September 22, 2005

Creep of the Week: The Vatican

Pride Source

By D'Anne Witkowski
Originally printed 9/22/2005 (Issue 1338 - Between The Lines News)

The Vatican

The evangelical Christians and the Catholic Church may disagree on some pretty big things, but there's one thing they all agree on: When all else fails, blame the gays!

Such is the thinking behind the terrible child sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church - and cost it over a billion dollars in settlements - over the past few years. That's a big chunk of change for a church that had to shutter a slew of its schools recently due to lack of funds (but they still managed to dig between the couch cushions last year for a million bucks in Michigan to push the anti-gay marriage amendment. They've got to have priorities, after all).

The abuse scandal has been a devastating PR blow as evidence was uncovered that pedophile priests were routinely protected by the church and even moved from place to place when allegations of molestation arose.

Clearly the church had to do something - and blame someone - fast. Surely their focus would be to weed out abusers and pedophiles, right?

Um, no. That would imply culpability. Instead, the church is focusing on ousting gays, which would make sense if gays were the same thing as pedophiles. They are not, as every fully evolved human knows.

Posted by kshaw at September 22, 2005 12:04 PM