March 16, 2006

Diocese statement on abuse settlement

The Clarion-Ledger

Special to The Clarion-Ledger

"A settlement has been reached between 19 individuals who were sexually abused as children by priests or who had loved ones who were abused and the Catholic Diocese of Jackson, attorneys for the parties announced today. The announcement came following years of litigation and over a year of mediation efforts to try to resolve the cases which were filed beginning in 2002.

"The Catholic diocese and its insurers have agreed to pay the total sum of $5,162,500 to the group of 19 individuals whose claims are being settled.

The settlement also includes certain non-monetary terms, such as the Catholic diocese's agreement to issue a public apology, the diocese's agreement to remove any person against whom there has been a credible allegation of abuse from any position of influence over policy and decision making regarding sexual abuse claims; and, the diocese's obligation to publicly disclose any policy changes which have been implemented by the church to 1) deter abuse of this nature; 2) promote reporting of such actions; and, 3) ensure prompt investigation upon receipt of allegations of abuse and prompt remedial action if necessary. According to the Diocese, The non-monetary terms in this settlement agreement reflect the Catholic diocese's long-standing commitment to protect children of the Church."

Posted by kshaw at March 16, 2006 08:07 PM