December 06, 2005

Victims, church battle over bill


Columbus, Ohio

Members of the Ohio legislature heard deeply disturbing tales Nov. 22 from alleged victims testifying in favor of a state bill that would dramatically increase the statute of limitations for sexual abuse of minors. The new law, opposed by the Catholic Conference of Ohio, could have a significant effect on potential cases involving priests.

The current law allows allegations into civil court two years after the age of 18. Senate Bill 17, currently in front of the judicial committee in the Ohio House, extends the time from two years to 20. More important, say victims’ advocates, is how SB 17 creates a one-year “look back” period allowing complaints to be filed for allegations up to 35 years old. SB 17 would also strengthen mandatory reporting laws for bishops, priests, counselors, teachers and others who suspect child sexual abuse.

The bill passed the Ohio Senate unanimously last March, but has been stalled in the House judiciary committee over spirited negotiations between victims’ advocates and the Catholic Conference of Ohio (run by Ohio’s bishops), which opposes the bill.

Posted by kshaw at December 6, 2005 11:58 AM