August 09, 2005


The Open Press

(OPENPRESS) August 9, 2005 -- It seems whenever we turn on our televisions, we are bombarded with stories about the sexual abuse and/or misconduct of a priest and clergyman against innocent victims. Due to the number of abuse cases being reported today, US religious leaders are going through one of the most traumatic periods in religious history. In his timely new novel, A Huddle for Righteousness (AuthorHouse, May 2005, $12.95 paperback, 1-4208-1587-3), Marsh Reggie White presents a dramatic and creative story involving a Priest’s fall from grace and God’s justice for him and, ultimately, for us all.

A Huddle for Righteousness is a narrative taken from the lives of biblical characters from Hebrews Chapter 11, and the hall of fame of faith. It involves a court room scene played out in heaven whereby Joshua, a High Priest, has been caught in a sinful act by Satan. God presides over the proceedings, Satan is the prosecuting attorney, and the Angel of Jehovah is the defense counsel. As both attorneys give moving and challenging arguments for and against Joshua, there is a “huddle for righteous” as the audience sits patiently awaiting God’s verdict for Joshua; a verdict which in essence will affect the lives of all mankind.

Earthy and spiritual in style, Marsh Reggie White’s writing seeks to bring a new perspective and enlightenment on teachings from the Bible.

Posted by kshaw at August 9, 2005 07:33 AM