April 20, 2006

Boston Archdiocese Opens Financial Records - Cardinal O'Malley's Letter On Financial Transparency

Catholic Online

Dear Friends in Christ,

The document you are about to read is a comprehensive summary of the financial condition of the Archdiocese of Boston. It presents a look at all of the entities that most would consider to comprise the Archdiocese, with a particular focus on the principal operating entity, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, a Corporation Sole. Through full disclosure, a clear description of our organizational structure and the recognition of the impact of our difficult recent history, we hope to provide the faithful as complete an understanding as possible of our financial status.

The numbers on these pages are meaningful only when put within the context of ministry. As Catholics, we are charged with the mission of spreading the Gospel in word and in deed. That mission is served when a priest says Mass and when a child attends religious education class. It is also served when a soup kitchen feeds someone in need or a pastoral minister visits a hospital patient. The numbers within this report do not define who we are as Church, but they do provide a picture of the resources available to carry out our mission. And they tell us we have a great deal of work to do.

Posted by kshaw at April 20, 2006 07:27 AM