Irish Independent
THE Ferns Diocese, still reeling from a damning report into clerical abuse, was under fire last night over refusing to display posters highlighting the abuse of the elderly.
Reachout, an elderly welfare umbrella group, criticised the diocese for turning down a request to put its posters in church porches. Last night, a church spokesman said the diocese was open to meeting the group's representatives.
Reachout said it contacted various dioceses around the country asking bishops for permission to display posters for its helpline and highlighting dangers of abuse of the elderly.
Reachout says over 20,000 older people suffer abuse - physical, psychological, financial and sexual. Since its helpline, at 1800 940010, was set up last May, it has received over 2,000 calls. Jack Keaveney, chairman of the group's subcommittee on abuse of the elderly, said they got a "very fulsome" response from many dioceses, including the Archbishops of Dublin and Armagh.