October 03, 2005

Judge says there is probable cause Rev. Erickson killed two men

Pioneer Press

Pioneer Press

There is probable cause to conclude the Rev. Ryan Erickson killed two men at a Hudson funeral home in 2002, a St. Croix County judge said Monday afternoon.

Judge Eric Lundell said that on a scale of 1 to 10, the case laid out Monday against Erickson was so convincing, he'd rate the probable cause the Erickson committed the crimes a 10.

Lundell gave his opinion after a day-long hearing at which District Attorney Eric Johnson asked questions of numerous people who made the case against Erickson. At the time of the killings on Feb. 5, 2002, Erickson was assigned to St. Patrick's Church in Hudson.

Earlier in the day, a church deacon testified that Erickson blurted out that he committed the killings at the O'Connell Family Funeral Home and that he expected to be arrested.

Posted by kshaw at October 3, 2005 06:15 PM