May 17, 2006


The Herald News

By Ted Slowik
staff writer

ROMEOVILLE — The Vatican on Tuesday named the replacement for Bishop Joseph Imesch, who is retiring after nearly 27 years as head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet.

Monsignor James Peter Sartain, 53, bishop of the Diocese of Little Rock, Ark., will be installed June 27 as Joliet's fourth bishop during a ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Raymond. ...

Imesch told reporters at the diocese's St. Charles Borromeo Center that his departure was in no way related to criticism about his responses to reports of sexual abuse of minors by clergy.

"It certainly has nothing to do with the sex abuse crisis. I'll be 75. That's the determining issue," he said.

Posted by kshaw at May 17, 2006 06:12 AM