October 03, 2005

Decision Time for Catholics


By Katie Harlan

Southeast Eugene -
Local Catholics are being asked to speak up about whether churches and their property belong to the parish or should be turned over to settle millions in priest sex abuse lawsuits. Monday marks the last day, Catholic parishioners can opt out of a class action lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Portland. Though locals will not be held liable for any settlement, some are worried but more confused about the pending lawsuits.

Each of the parishioners at St. Jude Church in Eugene are defendants in the Archdiocese of Portland's bankruptcy case. "It's a little nerve racking. I'm sure that the judge knows what she's doing, I have confidence in the law and due process and all that, but I think for a lot of people it was confusing," said Father Tom Yurchak.

The pastor isn't the only one with questions. "I'm confused and I think that our pastor is confused, I think I'm not alone in that," Ted Branet, St. Jude Parishioner.

The letter explains a class action lawsuit that involves 390,000 Catholics in Western Oregon. The action was taken after the Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy to respond to more than 200 claims of sexual abuse by priests.

Posted by kshaw at October 3, 2005 08:53 AM