November 23, 2005

Worcester Faithful saddened with reality of actions by Bishop McManus.

Worcester Voice

The continued backlash from the Fr James Aquino scenario continues to grow. Catholics who are and have been faithful to Worcester Bishops have now no room for accommodations. The sad reality that protection of the clergy, and reputation of the Worcester Dioceses comes before what is known to be wrong and inexcusable actions have deluded any chance for reunification of the dioceses.

Some faithful have questioned the ability of Bishop Robert McManus to run the dioceses of Worcester, while others have sought his removal.

The sad reality of the Worcester dioceses remain as such. The Worcester dioceses has paid the lowest clergy abuse settlements in the nation. Clergy abuse victims who the Worcester diocese publicly states were treated with dignity and respect, report being terrorized by Attorney Joanne Goulka of the law office of Griffin and Goulka who represents Travelers Insurance company.

Posted by kshaw at November 23, 2005 11:36 AM