Renew America
Matt C. Abbott
June 17, 2005
The following is a significant portion of a court document filed June 17, 2005 by attorney Ivan Safyan Abrams: ...
The objecting tort claimants find themselves in an odd position. On one hand, they were led to believe that their membership in the grandiosely titled Official Committee of Tort Litigants would gain for them the stature they have lacked for years, sometimes for decades. At last, they thought, someone would believe their history of abuse and would advocate for them. Instead, they find themselves victimized again, this time not at the hand of perverted and unholy clergy, but by similarly misguided lawyers and worse, their fellow victims. In the challenges to the victims' claims, we see a distressing echo of the days of the Holocaust, when cynical Nazis used Jewish capos to escort their fellow Jews to the gas chambers, accompanied by symphonic music played by captive Jewish musicians.