October 26, 2005

Report urges new powers for Health Minister

Irish Examiner

By Dan Collins
THE Inquiry has recommended the consideration of a law which would introduce a new criminal offence for anyone who fails in their duty to protect a child.

Legislation enabling the Minister for Health and Children to seek a barring or restraining order from the High Court in cases where a person with unsupervised access to children has abused or is deemed to be a serious risk needs to be put in place.

Another recommendations is for an in depth study of the powers of the Health Services Executive to intervene in cases of child sexual abuse committed by a non-family member.

Gardaí must be trained in how to interview children appropriately “and be able to provide a child-friendly and secure environment for this to take place in order to reduce trauma.”

Posted by kshaw at October 26, 2005 09:49 AM