March 22, 2006

Group to offer faithful voice for crime victims

The Phoenix

By KARIN WILLIAMS, 03/22/2006

PHOENIXVILLE - A concerned group of Catholics who began a local Voice of the Faithful chapter, a group which works to bring about change in the church, will host the first-ever Victims' Advocate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Mary Achilles, who was appointed by Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will be the guest speaker at the St. Ann's Church Hall on Thursday evening. The victims' advocate, selected by former Governor Tom Ridge to "elevate" the voices of crime victims in the state, will speak about strengthening services to victims of clergy sexual abuse.
Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) is a national organization dedicated to affecting change within the church by providing a voice for the people.
Pat Sattolo, who started the Phoenixville branch of VOTF, said the goal of the group is to support victims of sexual abuse by priests and honoring priests of integrity.

Posted by kshaw at March 22, 2006 07:39 AM