Text of Letter from Archbishop
By Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen
Archdiocese of Seattle
May 29, 1988
[Reprinted with Archdiocesan Policies Regarding Priests with Pedophilia Continue to Evolve, by Dan Portman, The Progress, June 2, 1988.]
(Editor’s note: The following is the text of the letter that was read at Masses in all parishes in Western Washington last weekend.)
Dear Friends,
The Gospel this weekend shares with us the final words of Jesus Christ when he walked on the earth. He told his disciples and he tells us, "’Know that I am with you always until the end of the world." We need to hear these words of Jesus, especially as we face the realities of living out that Gospel here in Western Washington.
During this past week, many of you learned about the struggles we have faced concerning Father Jim McGreal, who has undergone extensive treatment for a sexual disorder eventually identified as pedophilia. I am writing in hopes that this situation, as painful as it is, will serve as an opportunity to break the cycle of silence that perpetuates abuse in the human family.
First of all, I want to express my deep concern and compassion for all those whose lives have been directly affected by this painful situation. I assure them that the archdiocese will do all in its power to provide them with pastoral care in the days ahead. At the same time, we wish to create a new atmosphere based on education and dialogue, so that the problem of abuse and exploitation will become a distant chapter in our past.
In the meantime, the Catholic archdiocese upholds its commitment to act quickly and responsibly whenever situations of child abuse come to our attention. In every case, we will attempt to provide prompt pastoral care for the victim, cooperate fully with civil authorities, and provide due process for the accused.
As in the past, we are seeking the advice and counsel of the professional community as we search for the best paths to follow. Clearly there are no easy answers. We rely on the guidance of the Spirit, the advice of competent professionals, and the input of concerned persons, so that together we can learn the best ways to address the problem of child abuse wherever it is found.
I ask for your prayerful support in the days ahead. Pray for me as I will for you.
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Raymond G. Hunthausen
Archbishop of Seattle