November 08, 2005

Judge places LA church abuse cases on track for 2006 trial

Mercury News

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - A judge placed 44 child sex abuse lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles on track for trial next year following three years of unsuccessful settlement talks.

The cases are the first abuse allegations against Los Angeles priests to progress this close to a jury trial.

Monday's order by Superior Court Judge Haley Fromholz could result in the first detailed public airing of allegations that church officials shuttled around priests who were accused of molestation rather than turning them over to police or warning parishioners.

Trial could force the church to turn over documents showing how it handled alleged abusers. Cardinal Roger Mahony had vowed to settle all 562 abuse cases against diocesan personnel.

Posted by kshaw at November 8, 2005 07:00 AM