CHICAGO, June 13 /PRNewswire/ -- As the Catholic Bishops of the United
States gather in Chicago for their Spring Meeting, they will meet opposition
to their pious homophobia. The Catholic Hierarchy in recent years has stepped
up their attacks on the GLBT Community. The Rainbow Sash Movement stands
shoulder to shoulder with our sisters and brothers in the Gay Liberation
Network as we condemn this rampant homophobia. ...
The Catholic hierarchy should look in the mirror, they offended God as
greatly as any priest by seeking first to ignore the clergy sexual abuse
problem, then to shuffle pedophiles around, finally to buy the silence of
their victims with payouts contingent on not discussing their cases. This is
unworthy of the soldiers of Christ, who Himself expelled money-lenders from
His place of worship. The Bishops only bring more shame to the church with
their campaign of hate against the GLBT community. Compassion curdles into
self-righteous zealotry. The Bishops are in no place to judge others; they
lack any credible moral authority to do so. We continue to call for dialogue.