October 14, 2005

Vatican's concerning stance

Gonzaga Bulletin

By Brady Smith
Published: Friday, October 14, 2005

In light of Tuesday'sAbuse Tracker Coming Out Day, I would like to congratulate HERO (Helping Educate Regarding Orientation) on their events in front of Crosby.

Unfortunately, while HERO is taking strides to educate the campus and bring all sexual orientations together in an atmosphere of respect and understanding, the Vatican is taking a big step backward.

Recently the Vatican said that a document will soon be released which will declare that homosexuals are unwelcome in Roman Catholic seminaries even if they are celibate. Even if they are celibate.

In my Christian Sexual Morality class, we studied the Catholic Church's position on homosexuality. Basically, it does not condemn homosexuality as long as the person does not engage in any same-sex sexual relations. The church condemns the act of homosexuality, but says that it will still embrace the person. I think it is tragic that the church has now abandoned this statement.

Posted by kshaw at October 14, 2005 11:50 AM