March 28, 2006

A request of Cardinal George


Chicago Cardinal Francis George acknowledges responsibility for the fiasco that evolved out of what is supposed to be that archdiocese’s child abuse prevention program.

He is right to do so. But we are left wondering what he means by that.

The details (see story) are damning: A high-profile priest known to some archdiocesan officials as a potential abuser since his seminary days was allowed to remain in parish service for four months after additional, and current, allegations of abuse were brought against him. Amazingly, in addition to his duties as parish pastor, Fr. Daniel McCormack continued to serve as a parochial school teacher and sports coach. Meanwhile, the priest appointed to “mind” McCormack was rarely present at the parish and had virtually no training regarding what such “minding” might entail.

Posted by kshaw at March 28, 2006 10:20 PM