October 28, 2005

2 men testify against priest

The Arizona Republic

Jim Walsh
The Arizona Republic
Oct. 28, 2005 12:00 AM

Two men in their 30s from Indiana said they suffered silently for years, but the hurt spilled out Thursday as they testified in Maricopa County Superior Court against a former West Valley priest accused of molesting six Arizona boys.

A 38-year-old father from South Bend, Ind., testified that Rev. Paul LeBrun first fondled him when he was 13 years old, under the ruse that he was checking for a hernia.

"I wish he would do what he taught us to do, to be accountable for his actions, to be truthful," said the witness, whose identity is being withheld because he is the victim of an alleged sex crime.

Posted by kshaw at October 28, 2005 07:28 AM