July 06, 2005

Clergy Sexual Abuse: The Legal Issues


During the past three years, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reported publicly on the scope of the problem of sexual abuse by clergy and taken numerous actions to increase awareness of the issue, safeguard children by dealing forcefully with incidents of abuse and aid in the healing of victims and their reconciliation with the Church.

Of course, dealing with clergy sexual abuse has also become a legal issue, in Los Angeles and elsewhere, and a complicated one at that. It is the goal of this website to provide comprehensive information and analysis about the resolution of clergy sexual abuse in Los Angeles as a legal issue.

The Archdiocese and its attorneys are committed to reaching a fair and just settlement with the victims of clergy abuse. With that in mind, these fundamental principles govern the work of the legal team:

That no action hinders the prosecution of anyone who has broken the law.
That all actions come in the context of policies, such as zero tolerance of sexual abuse, instituted by the Church.

Posted by kshaw at July 6, 2005 07:02 PM