October 12, 2005

Mubarak Views: Unholy Sacrament

Windy City Times

by Mubarak Dahir

If there was any shred of doubt left that the new Pope is taking the Catholic Church in an increasingly anti-gay direction, the latest proposal being considered by the Vatican should put those hesitations to rest.

Apparently, it isn’t enough for the Vatican to go on an anti-gay witchhunt and start prohibiting gay men from becoming priests, as the Church apparently plans to do soon.

Now, the Catholic Church is going to damn those who oppose its antiquated views on homosexuality to hell, so to speak: The latest proposal being considered is one that would call on priests to deny the sacrament to Catholic politicians who have voted in favor of policies and laws that go against official Vatican teaching. In other words: Vote for gay marriage, go to hell.

Posted by kshaw at October 12, 2005 06:31 PM