October 25, 2005

ISPCC action call on Ferns report

Irish Health

[Posted: Tue 25/10/2005]

The ISPCC has called for specific child protection actions to be taken in the wake of the Ferns Inquiry Report, published today.

The report ,to be published later this evening, is expected to criticise the church authorities, the Gardai and the South Eastern Health Board in relation to the handling of sex abuse allegations against around 25 priests in the Ferns Diocese.

The ISPCC has called for-

*The immediate introduction of mandatory reporting of child abuse through the placing of the Children First guidelines on a legislative basis;

*The introduction of a legislative obligation on employers and organizations to ensure that any staff or volunteer working with children, including members of the clergy, are Garda-vetted;

*The introduction of legislation to enable the establishment of a system whereby information regarding people identified as being a risk to children but without a criminal conviction for child abuse can be recorded and made available through the vetting process;

*Constitutional change to ensure children's rights are firmly embedded and protected within the Constitution.

Posted by kshaw at October 25, 2005 10:18 AM