March 31, 2006

N.H. audit: church didn't ensure checks


3/30/2006, 4:53 p.m. PT
The Associated Press

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Efforts by the state's Roman Catholic diocese to protect minors from sexual abuse have failed to make sure all workers, volunteers and clergy have passed criminal background checks, according to a newly released state audit.

While the Diocese of Manchester has made some progress implementing steps to protect children, the background checks issue is something that must be addressed immediately, Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said Thursday.

"There's still significant work that remains for the diocese to do and in some respects the level of compliance is disappointing," she said at a news conference. "The fundamental problem appears to be a failure to take responsibility at the top of the diocese."

Posted by kshaw at March 31, 2006 07:35 AM