April 10, 2006

SNAP leader arrested for violating court order

Capital News 9

4/9/2006 10:39 PM
By: Capital News 9 Web Staff

Albany police arrested the leader of a clergy abuse victims' advocacy group for allegedly violating a court order restricting protests.

Mark Lyman was arrested near the Holy Cross church in Albany during Palm Sunday services.

By court order, protesters cannot come within 100 feet of the church, but police said Lyman overstepped that. Lyman is the local co-director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

After posting bail, Lyman joined another protest outside the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Church leaders said the protestors are blind to their efforts, but Lyman's lawyer said the diocese is trying to shut his client up.

Posted by kshaw at April 10, 2006 12:16 AM