April 07, 2006

Abuse Victims Want Priest Retried


By Mary Conway
Web produced by Sarah Morgan
April 6, 2006

Victims of sexual abuse sent a strong message to the Wayne County Prosecutor, Thursday, because of her decision to not retry an accused priest.

Three people, who were sexually abuse by priests, met outside the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office and signed a letter protesting Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s decision to not retry Edward Olszewski.

Olszewski was convicted in 2003 of abusing children while he was a priest, but his case was thrown out on a technicality.

Sexual abuse survivor, Bill McAlary, said "What is he doing in Florida? Is he abusing kids? Is he on a sex offenders list in Florida? Is he on the offenders list in Michigan? We don’t know that. Just because they say it’s unlikely that he will practice in Florida, he might move to California or Texas."

Posted by kshaw at April 7, 2006 06:10 AM