September 19, 2005

Doubts aired about Life Teen program

Rocky Mountain News

By Gwen Florio, Rocky Mountain News
September 19, 2005

A Roman Catholic church in Littleton launched a youth program Sunday over objections from a parishioner concerned about accusations against the program's founder.

Monsignor Dale Fushek, the Arizona priest who founded the Life Teen Inc. program, is the subject of a probe into sexual misconduct. Fushek has denied the allegation.

Last week, Jo Wessels sent letters and e-mails to about 60 fellow parishioners at Light of the World Catholic Church, noting that the Catholic Church in the United States has paid an estimated $1 billion to settle sexual abuse cases.

"Why is Light of the World giving even one penny to a private corporation that is supporting a program and a priest currently being investigated on a multitude of fronts?" she wrote.

Life Teen is a private organization that runs Catholic youth programs. Its Web site says more than 120,000 teens attend weekly Life Teen Masses in 19 countries.

Posted by kshaw at September 19, 2005 08:44 AM