March 31, 2006

Survey finds new 2005 claims of abuse by clergy; none in Reno


Posted: 3/31/2006

While a survey found there were 783 new credible claims of sexual abuse by clergy against minors in 2005, the Diocese of Reno received no new allegations during that period, its spokesman said Thursday.

Nationwide, dioceses and religious institutions paid almost $400 million in settlements for claims in 2005, according to a survey released Thursday by Roman Catholic officials. In Reno, the diocese paid $35,150 in settlements last year, said Brother Matthew Cunningham, church spokesman.

In addition to legal settlements, the diocese paid $8,000 in 2005 for therapy for victims, Cunningham said.

The highest percentage of payments gone to programs directed toward child safety, he said. Last year, the diocese spent $52,920 for child safety, background checks and fingerprinting for volunteers and workers, as well as child education, among other programs, he said.

"The bigger thing for us is to make sure our parishes provide the numbers for victims advocates," Cunningham said. "We are continuing to do training for adults and are trying to make sure these things get out to parishes, to remind people that if there's a problem, here's what you do."

Posted by kshaw at March 31, 2006 07:56 AM