April 20, 2006

Lawsuit accuses priest of abuse

The Mercury

Mike Castiglione, mcastiglione@pottsmerc.com 04/20/2006

POTTSTOWN -- A Pottstown Catholic school priest and principal have been named as defendants in a sexual abuse lawsuit filed Wednesday in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.

Responding to the allegations, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia issued a written statement Wednesday saying an investigation by the Pottstown Po-lice Depart-ment last April concluded that the allegations were "unfounded and not credible."

Named as defendants in the lawsuit are Pastor Edward Kuczynski and Principal Joyce Babin of St. Peter’s School on South Street.

The lawsuit, which also lists St. Peter’s School, Cardinal Justin Rigali and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as defendants, was filed by the guardian of a former St. Peter’s student. The family is seeking in excess of $600,000.

Posted by kshaw at April 20, 2006 07:06 AM