May 28, 2005

Priest sent to prison for abuse wants out

Cincinnati Post

Post staff report

Convicted child molester and defrocked priest Earl Bierman is scheduled to go before the Kentucky Parole Board in July to ask for release from his 20-year prison sentence a year and a half early.

He was sentenced in 1993, and with time earned for good behavior, is supposed to complete his sentence in December 2006.

Bierman, 73, was a late addition to the list of inmates the parole board has scheduled for hearings in July, said Campbell Commonwealth Attorney Jack Porter.

Porter said he didn't know why Bierman, who was given a serve-out order by the parole board in 1997, was granted a hearing and wanted more information about his status before taking a position on the request for early release.

Parole officials weren't immediately available for comment on Friday night, so the basis for Bierman's hearing wasn't known. During a previous hearing before the board in 1997, he complained of health problems.

Posted by kshaw at May 28, 2005 09:06 AM