February 01, 2006

Priest Suspended For Pedophilia Allegation

The Post Chronicle

by UPI Wire
Feb 1, 2006

CHICAGO, Feb. 1, 2006 (UPI) -- The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago has removed a priest from the ministry pending an investigation into pedophilia allegations.

The move Tuesday came the same day a class-action lawsuit was filed against the archdiocese, claiming the church in Chicago has refused to release secret files and a list of priests accused of sexual abuse.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports Cardinal Francis George removed the priest because of a 20-year-old allegation. The priest's name was not released.

The cardinal's spokeswoman, Colleen Dolan, said a board has been set up to review accusations made against Chicago priests, including the one removed.

In 2004 the archdiocese said 55 priests were being investigated for abuse of minors but a complete list of the priests in question was kept quiet. The lawsuit filed Tuesday wants the list made public.

Posted by kshaw at February 1, 2006 04:31 PM