May 23, 2006

Archbishop Admits Hiring Felon Was Wrong


Reported by: 9News/Enquirer
Web produced by: Mark Sickmiller
Photographed by: 9News
First posted: 5/23/2006 9:24:54 AM
Following an I Team report on the issue, Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk is admitting that hiring a convicted felon to conduct background checks for the Archdiocese was a mistake.

In a letter sent to priests, Pilarczyk wrote, "I deeply regret the serious lapse in judgment," referring to the hiring of Alex Henties. The rest of the letter is below.

Vincent Frasher, the man who directly hired Henties, remains under investigation and on administrative leave.

Henties claimed Frasher sexually abused him when he was a child.

Posted by kshaw at May 23, 2006 10:29 AM