August 12, 2005

New Safe Touch program will ‘empower students’

St. Louis Review

by Barbara Watkins, Review Staff Writer

Beginning this fall, local Catholic elementary schools and parish schools of religion will implement Safe Touch, a program to educate their students about child sexual abuse.

The goal is to teach children the difference between safe and unsafe touching and to let children know that if anything happens that makes them feel uneasy, they should tell another adult, said Thomas Lemp, one of the program’s creators.

"It is about children learning that it is their body and they can set the boundaries about how their body is touched and dealt with," Lemp said. "And if there is a problem, let somebody know, and we will make sure it stops."

Lemp and Saundra Barker, both of Catholic Family Services, developed Safe Touch in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Child Safety Committee and the Catholic Education Office.

Posted by kshaw at August 12, 2005 05:11 PM