at hand

15 that he wouldn't listen to anything that anyone tries

16 to say or explain to him," and then she goes on.

17 Do you recall whether or not you started

18 to be concerned in September of 1982 as to whether he

19 should go to counseling, or if he had ever been to

20 counseling?

21 A. It may very well be, since I cannot recall

22 -- it may very well be that he was in fact attending

23 counseling at that time. I do not have any

24 recollection. That's a possibility.

25 Q. If, in fact, he had not been attending

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1 counseling as of September 1982, and you were aware

2 of it at the time, would this type of letter have

3 concerned you, Exhibit 82 and 83?

4 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection.

5 Speculation.

6 THE WITNESS: I think the letters

7 certainly brought concern to me simply on their own

8 because they were from parishioners, obviously, or,

9 hopefully, good people. They cared enough to write.

10 So they did bring me concern.

11 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you ever recall a

12 period of time when the complaints stopped in Raton?

13 A. I don't have a recollection of how

14 frequently complaints would come in or how

15 consistently, or if there was indeed a long period of

16 time in which there was no complaints. I don't

17 recall that interim.

18 Q. Nevertheless, after you received Exhibit

19 83, you took no action to remove --

20 A. 82?

21 Q. 83 is the next one. It's a later date --

22 you took no action to remove Father Lynn from Raton,

23 did you?

24 A. No.

25 Q. Did you remove any of his faculties?

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1 A. No.

2 Q. Given the number of priests within the

3 diocese at that time, in 1982, would you say that the

4 complaints made against Father Lynn by parishioners

5 and priests were significantly higher than any other

6 parish complaints you were receiving?

7 MS. KENNEDY: Higher?

8 Q. Higher, number of complaints.

9 A. I'm so focused in on just this particular

10 case, it's hard to bring to my mind anyone else, but

11 I would say, it could very well be the case or the

12 individual with the highest complaints, but I could

13 not swear to that.

14 (Exhibit 84 was marked for

15 identification.)

16 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

17 as Exhibit 84, which is a letter dated June 23, 1983,

18 from Would you please review

19 that.

20 A. (Witness referred to document.)

21 Q. Do you recall receiving Exhibit 84?

22 A. Not really, no.

23 Q. Do you recall the subject matter of

24 Exhibit 84?

25 A. Yes, just a vague recollection of someone

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1 complaining about a wedding that had occurred.

2 Q. And him referring to the wedding party

3 during the wedding as a "pagan" wedding, or stating

4 that, "The laws of the church were that you were

5 permitted to attend 'pagan' weddings, but not ones

6 such as" -- this, saying that it in front of the

7 congregation?

8 (A discussion was held off the record.)

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Archbishop, with respect

10 to Exhibit 84, do you recall -- I know you don't

11 recall this specific letter, but do you recall

12 learning that Father Lynn had photographs of himself

13 hanging on the church walls?

14 A. No, sir, I didn't recall that, nor did I

15 ever notice them when I visited St. Joseph's church.

16 Q. If that were the case, is that

17 appropriate?

18 A. Not inside the church. Frequently, they

19 will have a picture of the Holy Father, even the

20 Archbishop, in the sacristy, and sometimes the pastor

21 will be there; or in one of the classrooms, if they

22 have instruction classrooms, they may have a picture

23 of the pastor.

24 Q. But not on the walls within the sanctuary?

25 A. Not in the church normally, no.

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1 Q. Did you find it strange that he

2 partitioned off part of the church pews so that he

3 could control where people sat?

4 A. I would find that sort of action strange,

5 excessive. As I mentioned earlier, to encourage

6 people to come forward is fine. It's a proper

7 thing. To take that type of action seems excessive.

8 Q. Do you know, did you take any action as a

9 result of any of the information you received in

10 Exhibit 84?

11 A. I can't recall the specific action taken.

12 Q. Did Father Lynn remain as pastor in Raton

13 during the year 1983?

14 A. Yes, sir, he did.

15 Q. Do you recall talking to Father Lynn about

16 the allegations contained in Exhibit 84?

17 A. No, sir, I do not recall.

18 (Exhibit 85 was marked for

19 identification.)

20 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's going

21 to be marked as Exhibit 85, which is a letter dated

22 October 6, 1984, from "A very concerned Parishioner

23 of St. Joseph Parish in Raton, New Mexico." I

24 believe you've had an opportunity to review that in

25 the last few minutes; is that correct?

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1 A. Yes, sir.

2 Q. Do you recall receiving this letter?

3 A. Not this particular letter, no.

4 Q. Do you recall receiving this allegation or

5 hearing this allegation in October of 1984?

6 A. There were several letters, if I recall,

7 couple of letters that came in during 1984. I don't

8 recall specifically what they contained. They were

9 certainly expressing concern about Father Clive Lynn.

10 Q. And they were expressing concern about

11 Father Clive Lynn and his attraction to young boys;

12 isn't that correct?

13 A. This one contains that as part of the

14 letter, yes.

15 Q. Do you recall becoming concerned again

16 about sexual allegations with Father Lynn when you

17 received this letter or when you heard about this?

18 A. I don't recall it, but I would have been

19 concerned.

20 Q. Did you do anything to remove Father Lynn

21 from the parish?

22 A. No, he was not removed.

23 Q. Was anything done? Was he even contacted?

24 A. I'm just trying to recall some dates or

25 time periods. I don't recall reacting to this

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1 particular letter with any action that I can recall

2 at this time.

3 Q. In the third paragraph from the bottom on

4 page 1, the author writes, "Father Lynn is a very

5 sick man, and I am very sorry for him. I only pray

6 that he will get help very soon." Do you recall

7 directing Father Lynn to get any help during this

8 time period?

9 A. No, I do not recall that.

10 Q. Do you recall even checking to see if

11 Father Lynn ever got any help?

12 A. No, sir, I do not recall that.

13 Q. Was it appropriate, if true, that he was

14 taking boys, young boys, "on trips out of town,

15 buying them tapes, watches, clothes," and giving them

16 money? Is that appropriate behavior for a priest?

17 A. No, sir.

18 (Exhibit 86 was marked for

19 identification.)

20 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

21 as Exhibit 86. It's a letter dated October 24, 1984,

22 from -- I can't read the last name, to

23 yourself. And you've had an opportunity to review

24 that letter as well; isn't that correct?

25 A. If I may, I think I can translate that.

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1 It's .

2 Q. Okay.

3 A. The question, sir?

4 Q. You've had an opportunity to review that

5 letter?

6 A. Yes, just a few moments ago.

7 Q. And do you recall this incident?

8 A. No, I do not recall the concerns that he

9 expressed.

10 Q. And as you read that letter, the concerns

11 that he expressed are that Father Lynn took money

12 from the church; is that correct?

13 A. The way I had read it, these people must

14 belong to some organizations within the church, and

15 prior to the arrival of Father Lynn, that they had

16 kept the moneys independent themselves, apart from

17 church records, and that Father was insisting that

18 the moneys be brought into the church fund.

19 Q. And they're also complaining that he

20 withdrew the funds from the bank when he was not an

21 authorized signature on the account; isn't that

22 correct?

23 A. It indicates, his statement is that Father

24 Lynn and a Richard Newman -- I don't know who that is

25 -- "had no right to that money." I do not recall

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1 the dispute between the organization and the rights

2 that anyone had. It says, "Beatrice Cordova and I

3 are the rightful signature on the bank card."

4 Q. And it also mentions that a year and a

5 half previous to that, Father Lynn did the same thing

6 with the bingo account; is that correct?

7 A. Yes, sir. I may also add that you would

8 like to have -- all of these separate accounts that

9 are in parishes should be kept within a general

10 ledger, because we've had experiences in the past

11 where separate bingo accounts or other accounts

12 simply disappeared with time, and it's good to keep

13 them within the ledger of the church with other

14 signatures besides the pastor to keep accounting

15 proper.

16 Q. The letter also mentions that over 120

17 families have left the parish since Father Lynn

18 arrived. Is that of concern?

19 A. That would be of concern, certainly.

20 Q. Did you take any action with respect to

21 Father Lynn after receiving this letter?

22 A. I do not recall the specific action I may

23 have taken.

24 Q. Do you recall taking any action?

25 A. I do not recall that. I would assume I

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1 would have called him regarding the statements in the

2 letter.

3 Q. Would you agree that the letters raise

4 additional concerns about Father Lynn?

5 A. Additional in which way? Excuse me.

6 Q. Additional to the ones we've already been

7 through today.

8 A. Additional inasmuch as it refers to the

9 bank accounts, yes.

10 (Exhibit 87 was marked for

11 identification.)

12 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) I hand you what's marked

13 as Exhibit 87. It is a letter from

14 dated November 7, 1984, to yourself. Would

15 you read that, please.

16 A. (Witness referred to document.)

17 Q. Do you recall receiving Exhibit 87 in

18 1984?

19 A. I do not recall the exhibit, but I recall

20 the woman's name and receiving communication from

21 her.

22 Q. Do you recall receiving communication from

23 her regarding Father Lynn's inappropriate behavior

24 with young boys?

25 A. I recall her concern about Father Lynn in

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1 general.

2 Q. And you don't recall it having to do with

3 the way he -- the way the parishioners were talking

4 about his behavior regarding young men?

5 A. Excuse me. I meant to say about his total

6 general behavior. I should have used the word

7 "total" perhaps rather than "general."

8 Q. Do you recall telling you

9 that Father Lynn had been threatening her?

10 A. No, I don't recall that. She mentions his

11 coming to the place of the employment and confronting

12 her.

13 Q. Do you recall taking any action as a

14 result of this letter, Exhibit 87?

15 A. I believe it was as a result of this

16 letter, or perhaps as a result of general concern

17 that had been voiced to me, but I did ask -- in fact,

18 the chairman, I believe he was the chairman of our

19 Personnel Board at that time, Father Johnny Lee

20 Chavez -- to go to Raton and to meet with this lady

21 and with others who may have had concerns and to find

22 out what their concerns were.

23 Q. Why didn't you immediately pull Father

24 Lynn from service in this parish?

25 A. Looking at this letter, and I see serious

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1 concerns on the part of this woman, her desire is to

2 be able to meet with us and to try to bring this to a

3 complete settlement. She is saying that we should

4 have an investigation to try to clear up the

5 situation. "I only pray that those in authority will

6 investigate the allegations and if they are true that

7 help will be given Father Lynn. If it is not true

8 then his name should be cleared."

9 So I felt I would respond to the request

10 for personal opportunity to speak with someone in

11 authority.

12 Q. You had already at this point in time,

13 just a month before that, received another letter

14 from another parishioner --

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. -- talking about Father Lynn and his

17 inappropriate behavior with young boys; correct?

18 A. Yes, sir.

19 Q. And the year before, you had also received

20 a letter, and the year before that you had received a

21 letter, and you had received a letter from Mora from

22 a mental health evaluator, and a complaining young

23 man who was going to the priesthood in Mora. So by

24 November of '84, did you start to think, maybe

25 there's something to these allegations?

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1 A. Certainly, I thought that there was

2 something to their allegations, because they were

3 upset, they were hurting people, I was concerned.

4 Q. In 1981, you got an allegation regarding

5 Father Sigler, and you immediately terminated his

6 faculties. Why in 1984 didn't you do the same thing

7 to Father Lynn?

8 A. Sir, as I've mentioned earlier, the

9 allegations against Father Sigler were specific, with

10 people named directly and the families and the boys;

11 so action was taken with this man.

12 The allegations that are included here,

13 again, were expressing their general concern that

14 these trips, as is mentioned here in this letter or

15 the other one -- I've read so many letters, I don't

16 know which one said which. But this lady here is

17 expressing her concern regarding Father's

18 confrontation with her and her own concern for the

19 parish, for the people of the parish, as well as for

20 the pastor of the parish.

21 Q. Then she says on the second page, third

22 paragraph from the bottom, "These are serious

23 allegations and if true could prove to be traumatic

24 for the young boys involved." Did that alert you to

25 the fact that maybe she was talking about young boys

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1 being hurt by Father Lynn?

2 A. I'm sure it would have alerted me to that,

3 and perhaps that and the rest of the letter and the

4 other letters began what I would call our effort to

5 investigate this situation.

6 Q. Did you confront Father Lynn after you

7 received this letter?

8 A. I do not recall a personal confrontation

9 immediately following this letter, but I do recall

10 requesting a visitation, personal visitation, by the

11 chairman of our Personnel Board with this woman.

12 Q. When do you recall that happening?

13 A. I don't have a date in mind, sir. I

14 cannot show you any documentation as to when that

15 happened.

16 Q. Was it within 30 days?

17 A. If I had that type of recollection --

18 MS. KENNEDY: I'm going to object. Calls

19 for speculation on the part of this witness. He's

20 already told you, Mr. Tinkler, he has no recollection

21 of the date.

22 THE WITNESS: I know that having received

23 this, and apparently I had discussed this with the

24 Personnel Board, even though it doesn't make mention

25 of it, the resolution must have been for, and agreed

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1 to, by the chairman of the Personnel Board to be able

2 to make that visit in my name.

3 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Did you think that these

4 allegations were not serious enough to warrant you

5 personally visiting the parish to determine what was

6 going on?

7 A. I did make a visit to the parish, and I

8 did meet with these people who were seriously

9 concerned, and I met with them outside of St.

10 Joseph's parish, at the parish of St. Patrick.

11 Q. When was that?

12 A. I can't recall that, but that happened in

13 this whole situation of this time frame right around

14 this period. I can't recall whether it was December

15 or January, but it was a personal visitation to the

16 parish.

17 Q. Or it could have even been as late as the

18 following summer?

19 A. No.

20 Q. No?

21 A. No, no.

22 (Exhibit 88 was marked for

23 identification.)

24 Q. Let me hand you what's marked as Exhibit

25 88. It's a letter from a to you, dated

221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 November 14, 1984.

2 A. The same time frame as the other letter?

3 Q. About a month later -- I'm sorry, a week

4 later.

5 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: The other letter is

6 Exhibit 87, seven days later.

7 THE WITNESS: That's what I figured, the

8 same time frame.

9 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Do you recall seeing

10 Exhibit 88?

11 A. Not specifically, sir, no.

12 Q. Do you recall the nature of the

13 allegations being brought to your attention, the ones

14 that are set forth in Exhibit 88?

15 A. I don't recall all of the allegations

16 mentioned here.

17 Q. But this letter, like the other letters

18 we've been talking about --

19 A. Right.

20 Q. -- came from the personnel file of Father

21 Lynn.

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. Which would indicate that you saw the

24 letter on or about the date it was received; is that

25 correct?

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 A. Yes, sir, that's correct.

2 Q. Don't you think it was inappropriate for

3 Father Lynn to sleep with son in

4 Albuquerque at the State Fair?

5 A. Yes, sir.

6 Q. And inappropriate to be putting his hands

7 on his knee?

8 A. Yes, sir.

9 Q. Didn't you wonder about all the rumors she

10 said had been circulating?

11 A. Yes, sir.

12 Q. Didn't you wonder about the way she was

13 treated by Father Lynn? Didn't that seem

14 inappropriate?

15 A. Yes. That was offensive to her.

16 Q. Did you check into the matter?

17 A. Again, I cannot recall specifically, but

18 the person I had asked to go to Raton to talk to

19 these people, he would be able to meet with them

20 personally and to check into their concerns.

21 Q. I assume you don't recall speaking with

22 Father Lynn about this particular allegation; is that

23 correct?

24 A. No, sir.

25 Q. That is correct?

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1 A. That is correct.

2 Q. Do you recall ever receiving a report from

3 Father Johnny Lee Chavez?

4 A. I can't recall the details of his report

5 to me, sir, but Father Johnny Lee was a very

6 dependable person, and I can recall him making a

7 report to me, but I just don't recall the details of

8 his report.

9 I can recall that he had met with people

10 up there in Raton to listen to their allegations and

11 their concerns, whatever complaints they had, and he

12 shared those with me, but I can't recall the

13 individual people that he met with or what the nature

14 of their conversations were. I would have to assume

15 that among those that he met with were these people

16 who have written these letters.

17 Q. Do you recall Father Chavez showing you a

18 report from the Human Services Department regarding

19 the allegations against Father Lynn?

20 A. I don't recall the incident, sir, at this

21 moment, but if he was sent a report, he most

22 certainly would have brought that to my attention.

23 (Exhibit 89 was marked for

24 identification.)

25 Q. I hand you what is marked as Deposition

221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Exhibit 89, which is a letter to Father Johnny Lee

2 Chavez from Jean Clark of the Human Services

3 Department in Raton, dated December 21, 1984. Please

4 review that.

5 A. (Witness referred to document.)

6 Q. Do you recall seeing Exhibit 89 back in

7 December of 1984?

8 A. Once again, I cannot recall the specific

9 referral of the letter to me, but it's written to

10 Father Johnny Lee Chavez, and he would have shared

11 that with me.

12 Q. Didn't you become concerned when the Human

13 Services Department was appealing to your offices to

14 stop the molestation of their children?

15 A. Yes, sir.

16 Q. What did you do about it?

17 A. I can't give you dates or times. Again, I

18 believe that our action that I had decided to take

19 was that he would in fact be removed from the parish,

20 and we would have to get him residential care.

21 These were serious conclusions that I

22 needed to look at, and I could not ignore this

23 because of Health and Social Services. I can't

24 recall clearly instances, but I believe that this

25 letter then initiated some kind of conversation

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 between myself and Health and Social Services.

2 Q. Did you immediately restrict Father Lynn's

3 faculties?

4 A. No, sir, apparently I did not.

5 Q. Why not?

6 A. I simply did not. I think that in my mind

7 was the resolution that he was going to be removed

8 from the parish, and I simply did not restrict his

9 faculties at that moment.

10 Q. Was it in your mind that as you waited to

11 restrict his faculties, young boys could be abused

12 further?

13 A. Even though I cannot recall in my own mind

14 at this time, I have not been able to recall much of

15 these details, I would feel that there was indeed a

16 confrontation between myself and Father Lynn

17 regarding this. I don't know what warnings -- I

18 cannot recall what warnings were extended to him. It

19 was probably as a result of this also that I was

20 meeting in Raton with the women that I had mentioned

21 earlier, the family members.

22 Q. Do you remember doing that?

23 A. I remember meeting with them, yes.

24 Q. You don't remember when, though?

25 A. No, I don't remember the dates. I do not.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 Q. And you don't remember meeting with Father

2 Lynn at all?

3 A. As I mentioned, I cannot recall that.

4 Q. Who was the dean of the deanery at this

5 time?

6 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: In December of 1984?

7 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Of this area, in

8 December 1984.

9 A. I don't really know, but I would suggest

10 possibly Father Vidal Martinez from Las Vegas,

11 possibly.

12 Q. The same gentleman that had notified you

13 of complaints regarding Father Lynn several years

14 before?

15 A. When he was in -- at the end of his stay

16 in Mora, yes.

17 Q. Did you contact the dean, whether it was

18 Father Martinez or some other individual, regarding

19 these allegations in December of 1984?

20 A. No. I had chosen to send Father Johnny

21 Lee Chavez on this particular mission rather than the

22 dean. He was chairman of the board. He also was a

23 native of Raton. So I felt maybe he would know some

24 of these people more personally and be able to speak

25 with them.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
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1 Q. Did you have him speak with Father Lynn?

2 A. No, I don't think that was part of his

3 mission.
















19 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) How did you feel you

20 were helping your parishioners and their children by

21 keeping Father Lynn in the parish after you received

22 a letter such as Exhibit 89?

23 A. I do not recall the circumstances that

24 would have kept me from taking immediate action. I

25 believe in my mind it was resolved that he would be

221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 removed from the parish. And even though I cannot

2 recall meeting him personally, I feel certain that

3 there was a personal confrontation and warning to the

4 man about these allegations that have been brought to

5 my attention.

6 Q. Is it fair to say if the record would

7 indicate that you did not remove Father Lynn from the

8 parish at that time, that it was your opinion that it

9 was still safe for him to be in the parish, safe for

10 the parishioners?

11 A. Given the warnings to him personally, the

12 information that in fact allegations were being

13 brought against him, that through this Christmas

14 season that there would no longer be any type of

15 incidences, that he would not in any way be offensive

16 to the people of that parish.

17 Q. Approximately 14 months prior to this, on

18 the complaint of one parishioner, you had an

19 immediate confrontation with Father Smith here in

20 Albuquerque; correct?

21 A. Yes, sir.

22 Q. And even though he denied the allegations,

23 within several months you had him removed from

24 office?

25 A. Yes, sir.

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Q. And that was after one allegation;

2 correct?

3 A. Yes, sir.

4 Q. So now in December of 1984, you have

5 numerous allegations that have occurred over the

6 years regarding Father Lynn?

7 A. Yes, sir.

8 Q. And you still choose not to remove him

9 from office.

10 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. There's no

11 question.

12 MR. TINKLER: I haven't finished it.

13 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Well, let's get to it.

14 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Why the distinction

15 between Father Smith and Father Sigler's treatment

16 versus Father Lynn's treatment?

17 A. Your statement was that I chose --

18 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Excuse me, Archbishop.

19 If you can answer that. There may be no reason for

20 the distinction.

21 THE WITNESS: I believe that I was secure

22 in my own mind that the man was going to be removed

23 in a reasonable period, just as I had taken action

24 with Father Smith in a reasonable period of time.

25 This was the Christmas season when this particular

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 letter came, and perhaps that was part of the

2 influence at that time.

3 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Up to this point in

4 time, December 21, 1984, had you yourself or anyone

5 on your behalf warned the children in the parish in

6 Raton that there had been sexual allegations made

7 against Father Lynn?

8 A. No, sir.

9 Q. Isn't it true that yesterday, and I just

10 want to go back over this, when you confronted Father

11 Smith, you indicated in yesterday's testimony that he

12 did admit the allegations?

13 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Asked and answered as

14 recently as perhaps five minutes ago and certainly

15 yesterday. The record is going to speak for itself.

16 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Well, is that your

17 memory?

18 A. Would you repeat the question?

19 Q. That Father Smith admitted the

20 allegations?

21 MS. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and

22 answered.

23 THE WITNESS: He had admitted going with

24 the boy on the trip; to the best of my recollection,

25 admitted that there had been indiscretions on his

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 part, but I don't recall anything beyond that.

2 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Now, when you confronted

3 Father Lynn, I know you don't remember the time, but

4 when you did confront Father Lynn, did he admit the

5 allegations?

6 A. To the best of my recollection, sir, I

7 believe he was in constant denial about most things

8 that I would bring to his attention, whether they

9 regard these particular allegations or the other

10 statements that we have discussed this afternoon

11 regarding inappropriate behavior towards the

12 parishioners by relegating certain seating or

13 removing them from parish organizations, etc.

14 Q. Did that concern you, that he seemed to

15 deny every allegation you were hearing?

16 A. I don't recall to what extent his denial

17 concerned me.

18 Q. Back when he denied the sexual

19 allegations, did you institute a canonical

20 proceeding?

21 A. We do not have a canonical proceeding for

22 that. Investigations had been made by apparently the

23 Health and Social Services, also by Father Johnny Lee

24 Chavez.

25 Q. Had you yourself in December of 1984, did

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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 you have any doubt in your mind that there was

2 substance to the allegations against Father Lynn?

3 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Objection. Are you

4 talking about the allegations --

5 MR. TINKLER: Sexual allegations.

6 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: Sexual allegations

7 contained in Exhibit 89?

8 MR. TINKLER: To start with.

9 THE WITNESS: Sir, I would trust the

10 statements of the Health -- of the Human Services

11 Department. I felt that that was their job.

12 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Wasn't it your own

13 personal practice to remove individuals that were

14 accused of committing sexual abuse against children,

15 to remove them from the parish immediately?

16 A. It would indeed be the proper thing to do,

17 to remove them for the safety of the children,

18 because that's our particular concern, and I do

19 believe that by this time, that was my intention, to

20 take action on Father Lynn.

21 (Exhibit 90 was marked for

22 identification.)

23 Q. (BY MR. TINKLER) Let me hand you a

24 document marked Exhibit 90. This is a letter dated

25 February 28, 1985, from Juan Vigil of the State of

221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 New Mexico Human Services Department to yourself.

2 A. (Witness referred to document.)

3 Q. Have you reviewed Exhibit 90?

4 MR. WINTERBOTTOM: One moment, Mr.

5 Tinkler, not in its entirety. I'm not clear which 90

6 is. 90 appears to be an envelope. I misspoke, we

7 reviewed that in its entirety.

8 THE WITNESS: I think this is the one

9 needs to be stamped.

10 MR. TINKLER: Okay, let's forget the

11 envelope.

12 Q. So you have reviewed Exhibit 90; is that

13 correct?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Does that refresh your memory that as of

16 February 28, 1985, you had done nothing to remove

17 Father Lynn from --

18 (A discussion was held off the record.)

19 Q. Archbishop, with respect to Deposition

20 Exhibit 90, does that indicate to you that as of

21 February 28, 1985, you had still not taken any action

22 to remove Father Lynn from his parish in Raton?

23 A. It indicates that Father Lynn had not been

24 removed. I do recall that, as I mentioned earlier

25 before the electricity went off, that pursuant to

221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 that letter that had come to Father Johnny Lee Chavez

2 from the Health and Social Services, that there had

3 been some conversations between myself and them.

4 (A discussion was held off the record,

5 and the deposition recessed at 4:15 p.m.)





















221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 John/Jane Does vs. Roman Catholic Church of the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc., et al.
If there are any typographical errors to your deposition,
4 indicate them below.


6 Change to

7 Change to

8 Change to

9 Change to

10 Any other changes to your deposition are to be listed
below with a statement as to the reason for such change.







19 I, ARCHBISHOP ROBERT F. SANCHEZ, do hereby certify
that I have read the foregoing pages of my testimony
20 taken on October 5, 1994, as transcribed, and that
the same is a true and correct transcript of the
21 testimony given by me in this deposition except for
the changes made.


221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092



3 Nos. CV-93-02879
4 CV-93-02883
5 CV-93-07186
6 CV-93-08930
7 CV-94-05040
8 CV-94-05042
9 CV-94-05044
10 CV-94-05046
11 CV-94-05048
12 CV-94-05050
13 CV-94-05052
14 CV-94-05054
15 CV-94-06778
16 CV-94-07716
17 CV-94-08075


19 Plaintiffs,

20 against

22 a New Mexico Corporation, et al.

23 Defendants.


221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092



2 CERTIFY that on October 5, 1994, the deposition of

3 Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez was taken before me at

4 the request of, and sealed original thereof retained

5 by:

6 Stephen E. Tinkler
Merit Bennett
7 Robert J. Reese
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
8 425 Sandoval Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
I FURTHER CERTIFY that copies of this
certificate have been mailed or delivered to the
following counsel and parties not represented by
counsel appearing at the taking of the deposition:
Karen C. Kennedy
14 Attorney for Defendant Archdiocese
P.O. Box 11648
15 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87192-0648

16 Arthur O. Beach
Attorney for Defendant Archdiocese
17 P.O. Drawer AA
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103
Peter S. Kierst
19 Attorney for Defendant Archdiocese
P.O. Box 35670
20 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176-5670






221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


1 Richard A. Winterbottom
Attorney for Defendant Archbishop
2 320 Central Avenue, S.W., Suite 30
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Alan K. Konrad
4 Attorney for Defendant Servants
of the Paraclete
5 P.O. Box 25687
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125
Travis R. Collier
7 Attorney for Defendant Lovelace Institutes
P.O. Box 1888
8 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103-1888

9 Kenneth L. Harrigan
Attorney for Defendant Pecos Benedictine
10 Monastery, Sons of the Holy Family
P.O. Box 2168
11 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103

12 Richard D. Yeomans
Attorney for Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
13 4308 Carlisle Boulevard, N.E., Suite 207
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107
I FURTHER CERTIFY that examination of this
transcript and signature of the witness was
required by the witness and all parties present.
I FURTHER CERTIFY that the cost of the original
and one copy of the deposition to Stephen E. Tinkler
is $666.05.
I FURTHER CERTIFY that I did administer the
oath to the witness herein prior to the taking of
this deposition, that I did thereafter report in
stenographic shorthand the questions and answers set
forth herein, and the foregoing is a true and
accurate transcript of the proceeding had upon the
221 Otero Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092


taking of this deposition, to the best of my ability.
I FURTHER CERTIFY that I am neither employed by
nor related to any of the parties or attorneys in
this case, and that I have no interest whatsoever in
the final disposition of this case in any court.

8 Certified Court Reporter No. 63
License Expires: 12/31/94

















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Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 984-2244 FAX: (505) 984-2092























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