November 05, 2005

Priest let go from school amid inquiry

Philadelphia Inquirer

By Troy Graham
Inquirer Staff Writer

St. Augustine Prep, a private all-boys school in Richland, N.J., hired a priest to teach senior religion this year despite warnings from the Diocese of Camden that he had been accused of sexual abuse and had been suspended from the ministry.

When the diocese learned last month that Frank Hudson had been hired anyway, the diocesan chancellor wrote to the school, saying it was "entirely inappropriate" to employ anyone facing an unresolved charge of sexual misconduct.

"And this is especially serious when we speak of employment in a Catholic school," Msgr. Peter M. Joyce wrote.

In a statement yesterday, the school said Hudson had been suspended as of Wednesday, the same day a reporter from The Inquirer called the diocese to ask about Hudson.

Posted by kshaw at November 5, 2005 07:13 AM