Toledo Blade
A year’s about right.
Enough time has passed.
Last February about this time, the most high-profile feature to ever be filmed in Toledo, Kirby Dick’s Twist of Faith, had a sparkling future. A month before, it premiered at the Sundance Film Festival to standing ovations; a month later, Dick and producer Eddie Schmidt were at the Academy Awards, nominated for best documentary alongside Super Size Me and Born Into Brothels.
But it lost (to Brothels). It aired in the dead of summer on HBO. And it never opened for a regular screening schedule in, of all places, Toledo. This week, finally, the film is on DVD (HBO, $24.98).
Perfect time for an update:
Tony Comes — the subject of the film, the Toledo firefighter who alleged that former priest Dennis Gray sexually abused him as a teenager — was singled out last month during Mayor Carty Finkbeiner’s State of the City address. A chain smoker in the film, he quit smoking (then came down with pneumonia last week and spent four days in the hospital). Our Lady of Perpetual Help, his church, hosted a screening of the film in December; and Comes and his wife, Wendy, are still together.
Posted by kshaw at February 17, 2006 08:41 AM