February 02, 2006

Social workers unable to be contacted over child abuse reports

Evening Echo

02/02/2006 - 17:45:41

A shocking survey today revealed that more than 90% of social workers could not be contacted with concerns over child abuse.

The study was disclosed by the One in Four sexual violence support group at a Joint Committee on Health and Children.

The charity is also calling for an amendment in The Children’s Act, which currently is entirely ineffective in cases of extra-familial abuse in Ireland.

Colm O’Gorman, of the One in Four group, was discussing the The Ferns Report, which investigated more than 100 allegations of child abuse against Roman Catholic priests in the Diocese of Ferns over the period 1966 to 2002.

“The Ferns Report details compelling evidence of the failure of this state to adequately protect its children,” he said.

“It details how appalling sexual abuse of Irish children occurred despite numerous complaints and allegations to both church and civil authorities.

Posted by kshaw at February 2, 2006 10:40 PM