September 15, 2005

Latest abuse audit finds diocese in step with charter

Pittsburgh Catholic

The Diocese of Pittsburgh was “found to be compliant with all the articles of the ‘Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People,’” according to an independent audit of diocesan policies and practices conducted in August.

The Gavin Group of Boston conducted a written audit of the diocese — the first time for a complete written report on each aspect of compliance with the charter.

In this year’s report, the auditors gave the diocese an “A+,” and noted that the communications plan and implementation were particularly well done.

“We are especially pleased by the results of this audit,” said Father Lawrence DiNardo, episcopal vicar and director of the Department for Canon and Civil Law Services. “Bishop (Donald) Wuerl has been at the forefront in seeing that our diocese had good policies in place, with updates and revisions as needed.

Posted by kshaw at September 15, 2005 11:18 AM