August 27, 2005

Bill Aims To Extend Statute Of Limitations In Child-Sex Case


POSTED: 11:05 am MDT August 26, 2005

DENVER -- Amid molestation allegations against a former priest, at least two state lawmakers are drawing up bills that would extend or eliminate the statute of limitations in cases of alleged sexual abuse of children.

State Sen. Joan Fitz-Gerald, D-Golden, the Senate president, plans to introduce a bill next year to give adults victimized as minors more time to file civil lawsuits.

State Rep. Rosemary Marshall, D-Denver, said she will introduce a bill to eliminate the statute of limitations for criminal charges involving sexual offenses against children.

Both said they were motivated by a clergy sexual-abuse scandal that has plagued U.S. Catholic dioceses since 2002.

Posted by kshaw at August 27, 2005 08:42 AM