September 25, 2005

Church cannot continue to protect sex predators

Courier Post

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Despite evidence taken from diocese records in Philadelphia identifying possible sexual predators among the priests, it appears church officials still are not treating abuse allegations with proper seriousness.

Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham, who convened a grand jury to probe allegations of priests' abuses, claims former cardinals covered up for predators.

Cardinal Justin Rigali, the archbishop of Philadelphia appointed in 2003, apologized and acknowledged "the considerable suffering experienced by victims of abuse." Rigali previously said the Philadelphia archdiocese had addressed concerns raised by an audit team last year.

But diocese attorneys went on the defensive after Abraham released grand jury findings Wednesday, ranting that the three-year probe was mean-spirited and reminiscent of anti-Roman Catholic persecution during the 19th century.

Actions like that likely give comfort to the pedophiles the grand jury believes remain ensconced in the priesthood while leaving their alleged victims cold.

Posted by kshaw at September 25, 2005 07:30 AM