October 21, 2005

Griffin: Catholic hierarchy continues to shake faith

Wellesley Townsman

By Richard Griffin/ Growing Older
Thursday, October 20, 2005

A friend of many years standing (whom I will here name Paul) has shaken my inner world by revealing something of his own.

He is a person of strong character and sharp intelligence. In addition, he has devoted his life to community service in ways that continue to inspire me. At the same time, he cherishes his family and is an admirable husband and father.

Paul's life is notable for continuity. He takes seriously the educational and governmental institutions that have helped to shape his character and his career.

So, too, with the church. From childhood on, Paul has been an active Catholic, well educated in the teachings of the church and committed to helping others in need. Now arrived in mid-life, he has continued his allegiance to this tradition, along with his wife and family.

Recently, however, in the midst of a conversation about the church, Paul surprised me by allowing that he now feels shaken in this allegiance. Recent events have upset his confidence in this institution that has been such a major influence on his life. Nowadays, he is so deeply troubled by much of what church authority does that he has doubts about his place in the church.

Posted by kshaw at October 21, 2005 07:03 PM